Norwood 2/Norwood 3 - Need help on the front hairline !


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That really hurts coming from a hair transplant salesman. Ouch. As far as patients go it is NOT a medical specialty as much as it is a cash cow selling to the vulnerabilities of the CUSTOMER.Most of the time making them worse off than had they done nothing. You of all people know that. Go do some arm curls girls. I will continue to talk people out of a life altering decision. My objectives are noble yours aren't.What is patient care? Selling surgeries to those that shouldn' get it.N/w 2-3 with hairline troubles should not be getting hair transplants. They are in panic mode. Ripe for the picking. But you know that all too well. Did you distribute hats to your victims? Wanna loose a few sponsers? Keep messin bro.I'll make some calls. You are being a perpetrator not an educator.How many hopes and dreams have hair transplants ruined? You know the answer.Thankfully the guys that are currentley sponsering you don't do that. But your former employers where doing exactley that.


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Mahair said:
That really hurts coming from a hair transplant salesman. Ouch. As far as patients go it is NOT a medical specialty as much as it is a cash cow selling to the vulnerabilities of the CUSTOMER.Most of the time making them worse off than had they done nothing. You of all people know that. Go do some arm curls girls. I will continue to talk people out of a life altering decision. My objectives are noble yours aren't.What is patient care? Selling surgeries to those that shouldn' get it.N/w 2-3 with hairline troubles should not be getting hair transplants. They are in panic mode. Ripe for the picking. But you know that all too well. Did you distribute hats to your victims? Wanna loose a few sponsers? Keep messin bro.I'll make some calls. You are being a perpetrator not an educator.How many hopes and dreams have hair transplants ruined? You know the answer.Thankfully the guys that are currentley sponsering you don't do that. But your former employers where doing exactley that.

Its apparent you hate life and you are miserable, i kind of feel sorry for you man. Life has not treated you well and it seems you wish to bring the world down with you. "Mahair had a bad hair transplant that means everyone else will have a bad one and now he wants to be the savior of the world". Dude just because your life has crumbled before you and it seems you were one of those panic mode people does not mean its going to happen to everyone else. You need to seek therapy and come to grips man and im being dead serious. I am sure there are many docs out there that do not care about the future of hair transplant patients but then there will be some that do. Dont judge the world biased from your point of view because you got screwed. If you want to come on these boards and share your point of view i think that is fine but dont come on here bashing people while trolling these boards looking to stir up trouble from this built up hatred that dwells deep inside you. Do so in a mature fashion and people will respect you.


Did everyone notice that I never specifically mentioned Mahair's name in my last post yet he "readily takes ownership" of the angry radical that he is. :lol:


He's been told the very things you're telling him a thousand times over. He's been offered every form of support there is from suicide prevention intervention to you name it. But he refuses it all. He is bent on being an angry spiteful and even evil person. That's his decision. He has to live with himself, not us. He's been banned on other forums for the same reasons. It's one thing to reject help and quite ANOTHER to go on the offense and try to poison other patients. I despise poisonous people like him who intentionally try to hurt others. He's always claiming it's his hair transplant surgeon who is the bad guy. :shock:

He's sent me private e-mails before trying to threaten me but everyone here and in the hairloss community knows me. Whenever anyone tries to attack me out of spite, just read their posts AND mine and compare them to each other. Judge for yourselves. But these angry radicals love the attention they're getting because as always, no one will give an ear to them in day-to-day life. They try and poison everything around them. It's alot like watching a little devious brat out of control at a daycare center! :evil:

My track record speaks for itself and unfortunately for you Mahair so does yours...

The best thing we can all do is ignore him and his antic ways and warped posts. :lol: