Yeah this is ridiculous, sorry.
You're way too fixated from the mindset of someone who has obsessed over hairloss and not from the perspective of people who don't spend anytime thinking about it. When I casually joked to some friends last year about losing my hair (as a dense NW2) they all laughed at me and said I have to be joking and how great my hair is. It was pretty similar to Harry Styles below, but has thinned out now, and before you say that they were just trying to be nice or whatever, that's not the dynamic of my friend group who are not afraid to rip into each other for things like this in a playful manor (including 1 fully bald dude).
I've conversed with you multiple times and I can already tell from your writing and opinions how heavily biased you are. You're not seeing or thinking of this from the perspective of 95% of the people who you will interact with in your daily life who have not spent dozens of hours of their lives staring at hairlines and hair transplant results.
NW2.5~ and below is not even associated with balding for the vast majority of people. Crown balding is always associated with balding, it's that simple.
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