Not a paranoid post, i promise


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So my mom called me up (while I was stressed out over a school project, no less) and started crying because she saw a program on the nightly news about young athletes using hormone-altering drugs that caused them get all these rare types of cancer and tumors and stuff. So I told her how 5 times the amount I take is prescribed for people with prostate cancer, and how it has been around for a while and I hadn't heard of any stories of it causing cancer. I did tell her about the side effects and my own personal side effects. She started begging me to quit taking it. I think I calmed her down but there is something bothersome about your mother calling you and telling you that you are destroying your body and going to die early because of cancer.

Also, they never mentioned Propecia of finasteride in the tv program, just steriods and such.

Just looking for people's thoughts, good and bad.


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Finasteride is totally different from steroids, which produce additional hormones?


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heres what I told her:

-Proscar has been used for a long time (more than a few decades? thats what I told her anyway) for prostate cancer at 5x the dose I take.
-It's different from steriods, in that, it isn't like injecting hormones directly into me. It is altering the ones I have.
-Steriods are much more powerful and potent than 1mg daily of finasteride. (I hope this is true)
-Finasteride in the 1mg dose for male pattern baldness has been around for 8 or so years and the worst thing I have heard of is people becoming permanently impotent or getting gyno (not that those aren't bad, but they won't kill you).

Anything to add to this list so I can make her stop freaking out?
She is a bit over-dramatic but I was raised by her so obviously I tend to get a little freaked out when she cries "Wolf!" even though I am the more educated one on this subject.


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Well maybe tell her it's not a drug to treat cancer . It's used to treat BPH ( benign prostatic hyperplasia) at the 5mg dose, not cancer.
Tell her that side effects only occur in up to 2% of users.



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Bro, sit her down and talk to her if it really bothers you. Dont do it over the phone, if possible. Explain to her why you are taking it and why you believe its safe.......let her know you "know" what you are doing.

Just a thought!


The Gardener

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worried said:
heres what I told her:

-Proscar has been used for a long time (more than a few decades? thats what I told her anyway) for prostate cancer at 5x the dose I take.
-It's different from steriods, in that, it isn't like injecting hormones directly into me. It is altering the ones I have.
-Steriods are much more powerful and potent than 1mg daily of finasteride. (I hope this is true)
-Finasteride in the 1mg dose for male pattern baldness has been around for 8 or so years and the worst thing I have heard of is people becoming permanently impotent or getting gyno (not that those aren't bad, but they won't kill you).

That's a pretty good list. Additionally, to my knowledge, Finasteride is not a steroid. And, tell her that she needs to consider the hard data. The fact of the matter is that the FDA does NOT approve the steroids the likes of which she probably saw on her tv program. They are most often illegal. On the other hand, the FDA fully approved Propecia. Thus, steroids and Propecia are two different things. The FDA makes these decisions based on hard facts that are derived from very extensive and expensive controlled studies. Facts. Listen to the people who know the facts, and avoid generalizations.


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Tell her to go get a medical degree and become a male pattern baldness and hormone specialist. Until then tell her to shut the f*** up

The Gardener

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gonna_win said:
Tell her to go get a medical degree and become a male pattern baldness and hormone specialist. Until then tell her to shut the f*** up

HA! Best f*****g advice in the entire thread!

Old Baldy

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Oh no you wouldn't Smudge!! :lol:

Worried: finasteride is one of the safest drugs out there. Just that plain and simple. Have you mom do some internet research to put her mind at ease.


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I'm not tryin to start up controversy here, and i don't believe finasteride will cause cancer, I think people give a little too much credit to the fact the FDA approved a medicine. Its a fact that dangerous medicines slip through the cracks. Vioxx is a perfect example, made by merck and pulled by merck for the fact it was deemed unsafe. This was there biggest money maker too. This is just one example.

not me!

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gonna_win said:
Tell her to go get a medical degree and become a male pattern baldness and hormone specialist. Until then tell her to shut the f*** up

Thanks for making me have to clean coffee off my monitor. This quote made my day.


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Cmon guys. Its Mom.

Mom. Apple Pie. You know the saying.

Can't tell your mom or anyone elses mom to STFU. That's just wrong.

My mother wasn't comfortable with me being on Propecia either. That's their job, and they do it well.


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I agree. I'm not a mom but i'm not completely comfortable with taking propecia myself. Oh and i'm not pregnant either. :D

The Gardener

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Have your mom read the label on your Propecia, specifically the warnings. Then tell her, hey, I might be taking Propecia, but at least you don't have to worry about me getting someone pregnant!


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Um not all moms are 'apple pie' ..

Some are nagging b****s... even if you love them, they can still annoy the sh*t out of you!

The Gardener

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IwantMyhair said:
Um not all moms are 'apple pie' ..

Some are nagging b****s... even if you love them, they can still annoy the sh*t out of you!

... And that is why I took time to say

You are definitely in the wrong line of work. You should be composing greeting card messages for Hallmark.


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Permanent impotence? How is that possible? and how many percentage of users has that happened to?