Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the summer. Just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I haven't been spending too much time around here lately. Just decided to take a bit of a break from the forums for the summer. I still come here from time to time to see what's going on, but don't spend hours every week on here like before. BTW congrats to the new admins. I have seen Wolfpack putting in work to keep the anti propecia trolls in check. It's about time that **** got under control. But no I am not leaving the forums, just spending some time doing other things and enjoying the summer a bit.
On to the hair loss stuff:
I have officially dropped LLLT. Just didn't see much of a difference at all. All I am currently using at the moment is the big 3. I did change the type of finasteride that I am taking. For close to 2 years I was taking fincar that I picked up from inhousepharmacy. I am now getting my stuff from a local pharmacy. I only mention this because I have heard reports of guys losing hair after switching finasteride manufacturers. I will keep you guys updated on any changes positive or negative.
Also I have noticed that when shampooing my hair that I lose anywhere from about 30 - 50 hairs each time. This has been going on for a few months now. I honestly don't know if this is normal daily hair loss, a shed, or further hair loss, but looking at my hair in the mirror I really cannot tell much of a difference in the density of my hair. Not much else to report. Crown is still pretty thin and see through. Pretty sure finasteride has done everything it can do at this point. Just trying to hold ground until possibly better treatment options become available.
Hey Notcoolanymore, thanks for the update.
I have been enjoying the Summer, of course my hair loss bothers me every single day and is on my mind often no matter how much I try to manage this genetic disorder. Yes, I have noticed that you haven't been on here as much as you usually are, but still come in to see how things have been going. And yes, the anti Propecia trolls who come in here are now kept in check.
I myself also officially dropped LLLT, the benefits are just too little for treating Androgenetic Alopecia and made almost no difference at actually treating the condition. Believe it or not, but my laser comb actually broke recently after having it for over three years! Since you've been pretty much using the Big Three the whole time, your hair should maintain in the longterm since it seems like treatments have been working well for you. I'm sure it is definitely so much easier to get your Finasteride from your local pharmacy than going through the hassle of buying the medication online. I have read about men starting to lose hair again after switching Finasteride manufacturers, and I myself personally remain skeptical about that since it shouldn't make any difference whatsoever since it's the exact same medicine. But anyhow, thanks that you'll keep us updated on any changes from the switch, whether positive or negative.
When I shampoo my hair, I still have hair falling out but much less, no where as much as before I started any legitimate treatments. Since you've been growing your hair out lately according to what I've read from your posts, it could give the 'illusion' that you're losing more hair, when actually is that the strands are longer, making the hair that falls out more noticeable. I personally believe that's what it is since you mentioned when looking at your hair in the mirror, you aren't able to tell much of any difference in density really of your hair. Other than that, hopefully you should be able to maintain in the longterm until better treatment options become available.
Just as a recommendation, you could always try incorporating RU58841 into your regimen and see if you shed even less hair. As you're aware which I'm sure of, I'm on a regimen of Dutasteride and RU58841 combined together, and even with that, I still shed a decent amount of hair, but doesn't keep getting worse, if anything, is probably improving very slowly.
Again, thanks for the update. We'll talk again.