I can relate fellow alpha brehbrah, not only do I get laid but I get laid SO much that I'm so bored of all the pussy I get and all the f*****g I do constantly.
Why do all the chicks feel they can use my (large) man meat stick as their play thing when I'm a human being who needs to have conversations sometimes
Just crankin' that humblebrag up to 11, lol "if you ever had your fill of sex (like me

Sorry but I'm calling humblebrag because the point itself is such nonsense, and in my opinion created just to remind us you get lots of pussy and needed a creative way to include that. I actually used to know a guy who made this exact same point in front of me and friends "I'm just getting bored of f*****g now! It's just so repetitive! Same, mindless bonking" of course he got a lot of sh*t for that. His other humblebrags were saying things like "ah man I haven't fucked in ages- it's been nearly a whole week".
I can give you more of his humblebrag lines in case you ever run out.
Anyway, sex is never, never boring, literally even 5 minutes after you've had it, you may think you aren't interested in that moment but if even an image of a woman catches you right, and the horn kicks in, you discover you actually aren't bored of it whatsoever.
And that's 5mins! Never mind half an hour, or half a day. Even wanking, which everyone probably thinks they get bored of as a teen going in to adulthood, but realistically at any time of day if you were to actively look up p*rn or hot chicks, you'd be at it all the time, something about us learns to control it as it's anti-social and distracts from doing other things.
Although there's probably plenty of guys on here that jerk like 6 times a day. Good on ya.