Thanks guys for all the talk on this thread. It is great to hear what others think and the harsh realities which you tend to block out of your own mind.
I understand with regards to being conservative but how i see it, i would rather have good hair now in my 20's while I can enjoy it the most than wait until I am older and get a conservative hair transplant to become what I am already dreading.
From the first consultation I had it seems my donor hair is actually quite plentiful. The pictures make the crown look much worse than it is. I have never worried about the crown as the hair has always been much blonder but maybe a sign of what is to come.
I have taken minoxidil on and off for around 6-9months but found the benefits minimal and the routine hard to keep up with.
My main concern is people knowing I have had a hair transplant done but if I go for a surgeon who can do a non shaven recipient then I should be able to hide it right? (hats, darkness, reclusiveness) I will be able to have three weeks off from work and work in a very small office, and when I am out after work I can wear a hat.
I have been in contact with Dogonay, Mwamba, Feriduni and ********. I am not sure if all of them do non shaven recipient as of yet as still in early consultation. I know that Dogonay and Mwamba do, anyone know about the other two?