Odd Partition in hair? What could it be?


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Over the past few months I've noticed a spot in my hairline that is thinning hardcore, to the point where it has started showing without lighting directly on it.
I've attached a few pics in an imgur album:


any ideas? It is causing me some distress as I feel like it could be caused by diffuse thinning. I've uploaded pictures of my temple and hairline as well

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help :(


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u don't have hair loss go away


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It's called a parting everyone has one. If you feel it is getting worse than before go see a derm so that he can tell you exactly what I just have.


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It's called a parting everyone has one. If you feel it is getting worse than before go see a derm so that he can tell you exactly what I just have.

Ive also started to shed like 10-20 hairs everytime I shake my hair on the sink, last week it would be like 4-5. Dunno i think I might've caught my male pattern baldness at its early stages tbh, derms are too expensive in the uk even just for a consultation


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Just keep at eye on it. My dad has had a line like that in his forelock for years and he is still a Norwood 2 in his 60s. Your hair looks great in the other pictures.


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Just keep at eye on it. My dad has had a line like that in his forelock for years and he is still a Norwood 2 in his 60s. Your hair looks great in the other pictures.
Its not a line only; there is general thinning concentrated in that area too, basically the middle of my hairline above eyebrows is becoming sparse


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I had the same thing tbh. I wrote it off as nothing. I've been growing my hair long for months and the thinning is really starting to get to me. Dermatologist told me about a year ago "you'll have hair into your 60s, I wouldn't worry about it." I shed a ****load after a shower, etc. I'd say you have a few years before all this stuff kicks in. I went about 6-8 years with the same thing you have, which is great right now, but I notice all the tricks I used to style my hair I can't do anymore, and that if I use gel I generally shed a **** ton just by using it. I'd say take preventative measures. I've just accepted my fate.


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Yea and as for my family, my dad has thick hair nw2 in his 50s and both my uncles are nw1 with diffuse thinning. Another thing ive noticed is small wispy hairs falling from my scalp when I brush it, what could it be?