Here are 1 month updates as promised
This is my right temple last summer:
This is my right temple in 2019. The baby hairs in I have in from of my hairline has nearly doubled in lenght; they hadnt grown any longer than they were in the first pic for over a year, they just maintain around that lenght. That is until I started using OH-F. This gives me the most hope because my hairline hairs are responding then that means that its able to work in the most sensitive areas
There are also some shorter hairs that I can see growing a few mms after my hairline but Im not able to capture with the camera
My sides which respond the quickest to treatment show the most improvment and thickening. For a while I was afraid to get short haircuts because of the amount of thinning there
This is around last summer
This is my last haircut, a few days ago
So yea keep in mind that this is only 1 month, true results will be seen around 6 months in. I've tried ru at 150mg and even dutasteride and neither of them worked for me. Especially the ru, that was completely worthless
Im still not 100% sure to what extent oh-f is working but the results are encouraging enough to keep going. PM if you want to join our next gb, the price is $46 per gram but we are hoping to negotiate the price lower
if anyone else from the gb wants to share their results here too....
edit: before I get accused of not having hairloss, this is my crown from a while ago