oily skin!!!!


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Hey Guys, Been on Propeica for 13 months now and man my farhead and hairline and temple areas have been very oily. It makes my whole far head very shiny because of such excess oil. In the begging of my Propeica treatment no prob. Just wondering if anyone has had the same prob?



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2tone said:
hiys jefsss

its a suject that is close to my heart too and i cngatulate you for taking it onboard

I do think exfoliating properly helps with sebum issues because it help clean the skin surface thus allowing the normal processes to wok better , i dont thikk it is of any real advanage whatsoever to have clogged pores for what ever reason .

Secondly, i completley agree with the poster who said he thought it was great having clear skin because of the self esteem aspect of looking better and people saying that you looked better - i mean tyhats fantastically cool if you thik about it .

Some of the best results i have hhad with cleaning the skin is from using Vitamin C .. basically i use a 100mg VitC pill and mix it with some exfoliating cream (you know the rough stuff that just feels like liquid sand) .. i was staggered with the cosmetic improvement from using VitC compounds .
Another thing to consider using is dissolved asprin on the skin for cleaning purposes ..
anyway jeffss have a look at this link will ya .. i found it and admire the work the person has done to present the information ther and would like to share it .. http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/aha.html

As far as reducing Sebum production generasll i think the a number one thing y9ou should consider doping is to reduce dietary fats from your meals .. and if you are going to use dietary fats (which you will do cause you have to) choose the good fats above the bad ones .
e.g. Use Cold pressed Oilve oils for salad dressings

I would also if i was you consider supplimenting with Lecithin .which although it is a Fat (lipid) itself is a remarkable one that can healp bring your general metabolism of Fats into a better profile ..

DEfinately check out the VitC and Asprin and make your own facial scrub .. thats my best advise ,, and replace all fried foods and other gross use of especially fatty foods out for a bit .. you might be surprised how much dietary fat sneaks in when you aint looking LOL

Good on you jeffsss you are going to nail this puppy i can assure you

thanks for the tip man!! i'll try it out.


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Bryan said:
It's very difficult to judge sebum production accurately, based only on casual, everyday observations. The only way to do it reliably is to use scientific methods, like Sebutape test-strips or expensive instruments like Sebumeters or Lipometers.

I use the have a look and see method!


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If anybody really thinks that moisturizers would decrease the production of sebum, you'll probably find the study below quite interesting. The thing to ask yourself is this: if sebum levels aren't even correlated with skin hydration in the first place, why on earth would your skin adjust its sebum production in response to those moisture levels? Would that really make any sense at all?

Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 1987 Mar;88(3 Suppl):2s-6s.
"Skin lipids: an update"
Downing DT, Stewart ME, Wertz PW, Colton SW, Abraham W, Strauss JS.

(excerpt from this study follows below, including the references...)

Sebum and Dry Skin "...skin can be healthy and have charming cosmetic properties in the virtual absence of sebum." (14)

Kligman drew attention to prepubertal children, who produce almost no sebum, to support his thesis that skin does not depend upon sebum for maintaining its barrier to water loss: "...there can be no doubt of the insignificance of sebum as a waterproofing material." (14) Our recent studies at the other end of the human age spectrum have supported this conviction. In a survey of sebum secretion rates and the incidence of dry skin among subjects aged 65 to 97, no correlation was found between sebaceous gland activity and the presence or severity of dry skin (34). Kligman recognized that sebum could mask the scaliness of dry skin without producing any actual change in the condition: "Sebum, like any oil, has some emollient or smoothing effect when a sufficient quantity is rubbed into dry, scaling skin." (14) In spite of the clear inference to be drawn from the cutaneous characteristics of children and the experimental data obtained from the elderly, it remains difficult to dispel the myth that low sebum secretion rates cause dry skin. It is a rare individual who realizes that "dry" is not the obverse of "oily".

(14) Kligman AM: The uses of sebum. Br J Dermatol 75: 307-319, 1963

(34) Frantz RA, Kinney CK, Downing DT: A study of skin dryness in the elderly. Nursing Res 35: 98-100, 1986.


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kosmo said:
Jeffsss, i noticed when i was on minoxidil that it made my skin greasy and made the pores on my face huge. when i stopped minoxidil the oily skin went away and my pores returned to normal. maybe its the same for you.

I noticed this too. I would get pimples on my hairline where I was trying to grow back a little temple hair. I noticed it also grew a lot of little thin hairs all over my face, and overall my skin was oily.