OK think im getting the full finasteride post crash please help after mental sides below


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Hello & help,
I am now getting serious sexual sides on top of the mental i posted about below last week. I am in hell. Heres my dosages again.
Feb 22nd for a whole week of 0.5 mg to 0.33 mg over 6 days out of the seven. I stopped cos my Wife & I were trying to conceive which happily has occurred. I stopped for a whole month & dont remember many sides when quitting after the week.

March 27th till April 5th for 10 days & was taking 0.5mg & sometimes 0.33 mg & 0.25 mg. I noticed the brainfog/depression thing & stopped. Again i freaked out. I felt mentally numb etc pretty much like in the below thread. Anyway on day 6 i started feeling good again & that surge i hear lads on about here as DHT returned. It was like coming up on a drug. I cant remember if i was still like i am now after the last dose but musnt have as i took it once more below.
Anyway i left it & think all went back to normal but again decided once more to take 0.2 mg on April 18th. That was my last dose.
On last Saturday i felt good in the morning & in the evening i decided to try & crack one out but noticed the erection was weak. Later that night i couldnt get him up at all. Its been that way since. I have no libido either, zero. I went to my Doctor yesterday & am having my full bloodwork done tomorrow morning. I have a fair idea of what to get but if you could recommend anything please let me know. He gave me Cialis yesterday & i took it. It gave me flushes for an hour or so & then kind of went away. Last night in bed i could get an erection & there was some small pleasure in it but i couldnt ejaculate at all. No chance. I am also getting testicular ache & i looked at them today & they are dark red in parts. The penis also looks wrinkled.
Have i any hope of a recovery? I tried posting on Propeciahelp but it hasnt been approved yet so dont know.
I still have brainfog & depression obviously & feel stoned without the high.
Any advice greatly welcomed. Please not this after taking so little Propecia.

Quantum Cat

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I would stop Propecia altogether. With your attitude you're bound to experience side effects.

I don't mean that in a nasty way, but the fact that you're analysing everything in such minute detail, and are full of angst and paranoia will just feed your experience of side effects. When you've changed your mindset to more rational, less neurotic one, then you could start taking Propecia again. I've seen this happen to so many people on this board when they start off with finasteride.

read Dr. House's post in this thread:

and for God's sake don't join Propeciahelp.com

you know they did a trial where a group of men were given a fake pill, but told it was Propecia and that they might well experience erectile/libido side effects. Guess what? Many of them reported that they did experience those side effects! It demonstrates the power of the mind's influence on your physical body.


Experienced Member
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I wholeheartedly agree with the cat. You don't seem like you are a candidate for the drug, since you appear to be a little obsessive and might have some neurotic tendencies. I'm not insulting or making fun at all; many people are like this. I'm also not saying that your side effects aren't caused by the drug, but you might be making them worse by obsessing about them.

Even though your DHT levels should return to normal fairly quickly, side effects might take longer to wear off. This seems to be related to how long you took the stuff. Since you didn't take it for a long time and you took low dosages, your recovery might be faster than someone who took it for years.

Stop taking finasteride, stay away from forums, relax and spend your 'worrying' energy about preparing for a baby ;)


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The mind is a powerful thing, i think you got the best advise already... you should be fine after a little .. dont freak out it will make it worse keep positive , do something you like or feel a joy of doing - workouts ,sports or what ever physical activity .. please post the bloods when you get them back- keep it up !


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Hello all, i havent been here for a while. Thanks to Valiant for the receny concern also. OK where to begin? Well im vastly improved to when i was last here in May. Things got better eventually albeit slowly. Im probably back to base right now but ill describe what i went through for you. So whats erectile dysfunction like after taking this stuff? The brainfog/depression thing eventually lifeted but about 3 weeks after the last dose is when the ED started. I had ZERO libido, my penis couldnt get hard, keep hard & i had no interest in women or any sexual activity. I would look at p**rn & it did NOTHING for me. Thats when i knew i was in trouble. I would manually make myself hard & then it would just go down straight away. Similar to when you blow up a baloon & then just let the air out. Horrific. The pleasure sensation also disappeared. It was like flimsy rubber.I was in the horrors. I was at a special occasion & sitting beside some nice ladies & i couldnt even feel attracted to them.
Anyway over the next month things slowly came back & i could get erections albeit struggling again. The thing that then annoyed me most was the loss of sensation. It was maybe half what it used to be & orgasms were not nearly as pleasurable as before & ejaculate was low. I visited a respected Doctor here who has written on Finasteride effects (its on Propeciahelp.com). He told me i was better off than a lot of men that come to him & try to forget about it. This took some time & concentration on my part. A month or more later i felt maybe im back to normal now. Things have improved a lot.
Im being as quick as i can here due to a time constraing. I wanted to come back to offer hope to any of you who may be suffering something similar. Hang in there. I stopped alcohol & hit the gym heavily. I ate as much pure food as possible & completely avoided junk. My testosterone levels were as follows after i crashed.
Early May 7.4 nmol (10-28 normal range)
Early June 10.5 (10-28)
Early August 12.3 (10-28)
A week ago its now slipped to 10.8 . Im in my late 30s & this is the levels of a much older man.I will updfate more when i get more time. I have no net access at home right now. The testosetrone level worries me as i need it for muscle mass maintenance & overall good health. My brothers is way higher as i got him to check his for a similar standpoint. Were brothers so we should be similar & also in line with the average male for my age. Im not & this is thanks to Propecia no doubt. Hopefully time will continue to help.
If your considering this drug please be careful. If your in pain right now then keep fighting. If your having no problems then good luck & peace to you all.
Talk soon,

One more thing per above, i didnt appreciate being told to concentrate my efforts on my young kid to be while going through what i did. That was unnnecessary & keep it out in future. Until this happens to any of you directly you literelly dont know what your on about.


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My Regimen
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You experienced atrophy? Sounds like it.
I was in that boat. I don't think my prostate has been 100% since stopping but at least my Ed stopped and my drive has returned.
My balls have started to hang normally most of the time again.
I will say one thing that startled for me was dry irritated skin right behind my sack. I can't say this is positively due to the finasteride sides but it all started at the same time and still hasn't gone away.


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Well 10 months on from what happened & my Testosterone level is 12.7 (10-28). Still low but the highest tested yet.I work out & have kept bad things food & drink wise reasonable.Taking Zinc supplements also.Penile sensitivity fine & no ed. Any other things that can raise Testosterone out there supplement wise?Or any info is welcome.


Established Member
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Thanks for updating. If you have normal sexual function and sensitivity you are doing great. If you are struggling with low Tvyou can try a couple of different things. Clomid will raise your T if you run it for about a month. There is a great deal of information on clomid on BB websites. You can also try some natural supplements such as tribulus but reviews on the effectiveness are mixed. Thanks for updating and I hope everything is good for you and your family.

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I mean T not TV sorry


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Latest blood test taken last week shows Testosterone level at 11.9. Normal range but low. Any other supplements that might help? I just use Zinc.


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Latest bloodwork shows Testosterone level at 10.5 normal range 10-28. Very disappointed with this. I lost 7 kg since last test also & hadn't drank alcohol the last month. Cycled 5 miles the morning of the test & had been weightlifting regularly. Any suggestions to get this upped AT ALL???


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How you doing mate? How are the test levels holding at?

Im in a similar boat after taking Saw plametto for 3 weeks. No libido...ED!!! ah!!! Albeit saw palmetto isnt as strong as finasteride ive still got symptoms


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for those who are suffering from persistent side effects and have bloods to show your HPTA has not come back up to speed, I would recommend basic pct protocol much like that of a steroid user (me) applies after a cycle. Finasteride effects the HPTA in a very similar way as it leaves the HPTA shutdown and in a away of confusion just like the ending of a steroid cycle. Though not impossible it is very unlikely to recover from simple supplements much less naturally just like with steroids. Pharma grade drugs require Pharma grade protocols to fix Pharma grade damage. In all honesty and reality most endo's don't really have a clue as to what is needed to recover from such dibilitating HPTA stressors and unfortunately wind up doing more harm than good by prescribing and administering off the wall protocols. Please refer to my post in the androgen section (persistent side effects? (I may be of some help).

I would suggest running a simple pct protocol such as

Clomid week 1-4: (day 1 100mg) followed by 50mg ED until total end of 4 weeks.
Nolvadex week 1-4: (week 1-2 40mg ed, week 3-4 20mg ed) ex: 40/40/20/20
HCG week 1-4: (week 1 1000iu ED (5 Days) week 2 off (week 3 1000iu ED (5days) week 4 off

Upon this I would cycle natural supplements periodically to influence natural production and keep it strong IE: tribulus (i find ultimate nutrition brand to work the best and they hold patent), tongkat ali, zinc, L-arginine etc.

Things to note: I've read many people on propeciahelp etc quit the clomid and pct protocol not even a week in by reporting "no change, not helping, made me feel worse etc" well yeah.. It takes longer than a week gents, it will made you feel weird and bad, it's changing your hormones, you have to stick through though. This is why most steroid users can't come off, they're afraid of losing that high.

I offer help based ON MY EXPERIENCE ONLY, I am NOT a doctor.


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This is why I stay away from this site. There is enough proof propecia is a venom but everyone says is good. You should quit altogether and treat hair loss other way.


Senior Member
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which other way?

There are a variety of side free options available to effectively treat your hair loss including:

Natural supplements
Various Oils
Chinese Herbs

I am currently using all of these and they are working wonderfully. You should see how shiny my hair...I mean my head is.


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i took propecia from 2004 to 2007,,,no problems really apart from a tiny dip in libido which to be honest was hardly noticable,,,i thought this was one of the side effects mentioned in the leaflet which came with the propecia,,,little did i know what hell was to come,,,one day in 2007 i crashed hard,,,things totally changed for me that day,,,it wasnt something that gradually got worse over time,,,it was all of a sudden,,,i felt like the lifeforce had been drained from my body,,,i was 32 years old and suddenly felt like a 70 year old man,,,ed,,,numb genitals,,,extreme fatigue,,,very weak,,,zero libido etc,,,id never even heard of post finasteride syndrome or propeciahelp.com etc,,,i thought the drug was completely safe and hadnt heard of anyone getting permanent side effects etc so i certainly cant be accused of listening to all the horror stories and bringing it all on with worry etc,,,i was a happy normal man with a normal healthy sex drive and very sesitive genitals before i crashed,,,that was 7 years ago and im still ****ed up,,,believe me when i tell you this is a living hell,,,taking 5ar inhibitors such as propecia is like playing russian roulette,,,people can take it for many years without any problems then one day your system just shuts down,,,i would plead with anyone not to take the stuff........................

Quantum Cat

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i took propecia from 2004 to 2007,,,no problems really apart from a tiny dip in libido which to be honest was hardly noticable,,,i thought this was one of the side effects mentioned in the leaflet which came with the propecia,,,little did i know what hell was to come,,,one day in 2007 i crashed hard,,,things totally changed for me that day,,,it wasnt something that gradually got worse over time,,,it was all of a sudden,,,i felt like the lifeforce had been drained from my body,,,i was 32 years old and suddenly felt like a 70 year old man,,,ed,,,numb genitals,,,extreme fatigue,,,very weak,,,zero libido etc,,,id never even heard of post finasteride syndrome or propeciahelp.com etc,,,i thought the drug was completely safe and hadnt heard of anyone getting permanent side effects etc so i certainly cant be accused of listening to all the horror stories and bringing it all on with worry etc,,,i was a happy normal man with a normal healthy sex drive and very sesitive genitals before i crashed,,,that was 7 years ago and im still ****ed up,,,believe me when i tell you this is a living hell,,,taking 5ar inhibitors such as propecia is like playing russian roulette,,,people can take it for many years without any problems then one day your system just shuts down,,,i would plead with anyone not to take the stuff........................

what did the doctors say?


Senior Member
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propecia is like playing russian roulette,,,people can take it for many years without any problems then one day your system just shuts down,,,i would plead with anyone not to take the stuff........................

Hmmmmmm.........something stinks

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You created your account over a year ago and you had all this valuable information but you choose just now to share with us. You could have saved so many of us during that time.


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i created an account quite a while back yes,,,and i posted allover this site of the dangers of finasteride and got banned for it for mentioning propeciahelp in a few of my posts,,,they must of thought i was a spammer,,,after getting in touch with admin and explaining myself they took my ban off but all my posts had been wiped,,,i logged back in yesterday for the first time in ages and decided to try again to spread the word of the dangers of finasteride...............

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didnt have a clue what had happened at first,,,went to see local Doctor who done a set of bloodwork on me,,,couldnt find anything wrong so sent me to a urologist for a prostate exam then to a couple of endocronologists,,,i was told bluntly not to come back as there was nothing they could do for me and maybe it was all in my head,,,i had about 5 lots of bloodwork done and everything came back within range,,,this is a a simillar story ive heard loads of times from guys who have been ruined by finasteride,,,whatever it is cant be found by doing blood tests...................