Omega 3s improve mood/helps prevent and fight depression

Fallout Boy

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Anyone ever hear about these benefits? Don't know if it's old news but i just read the following in New Scientist :

The brain is around 60% fat a lot of which make up the membranes that envelop nerve cells. Studies have shown that Omega 3s make the membrane more fluid and flexible, rendering the cell more receptive to incoming signals. Apparrently today the average person's diet includes a lot more Omega 6 than Omega 3. It's believed that when our diet is low in omega 3s the brain compensates by substituting an omega 6 which changes the physical properties of membranes. If a neuron membrane contains too much omega 6 it's harder for the receptors to change shape which makes them less responsive to signals.

"You don't have to be clinically depressed to benefit either. Healthy people with relatively low levels of omega 3 in their bloodstream are more likely to be mildly depressed, pessimistic and impulsive than those with high levels, according to research presented in March by Sarah Conklin of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine."

(A lot of that was straight out of the magazine)

It also says in here that according to a 1998 study it was noted that depression was 60 times rarer in countries like Japan who consume a lot of oily fish.

Just found this really interesting and thought some of you might.


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Yes I have, I used fish oil with B Complex for a while, I noticed a big difference after about a month. Mood, and focus was improved, I dont use them any more, and I am very moody

just last night I had to throw my girlfriend down the stairs, very sad it is


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Dblbass128 said:
just last night I had to throw my girlfriend down the stairs, very sad it is


Theres your sign.


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i wish i could find fresh fish everyday.

Omega 3 supplements maybe??


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I just bought a bottle of Flaxseed oil softgel capsuls, 1000 mg made by Sundown at my local gracery. It says to contain Omega-3 fatty acids.

However it says to take it 3 times a day. I wonder if I should have found a higher concentration.


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You guys want to make certain you are taking EPA and DHA directly as some folks have a D6D deficiency that may not enable your body to make the conversion. It has also been noted that even though our bodies do make the conversion we do it poorly.


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yeah, the ALA in flax oil will probably do more harm than good if you take too much. flax seeds are better because they have other good stuff and the oil. 2-4 table spoons a day is best. you need the flax oil since you can't get it in your diet, but just don't take a lot. 3g a day actually does not sound bad. sounds good.


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Okay now I am confused. How will I know if what I am taking is okay?

I am a vegetarian so I do not eat fish at all.

Fallout Boy

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yea Fish Oil is definitly the best source to get your EPA / DHA from. If you are against taking fish oil supplements then do a google search on Omega 3 or EPA / DHA you will find a lot of information including flaxeed and flaxeed oil.

I heard it's best to take 1000 mg of EPA per much do you guys who take Omega 3 supplements take?

And when you started did you notice any possitive benefits in health or mood?


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flax oil is bad in high amounts. flax seed have other good stuff in them. a lot of people can't convert flax oil to EPA and DHA. I suspect a disproportionate number of balding men are like that.


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vegetarians can pay $20 for EPA from algea. google it. less mercury and higher concentration.


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Trebor - I am a vegan so I understand where you are coming from. I take Neuromins DHA. These are made out of algae. As far as EPA is concerned you can get DHA/EPA from water4life but it is very expensive. In the near future there will be a veggie source of EPA for us to take but until then we are kind of stuck. The good news is that DHA will back convert into EPA. I eat milled flax which gives me plenty of ALA and I take 400mg of DHA a day. It is not the ideal scenario but it is better than nothing.

The cheapest place (that I have found so far) to get neuromins is


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would eating borage seeds be as good as drinking borage seed oil, for GLA?


Established Member
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Fish Oil Omega 3 is great. I have been taking it for over a year and half now. Here are some facts about Fish oil.


"fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides, reduces the risk of death, heart attack, dangerous abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes in people with known cardiovascular disease, slows the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques ("hardening of the arteries"), and lowers blood pressure slightly."


New Member
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I have been taking omega 3 for the last 4 months and I would recommend it. You will feel alot more focused and also it seems that it improves your memory - Before I could never remember what I had for breakfast but now I can recall all my meals for the past week! - strange...


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My first week on O-3's (3000mg/day)...

Very cheap ($4.00 for about a month and a halfs worth), so lets see how it goes.