Once a day application - what the hell??


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Just a little update - I can't say for sure, but I feel that although my hair still feels thinner in the areas I've been using the minoxidil, my hairline, although thiner than before, seemsmore filled in than day one, though I can't quite remember how my hair was so it is kind of hard to judge. I think my hair-fall has decreased a bit but that could be due to the fact that I've been applying minoxidil once every three days in the last 2 weeks because I've been so busy and I've been traveling.

I hope it's all good signs, I'll be back to minoxidil daily again from today, though what does worry me is that recently the hair that does fall out has been my thicker seemingly healthier hair whereas before it was just the thin hair that was falling from the already thin areas I was applying it to (temples and vertex)


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moseymoose said:
heynow1234 said:
you wont take an FDA approved drug but youll take RU, a drug that was trashed in clinical trials, hmmm doesnt make sense

I dont give a damn about wether a drug has been approved by the FDA or not, hairloss treatments are in the stone age, its about time there were some new and experimental drugs available on the market, and treatment that I will use to treat this condition will be tropical, I'm really getting sick of guys banging on about finasteride this and that, like its the be and end all of hairloss treatments. sides or no sides, i don't want a drug that inhibits anything in my body, it may not present sides to some people, but I still don't want unnatural imbalances of hormones in my body.

This is a pretty immature stance to take and I don't mean that in a hostile way.

The FDA is far from perfect and has problems but at least there is information about the products in great quantities. I don't get why people are willing to trust one study over an FDA study. Is it counter culture? Where do you draw the line of trust an why?

You're against one product because you know for sure what it will do but you're willing (price aside) to use another with so much limited knowledge?

Again....don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't make sense.


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cassin said:
moseymoose said:
heynow1234 said:
you wont take an FDA approved drug but youll take RU, a drug that was trashed in clinical trials, hmmm doesnt make sense

I dont give a damn about wether a drug has been approved by the FDA or not, hairloss treatments are in the stone age, its about time there were some new and experimental drugs available on the market, and treatment that I will use to treat this condition will be tropical, I'm really getting sick of guys banging on about finasteride this and that, like its the be and end all of hairloss treatments. sides or no sides, i don't want a drug that inhibits anything in my body, it may not present sides to some people, but I still don't want unnatural imbalances of hormones in my body.

This is a pretty immature stance to take and I don't mean that in a hostile way.

The FDA is far from perfect and has problems but at least there is information about the products in great quantities. I don't get why people are willing to trust one study over an FDA study. Is it counter culture? Where do you draw the line of trust an why?

You're against one product because you know for sure what it will do but you're willing (price aside) to use another with so much limited knowledge?

Again....don't mean this in a mean way but it doesn't make sense.

because unless the fda get off their arse and research more promising, experimental solutions for hairloss that are already being produced with positive user feedback there is no alternative but to try the product personally. It would bring the cost down and its about time that more focus was made to providing a consumable tropical anti androgen/blocker.

There are only two approved treatments; minoxidil and finasteride, but how long have they been approved. In my opinion I think finasteride is far too aggressive for a treatment of a minor symptom such as hairloss limiting your entire bodys a5r and dht.

My comment was only because I'm irritated by the lack of extensive research of receptor level dht inhibition, rather than the "there you go, propecia, job done" feels awfully like the greek 4 humours stubborn medical practice that hindered progression because nothing else was approved. Maybe its lack of funding, maybe its lack of effort, or maybe nobody at the fda has male pattern baldness.


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I've been shedding hair ever since I started the treatment, and after close to 18 months it never really changed during that time. Some days it felt like there were more hairs falling out, other days it felt like this. The bottom line though is that I've definitly got better hair than before I started. It's not the way I want it to look, but it's better. I think you really shouldn't give falling hair too much thought, if your hair doesn't look significantly worse.


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Ride it out. It will stop.

Had that too on minoxidil. Literally 100 hairs on my pillow over night when there weren't many before minoxidil. It will go away someday. I still have plenty of hair.


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im beggining to wish that id never started, before the treatment, my hair was fine apart from slightly thinner areas in the temples, now my hair is dramatically different and very hard to style, the areas that havent been recieving minoxidil are still quite thick. Im really getting bored with it, and the lack of results this far down the line is begging to become an annoyance because the routine is tedious and all I have to show for it is a worse hairline than my 70 year old grandfather.


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I would like to pose a question - Seeing as my huge shed has ended and though I still seem to shed quite a lot in the shower Im not losing the astronomical amount I was constantly. Am I right in assuming that at present I haven't maintained any hair because I haven't gained any by the minoxidil and that discontinuing at this point would revert my hairs growth to normal but without the additional stimulation?

All advice that I should continue aside, am I correct to assume that if I quit before gaining any hair, I won't technically lose any, and the hair that shed will continue to grow in its natural state.


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Hey man calm down I guess i can somewhat understand why you wouldnt take finasteride, but i cant understand why you would take RU if you afraid of finasteride. finasteride as years of research and tons of people who have used it whether for hair loss or prostate cancer. I can attest to finasteride not having any sides for me and really slowing down my loss over the last 2.5 years. RU on the other hand was completly scrapped by the company that was making it and running trials. The only reason i could see a company doing this is beacuse it was inefective or dangerous. finasteride is proven safe and effective in the vast majority of people who take it. Im not trying to convince you to use finasteride im just saying if you are were so concered safety how can you take a drug like RU? Good luck man and i hope whatever you choose works and is safe. I see that you are on minoxidil i recently added that myself, to try and gain alittle hair back, im 2 months in hairs alittle worse but thats how its supposed to be right now, hang with the treatment.


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Despite the advice, regrettably I stopped using minoxidil about a month or more ago, but not due to the reasons really, I was intending to continue, but since I was travelling a lot it made it inconvenient for me to apply sometimes, though, I noticed that when I started using it inconsistently (2-3 times a week) my shedding reduced a little, but after I stopped, the shedding subsided completely, and now after over a month off it I don't even really lose any hair in the shower, but after the shed, it's left my temple much more receded than baseline, so I'm hoping that it will improve to its original state before minoxidil induced shed.

I'm continuing use of spironolactone, which I've added a little peppermint oil and a bit extra rosemary to create a cooling sensation on my head, and to make it smell a bit less chemical-ish. Which seems to be working to maintain my hair quite well considering how little I seem to loose now.

I guess I will find out during my next hair cycle wether quiting minoxidil was a good idea or a bad one. At the moment, it's all good, because I've got less to worry about.