I dunno mate, I'm not an expert in dermatology or anything but I wouldn't worry about shedding. Isn't it a sign that new, strong hairs are growing through?
I shed quite a lot when I started topical minoxidil and it grew back way better.
I guess I had the advantage that I don't really give that much of a crap about my hair. I've had it shaved No.0 (or even razor bladed) for 15+ years. But I took photos and was like, "huh, that's weird, I lost even more hair". Then it grew back much better. So I think if you're quitting when you shed, you're quitting at exactly the wrong moment. If you shed, be happy. It's a sign it's working.
Like I said, I'm no expert so take what I said with a grain of salt.
But this is what it looked like after I shed (you can already see the new hairs growing through if you zoom in):
View attachment 175154
And this is how it looks now (2 months later):
View attachment 175152