Opinions on becoming attracted to older woman.

Kevin fretwell

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If you plan on working there for a while at least then you better not do it . Uncomfortable after effects of her getting married will inspire her to get your *** kicked out on the road dude . Women are harlets and when you cease to stroke thier egoes like your doing now they will eliminate you out of thier life pronto . A little *** is not worth the bull sh*t , just wack off or find some chick your age . Plus if the fling gets around to her future husband he knows just where to find your *** and kick it . Don't be stupid .


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hey man, if its a sure thing then DO IT. The question is whether shes interested. Do it if she is looking for a fling, then ignore her as best as you can. Forget her soon-to-be husband. You arent afraid of getting your *** kicked are you? Well, the only thing i'd be worry about is getting shot.
Otherwise, just kick his ***. Kick him in the nuts when he approaches you, or hit him in the kneecaps with a forceful kick; put your weight into it. That will end it pretty quick.

but, if you dont think shes game, then dont worry about it and forget it as soon as possible.

Shave my poodle

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silkeysmooth said:
hey man, if its a sure thing then DO IT. The question is whether shes interested. Do it if she is looking for a fling, then ignore her as best as you can. Forget her soon-to-be husband. You arent afraid of getting your *** kicked are you? Well, the only thing i'd be worry about is getting shot.
Otherwise, just kick his ***. Kick him in the nuts when he approaches you, or hit him in the kneecaps with a forceful kick; put your weight into it. That will end it pretty quick.

but, if you dont think shes game, then dont worry about it and forget it as soon as possible.

How old are you? about 12?


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dude go for it! I work at a grocery store, drooling over middle aged hot women is normal


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silkeysmooth said:
hey man, if its a sure thing then DO IT. The question is whether shes interested. Do it if she is looking for a fling, then ignore her as best as you can. Forget her soon-to-be husband. You arent afraid of getting your *** kicked are you? Well, the only thing i'd be worry about is getting shot.
Otherwise, just kick his ***. Kick him in the nuts when he approaches you, or hit him in the kneecaps with a forceful kick; put your weight into it. That will end it pretty quick.

but, if you dont think shes game, then dont worry about it and forget it as soon as possible.

ROFL! Dude that is some funny sh*t. Just start thowing kicks at his balls and kneecaps as soon as you see the guy, LOL!

As far as this girl goes, if she is getting married in my book she is off limits, if she works in the same office she is off limits as well.

It sounds to me like you are mistaking her being friendly for her being attracted to you. You would know if she is seriously considering you as a potential mate if she is trying to find an excuse for being alone with you, i.e. trying to get together after work or at lunch - just the 2 of you.

Just BS'ing with you around work doesen't mean squat.


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i have to agree with thinning here, if shes interested shell make it pretty clear. She probably just likes to flirt, like the chick in my situation. Young and attractive guys, though she might be interestd on some level, she knows never to act.

Molecular Help

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Although it's quite shady, I think you should actively pursue her, as Petchsky advised, if you're depressed there's nothing like requited attraction in an unconventional setting to pull you out of it. Nothing!

You'll talk to her.

With you hat on, your Norwood Lighthouse of Alexandria, ordinarily a shining beacon visible from Copenhagen to Dublin, safely obscured by an opaque baseball cap.

You'll make the first move.

Her eyes will well with flattery and her head will go light.

You will smile.

You will make a joke, or two.

You will feel really cool.

You won't even think about the status of your 5% minoxidil at home.

You will be liberated.


Today I found out that she is getting married

- in less then 3 weeks. Middle of September.

What an idiot I am for fancying a 41 year old anyway.

All I wanted to do was go to work and do the job. One of the few disasters that could of encountered me was this.

This has pretty much killed the situation.

Now guess what? - I feel like sh*t even more.

This is pathetic.

As if I’d have a real chance anyway.

Without my hat, I don’t look as good, thanks to life destroying hair loss. I don't know. With my hat she probably thought I was Kevin Federline or something.

Today I didn’t speak to her the whole day. She never spoke to me either. In fact, she was happy the whole day.

Why was she happy? It was obvious.

You know some say that woman have that 6th sense, that they *know* when someone fancies them? Well, I think I’ve blown my cover. I probably made it too obvious. I have no idea how though because I basically didn’t.

Anyway, as I say, she was so over-happy. I think it made her day, that someone half her age still finds her attractive. I think I might have fed her ego to the extreme.

This begs the question, how the hell did she figure it out. God knows how.

Man, we’re not talking Kim Basinger in the looks department, but she is quite hot.

I think it’s got to her ego. She probably now thinks she can compete with Spears or Aguilera.

She also has this other guy who hangs around with her. He is the biggest twat on earth. He is losing his hair, but is so bitter that I wear a hat all the time, it gets on his nerves. He never says anything, but you can tell he has the opinion 'come on, stop hiding your hair loss, I don’t hide mine'.

Well that’s his choice at the end of the day. But I didn’t document that fact I have hair loss. It’s only because I look acceptable with a hat that this gets to him. This geek really is in the way of everything.

Anyone here would find her attractive, but there is a difference between being nice like she was last week and totally becoming big headed, because someone half her age thinks she is hot.

It’s now the land of the ego.

I want to build her ego up a bit, then sit back and become amused at the obvious delusions of grandeur that are going on. Do you suggest anything I could say to her?

What do older woman like hearing? Someone please tell me?

On the bad side, she does have a few bad points. Wrinkles being one. She has a few, like most 41 year olds. I look past this, I still find her sexy.

Any more advice?

It's time to decide, I have less then 2 weeks to launch ‘operation: wedding wrecker‘ or leave it.

Probably the latter.

Although, I will probably end up leaving. This is doing my head in, and I stand to get well and truly destroyed if I play the game wrong.

Cheers guys

ps, Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I never had my Rothmans Dictionary at my table when I posted.


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Dude, you are thinking way too much, you are going insane.

There are so many women out there, dont waste your time obsessing over this married 41 year old.

Really man, read your post you sound like a f*****g lunatic.


Thinning said:
Dude, you are thinking way too much, you are going insane.

There are so many women out there, dont waste your time obsessing over this married 41 year old.

Really man, read your post you sound like a f*****g lunatic.

:lol: You're making sense.

However, it's easier said then done.

I had a connection with her. Never usually happens to me anywhere.

Besides, she is one hot *** 41 year old.

Every young males fantasy.

Now has anyone got anything else to help?

Shave my poodle

Established Member
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Gunner said:
I had a connection with her.

I think you mistook the innocent flirting of an older woman for a 'connection' with her.

I'm sure you'll meet someone, someday Gunner, and when it happens it will be so easy, they'll be no confusion and endless nights thinking about if she likes you or not. She, whoever that may be, will let you know without a doubt.


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coming here and asking for advice is good and all but in all honesty would you ever really do anything about it, ie actually pursue it or are you just going to vent on here and be done with it? You may be not be fast, but you will never know if you can win the gold if you dont run the race.


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Get laid. Its that simple. You wont think about her anymore, you won't be nervous around her anymore, she'll just be another girl around work. I know its easier said than done, but if you can pull that off, youre golden.
Ive seen your hairloss pics, and believe me, your head is not badly shaped for the shaved look. If that was my shaped head, i would shave it in a second.

This is what you do: take advantage of your shaved head. Work out alot, and try to pull off the bad-*** persona. I don't mean like talk trash and be an all-around ***, but when you feel that youve bulked up alot, youll feel more confident arund people, cause the shaved head look (which does work with your head) will compliment your physique. YOu wont even have to have a personality if the confidence is there; think about how much easier it would be to know how you look by just glancing in the mirror, not worrying about how noticeable your hairloss is from this angle, etc. YOu can use this to your advantage man.
If shes getting married in september, well unless you were a millionare, you wouldnt have a chance of wrecking anything. so thats completely out of your hands, no matter how good looking you are or aren't. She sounds really shallow, and when shes married to that guy (lets call him Toolbox), she'll find out pretty quick that she and Toolbox dont really have anything in common except mutual attraction.
Its her loss, but you definitely need to move on.


Shave my poodle said:
Gunner said:
I had a connection with her.

I think you mistook the innocent flirting of an older woman for a 'connection' with her.

I'm sure you'll meet someone, someday Gunner, and when it happens it will be so easy, they'll be no confusion and endless nights thinking about if she likes you or not. She, whoever that may be, will let you know without a doubt.

f*** off you negative cvnt.

You keep shitting on my parade

Infact, tell me - do I know you?

Please tell me, you're not who I think you are?

Yep, now I'm paranoid.

Sorry to others for the profan, but I've had the mother of shitty days.

Shave my poodle

Established Member
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Gunner said:
Shave my poodle said:
Gunner said:
I had a connection with her.

I think you mistook the innocent flirting of an older woman for a 'connection' with her.

I'm sure you'll meet someone, someday Gunner, and when it happens it will be so easy, they'll be no confusion and endless nights thinking about if she likes you or not. She, whoever that may be, will let you know without a doubt.

f*** off you negative cvnt.

You keep shitting on my parade

Infact, tell me - do I know you?

Please tell me, you're not who I think you are?

Yep, now I'm paranoid.

Sorry to others for the profan, but I've had the mother of shitty days.

Don't tell me to **** off you little p!ss ant. You're the skinny guy who can't get a girlfriend and spends hours online writing total crap thinking we want to read it.

You're the guy who won't take anyones advice about giving yourself a kick up your boney *** and start growing some balls, all you can do is come on hairloss forums and keep on posting your drivel, whining like a little baby.

If you read my post again you arrogant twit I was giving you some support.
But just like usual you ask for advice with no intention of actually reading it.