I am barely above that now but I did use 12.5mg for several months. I have experienced no sides that I would have minded as a male very much. My body hair below the waist is more vigorous but my torso and underarm hair have not returned and I didn't even need removal in these areas. They just stopped once my estradiol levels reached female levels. Because I have used both electrolysis and laser removal, my beard hair has gotten scratchier due to the laser-removed follicles never really being gone, just mostly destroyed and that and some stray hairs around my brows and eyes are the main negatives. I am also on an extreme regime that might dissipate any hypertrichosis. But yes, my hands and arms are somewhat more hairy and I have had removal in these areas.
Basically, all of this can be managed by shaving, depilation, removal and plucking so I wouldn't avoid going up to 15 mg as a male provided there are no worries related to hypertension. But because hypertension can be a serious thing, I don't recommend going above 2.5mg to 5 mg unless a person knows what he or she is doing and accepts the risks. The hair growth/regrowth from oral min is vigorous and you can tell if it is working by the hypertrichosis so you sort of want some increase in body hair. As always though, I am on a pretty advanced and complicated stack so the best advice if they are out there might come from someone on oral min monotherapy who has tried different levels.
I have seen worrisome hypertrichosis on an individual that can be seen on the
@bridgeburn thread at page 5, called antidhtor and that put me off oral min for a while but the hypertrichosis appears to stop upon stopping usage of oral min so that is less of a concern. It all depends on the value one places on hair regrowth vs. sides. My hair regrowth matters more to me right now than having to pluck and depilate all of the time and I do get laser removal on face and body every few months. Electrolysis is often more painful but it is permanent but it takes a loooong time. I did three weeks straight two hours a day and it still hadn't gotten all of the peach fuzz left by laser. The eyelash effects though to me, are fantastic and oral min seems to work better on lashes than latisse so I plan to stop latisse, which is good because it is un-Goddessly expensive.