I am always experimenting… I have tried to eat a super healthy diet w) supplements.. But this did little to grow or regrow my hair… So diet & weight & body fat are important health concerns.. they really do little for changing the hair growth parameters. Hydorochloriquine.. I ordered during COVID just to have it. I bought 75 200 mg pills & just put it away maybe taking 4 or 5 pills to test the taste & body’s reaction. And then one day 9 months later I happened to read Hydrochloriquine reverses scalp fibrosis. WHAT? that is what I was now focusing on.. So I knew I had 5 pills left on a tab & started to take one a day.. I noticed hairs sprouting out 1/2 inch in length in hairline where no hairs were growing previously. I then went to look for my other 65 pills & dammit couldn’t find where I hid them.. so I stopped for last 4 days.. & had to make a double order overseas to get a new batch.. It should be coming soon..
But as far as diet.. I eat typically beef/steak/fish/chicken in that rotation..
I use olive oil, butter, seeds, potato, etc..