Other surprising causes of Hair Loss


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MANY common ingredients in hair products, hair shampoos, facial cleansers, cosmetics, and household things, even foods, have great power to contribute to hair loss,

even diet change, disease even minor colds can influence the strength of hair.

It's been recently found that sodium laureth sulfate can bring up carcinogens in the blood and contribute to hair loss, and I found that ingredient on three of my own hair loss products!

This battle isn't with just genetics and DHT people, its a full blown battle against many things.

So, educate yourselves!~


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That's what thought.. when I was going through my denial period.


It's genetics with male pattern baldness, anything else and it something else causing the loss. If you have male pattern baldness and live in a glass bubble you will still lose your hair.


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traxdata said:
It's genetics with male pattern baldness, anything else and it something else causing the loss. If you have male pattern baldness and live in a glass bubble you will still lose your hair.

But environmental factors play a factor as well as genetics. A fellow called Dr Inaba says that the number of bald men in Japan has increased rapidly in line with increasing intake of saturated fat. Whether or not you think that hypothesis is correct, there must be something else other than genetics playing a role as the gene pool would have been the same in pre-War Japan (after which the increase occurred - he says that before WW" bald men in Japan were very rare indeed).

Ultimately, it IS down to genetics, but maybe there are other things we can do to stop/slow the loss?

The Gardener

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Nope. From what I have read, hairloss is 99% genetic, 1% environmental.

As for the increase in balding of Japanese men after WW2, if stastically TRUE and not just an anecdotal observation, I would consider the fact that perhaps environmental factors are not causing the hairloss. It could be that these 'environmental factors' might be causing an increase in testosterone/DHT levels, which is merely speeding up a process that they were genetically inclined to suffer anyways.

There might be chemicals out there that do cause hairloss... but male pattern baldness is not about hairloss per se. It is about hairloss in which the replacement hairs are regrown in a miniaturized state. So, even if an environmental contaminant of some sort might cause you to lose a hair, it does not imply that the inevitable replacement hair will be thinner than the original.


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donkdidonk2 said:
traxdata said:
It's genetics with male pattern baldness, anything else and it something else causing the loss. If you have male pattern baldness and live in a glass bubble you will still lose your hair.

But environmental factors play a factor as well as genetics. A fellow called Dr Inaba says that the number of bald men in Japan has increased rapidly in line with increasing intake of saturated fat. Whether or not you think that hypothesis is correct, there must be something else other than genetics playing a role as the gene pool would have been the same in pre-War Japan (after which the increase occurred - he says that before WW" bald men in Japan were very rare indeed).

Ultimately, it IS down to genetics, but maybe there are other things we can do to stop/slow the loss?

Testosterone is made from cholesterol, so a diet with a lot of saturated fat can possibly increase testosterone production, and in turn, increase DHT. Asian people (East Asian that is), i.e. the Japanese, are usually known to suffer from less baldness than other races. Many scientists theorize that their diet has something to do with it as they eat a lot of soy, which has been shown to increase estrogen and thus decrease testosterone (estrogen is made from testosterone, so if the body senses an increase in estrogen, its response is to curtail testosterone production). In fact, a recent study showed that eating a diet with a lot of soy can be linked to lower libido and erection problems for men.

The extent to which your follicles react poorly to DHT is a matter of genetics. Of course, increasing the precursors to DHT, e.g. testosterone, will exacerbate baldness in those that are genetical prone to it -- just as baldness is a common side effect for those taking steroids (injecting a ton of exogenous testosterone).

Some people on this forum have started taking a ton of soy to help with their baldness. But for me, I like my steak big and bloody (just like how Ty likes his women :lol: ). No amount of hair can compensate for a dull cuisine. Anyway, some food for thought, no pun intended.



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Gardener and Drinkrum...you are the two most logical people on this forum. Just felt like saying that. Bravo 'ol chaps...


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Petchsky said:
Gardener and Drinkrum...you are the two most logical people on this forum. Just felt like saying that. Bravo 'ol chaps...

Thanks man; I really appreciate that. I put a lot of time doing medical research and writing my posts, so I'm glad they're helpful.


P.S. Congrats on the 666th post, Petchsky.


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drinkrum said:
Petchsky said:
Gardener and Drinkrum...you are the two most logical people on this forum. Just felt like saying that. Bravo 'ol chaps...

Thanks man I put a lot of time doing medical research and writing my posts,

No probs, it shows in your responses.

P.S. Congrats on the 666th post, Petchsky

Hard to believe i have posted that many...Tynan watch out!

Vinton Harper

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donkdidonk2 said:
[But environmental factors play a factor as well as genetics. A fellow called Dr Inaba says that the number of bald men in Japan has increased rapidly in line with increasing intake of saturated fat. Whether or not you think that hypothesis is correct, there must be something else other than genetics playing a role as the gene pool would have been the same in pre-War Japan (after which the increase occurred - he says that before WW" bald men in Japan were very rare indeed).
I was just thinking about this the other day. I remember a thread here where someone was talking about if there is a correlation between sleeping on your back with a pillow and hair loss,; something having to do with the natural oils on your scalp being snuffed out by the pillow.
Didn't most Japanese sleep with one of these
type of pillows. Now I don't exactly know how they used them, but it looks to me like you'd kind of have to put it under your neck when sleeping.
This was pre-WWII. Isn't is possible that as the Japanese became more increasingly westernized and thus began sleeping on western-style pillows, this is also why there is an increase in balding Japanese men?

The Gardener

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Additionally, baseball was introduced to Japan by US soldiers stationed there after the war, and it has since caught on. It could be that the wearing of baseball caps in the post-WW2 period is what caused the baldness?

Or then again, maybe the US soldiers introduced the Japanese to the carnal pleasures of excessive masturbation?


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The Gardener said:
Thanks, Petch. As always, a pleasure doing business with you.



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The Gardener said:
Additionally, baseball was introduced to Japan by US soldiers stationed there after the war, and it has since caught on. It could be that the wearing of baseball caps in the post-WW2 period is what caused the baldness?

Or then again, maybe the US soldiers introduced the Japanese to the carnal pleasures of excessive masturbation?

Me thinks it's the hotdogs. Damn Americans.



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little off topic, but related somehwhat.
i was watching the discovery channel and they were showing this tribe in africa with very little outside influence and what i couldn't help but notice was most of men were balding. There diets are completely natural, no growth hormones or pesticides in there food or anything. So i thought while watching this that hairloss is more genetic then hereditary.


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drinkrum said:
Testosterone is made from cholesterol, so a diet with a lot of saturated fat can possibly increase testosterone production, and in turn, increase DHT.

This would explain why many who do the Atkins diet experience hairloss—myself included.

drinkrum said:
Asian people (East Asian that is), i.e. the Japanese, are usually known to suffer from less baldness than other races. Many scientists theorize that their diet has something to do with it as they eat a lot of soy, which has been shown to increase estrogen and thus decrease testosterone (estrogen is made from testosterone, so if the body senses an increase in estrogen, its response is to curtail testosterone production). In fact, a recent study showed that eating a diet with a lot of soy can be linked to lower libido and erection problems for men.

I believe this to be true. Most of the guys in Japanese p**rn flicks have trouble staying hard.

BTW, what is your take on that topical soy product, I forget what the hell it's called.


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Have you ever seen a homeless man eating out of a garbage can? Smart money says he had a full head of hair.

I'm not convinced that diet has too much to do with hairloss.


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Rawbbie is my Prag said:
drinkrum said:
Testosterone is made from cholesterol, so a diet with a lot of saturated fat can possibly increase testosterone production, and in turn, increase DHT.

This would explain why many who do the Atkins diet experience hairloss—myself included.

drinkrum said:
Asian people (East Asian that is), i.e. the Japanese, are usually known to suffer from less baldness than other races. Many scientists theorize that their diet has something to do with it as they eat a lot of soy, which has been shown to increase estrogen and thus decrease testosterone (estrogen is made from testosterone, so if the body senses an increase in estrogen, its response is to curtail testosterone production). In fact, a recent study showed that eating a diet with a lot of soy can be linked to lower libido and erection problems for men.

I believe this to be true. Most of the guys in Japanese p**rn flicks have trouble staying hard.

BTW, what is your take on that topical soy product, I forget what the hell it's called.

I don't know much about any topical soy product, but there is a topical anti-androgen called spironolactone. Talk to Bryan (that's his name and screenname here at HairLossTalk.com.com) -- he is very well read and seems to favor spironolactone so maybe he can dish out some advice better than I can. My area of "expertise" is more or less finasteride. I don't use anything else.

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Drinkrum, you said that you only use finasteride. Is that working well for you? I recently started finasteride and nizoral, to combat diffuse thinning. I'm wondering if i should do more. I hate the idea of topicals beucase i don't think that i'll stick to it. Just wondering how your experince w/ finasteride only is going.