Other surprising causes of Hair Loss


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The Gardener said:
Additionally, baseball was introduced to Japan by US soldiers stationed there after the war, and it has since caught on. It could be that the wearing of baseball caps in the post-WW2 period is what caused the baldness?

Or then again, maybe the US soldiers introduced the Japanese to the carnal pleasures of excessive masturbation?

The baseball cap theory has always been my favorite one. My sister used to tell me when I was little, " If you keep wearing a baseball cap your gonna go bald you little bastard!" Well, I'm balding, but pretty sure not due to me wearing a baseball cap! :? Maybe may sister jinxed me!! It's all her fault dammit!! :lol:


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I don't eat fish very often or at all. I heard there is some nutrient in fish that is important to hair? Anyone know the names of them and/or where I could buy some supplements at for it?

Not claiming this is the cause of my hairloss, but I might as well be getting more complete diet and if it helps make my hair better then awesome.


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worried said:
I don't eat fish very often or at all. I heard there is some nutrient in fish that is important to hair? Anyone know the names of them and/or where I could buy some supplements at for it?

Not claiming this is the cause of my hairloss, but I might as well be getting more complete diet and if it helps make my hair better then awesome.

You're thinking of omega-3 fatty acids. Instead of eating fish, you can just take the fish oil in pill form (any Wal-Mart, GNC, CVS, Rite Aid, etc. should have it). If you don't like the fishy smell, then go for flax seed oil, which will provide the same good stuff. The fatty acids are good stuff for the body -- my eye doctor even mentioned they're good for the eyes.



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drinkrum said:
Rawbbie is my Prag said:
drinkrum said:
Testosterone is made from cholesterol, so a diet with a lot of saturated fat can possibly increase testosterone production, and in turn, increase DHT.

This would explain why many who do the Atkins diet experience hairloss—myself included.

drinkrum said:
Asian people (East Asian that is), i.e. the Japanese, are usually known to suffer from less baldness than other races. Many scientists theorize that their diet has something to do with it as they eat a lot of soy, which has been shown to increase estrogen and thus decrease testosterone (estrogen is made from testosterone, so if the body senses an increase in estrogen, its response is to curtail testosterone production). In fact, a recent study showed that eating a diet with a lot of soy can be linked to lower libido and erection problems for men.

I believe this to be true. Most of the guys in Japanese p**rn flicks have trouble staying hard.

BTW, what is your take on that topical soy product, I forget what the hell it's called.

I don't know much about any topical soy product, but there is a topical anti-androgen called spironolactone. Talk to Bryan (that's his name and screenname here at HairLossTalk.com.com) -- he is very well read and seems to favor spironolactone so maybe he can dish out some advice better than I can. My area of "expertise" is more or less finasteride. I don't use anything else.


That's 660 posts—not 6. :p


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This may be a dumb question but here it goes...

I can't swallow the flax oil caplets so what I do is pop them in my mouth with a swig of orange juice and pop the caplet with my teeth, flatten it out so it seems like all the oil is out, and then swallow the liquid and remove the plastic case. Is this gunna mess with how much actually gets into my system because of stomach acids? What about centrum vitamins?



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Could the Japanese diet and lack of hairloss also be linked to their tiny penises? *runs and hides*


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Deaner said:
Could the Japanese diet and lack of hairloss also be linked to their tiny penises? *runs and hides*


Been hitting up that Japanese p**rn again? :lol:
