Oxygen - A Potential Cure ??


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michael barry said:

I want you to take a look at some of these pictures of regrowth. Here is Martin, from the hairlosstalk photogallery. He used "the big three of propecia, nizoral shampoo every three days (leave in for a couple of minutes), and minoxidil


Pretty impressive isn't it? He cut DHT with propecia, he intefered with androgens binding with receptor sites with the keotoconazale shampoo used every third day (keto is detectable 72 hours in the scalp after usage, so its not necessary to use it more), and minoxidil as a growth stimulant that probably interferes with TGF_beta expression, and fights the hardening of collagen fibers in the connective tissue sheath and probably somewhat inhibits the collageneous streamers and their develpoment under the follicle. minoxidil is also a weak prostaglandin analogue, and intereferes with extremely inflammatory prostaglandins like latanaprost does.

Now look at Bryan Shelton's almost two year results with prox-n alone............[url]http://hairlosstalk.co ... gbryan.htm[/url]
Bryan wasn't using any anti-androgens at all. Prox-n was developed by Peter proctor as a topical that attempted to counteract the immuno attack against the follicle. He uses spin traps and SOD's which attempt to foist inflammatory cytokines from being able to form (he told me that in an email). He puts a stimulant thats a kind of "natural" minoxidil in the product as well as another stimulant, abscorbyl plamitate and another anti-oxidant, BHT.

Roxythromicyn, a immunosuppressant, is in clinical trials for baldness AS A TOPICAL right now. It was somewhat effective on 8 of 12 men who put it on topically in pre-clinical trials. All it basically does in inhibit T-cells from being able to tell the immune system that something is amiss up there on your scalp, its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, it also inhibits TNF-alpha, one of the inflammatory cytokines. Its in trials, and somebody is paying for those trials, so someone thinks it works and the reasoning behind it.

Scalp biopsies of old, aged, bald scalp reveal that capillaries arent' there in abundance as compared with hirisute scalp at all. Dr. Peter Proctor, inventor of prox-n, wrote that baldness resembles organ rejection through a microscope and that cyclopsorin, an internal immunosuppressant used for organ rejection, is the most effective thing for preventing it and GROWING BACK SOME HAIR........................even more than anti-androgens like finasteride and propecia.

Beleive what you want to about baldness man..............
But I'll tell you this, if you take finasteride, shampoo with nizoral every third day, and use a copper peptide product like either tricomin or prox-N, you should keep what you have up there for a very long while. If you want it to last even longer, add topical spironolactone cream twice a day. There will be a "shed" after one or two months, then your hair will come back stronger and you will keep it. The only other things PROVEN to help are minoxidil and retin-A. I suggest taking curcumin extract (read docj077's posts) and grape seed extract and taking MSM, and getting a good amount of vitamin C also. You might make sure your diet contains silica and a generous amount of the B-complex vitamins. Youd be helping inhibit the inflammatory cytokines shown to be involved with baldness in Dr. Hideo Uno's HISTOPATHOLOGY OF BALDNESS, attempting to counter the immuno attack, blocking androgen receptors, inhbiting five alpha reductase enzymes from making DHT, upping vegf, and getting hair-healthy nutrition to the follicle. Thats about the best you can do at this point. IF you cant afford anything.....................use nizoral every third day.

If Stephen's theory intrigues you, rinse your hair in very cold water after you shower and dont dry it for twenty minutes. You can do this a couple of times a day.


Aderans is supposed to have recruited for its first phase one trial. Intercytex is in the middle of its phase two trial. ICX will probably release info of results around October, because that will have been one year since they shot the guys up with their own cells. There will probably be at least one more "phase 2" trial at ICX before they start the last trial, phase three. ICX claims they think they can hit the market somewhere on this planet (probably somewhere in Europe) by 2010, but I think it will be a year or two later than that, even if this trial goes well. They plan on at least one more phase 2 trial (phase 2B) and probably a third, then phase three, then the application process and 10 month review, then release.
I do think it will come to pass, they grew some hair in phase one and all they were looking for was inflammation (didn't happen). They weren't even trying to grow hair. I think it will be the anwer for baldness we have been waiting for.

Nizoral has been shown to shrink sebaceous glands by 19.-something percent. If they re-enlarged after a year or so OFF Nizoral, would you be intrigued by that?

This is all very well Michael. But these are all reactionary measures. How about we address the CAUSES of high DHT.

It seems to me that its based upon (or at least very much exacerbated by the Westernised diet and the consumption of cooked fat which in turn causes a rise in 5 alpha reductase and consequently DHT.

It brings our DHT to a level which genetically we are not comfortable with.

your thoughts?

michael barry

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Balding men have been shown over and over to NOT HAVE "HIGH" levels of DHT above hirsuite men.

YOUR hair's reaction to DHT (and probably T to a lesser extent) is why you bald. Jose Canseco, took steroids for many years, and still has all his hair because he didn't inherit baldness genes

We have always went bald. Ive seen an Vase from Crete from 1500 B.C. that depicted a NW7 fisherman.

The Ancient Egyptians were the first people that we know of to have baldness remedies (that didnt work......hippo fat and crocodile sh*t on the head)

The post WW2 Japanese probably bald more becuase of the high glycemic index of their westernized diets. Some eskimos eat almost nothing BUT MEAT, and never bald. High carbohydrate diets with high glycemic index foods like pastas, processed foods, french fries, white breads, high fructose corn-syrup sweetened man-made food-stuffs raise insulin levels, and the adrenal glands get more active as a result of this and make more testosterone (some DHT is also made in the adrenals as the five alpha reductase enyzme also resides there). High glycemic index diets also result in less SHBG (sex-hormone-BINDING-globulin) which "carries" testosterone around the body in a bound form, so it cannot react with five alpha reductase and be turned into DHT. Have less of it, and you have more free testosterone to be made into DHT.

The Japanese are also drinking much less green tea (catechins are somewhat anti-androgenic, and are alpha five type one inibitors), less soya (equol binds DHT in a form that makes it unusable to tissues, about a third or any given population makes equol during soy digestion, soy also inhibits PKC formation----an inflammatory cytokine associated with early catagen), and eating less veggies and fish (fish oil inhibits TNF_alpha, another inflammatory cytokine involved in baldness), veggies have beta sitosterol and other sterols that are also somewhat anti-androgenic by mimicking estrogens in the body.

Dont forget the Japanese are much taller now, as well as have much more beard and body hair growth than what they used to be. Not all changes have been bad in other words. They used to be very short.


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Hmm. Propecia raises testosterone though. Ill be honest I have a year prescription for propecia sitting around. The idea of .25mg a day crossed my mind, but in all honesty im terrified of trying it. I just wonder about increasing my testosterone screwing up my hormones is it really worth it? I mean I want to keep my hair but is it worth that price? I have little to no history of it, but I think im going bald its a very hard choice.
Im 24 I have lots of hair still I just dont know what to do except be indecisive and just do nothing.


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Yeah you know i have a weird feeling my hair is just really sensitive to DHT, but I still have most of my hair because I think I have small amounts of it. When I look at older pictures of me at 18 I had no facial hair there definately seems to be a correlation in my case of body/facial hair increase and more hairloss thats just in my case I guess.


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michael barry said:
Balding men have been shown over and over to NOT HAVE "HIGH" levels of DHT above hirsuite men.

YOUR hair's reaction to DHT (and probably T to a lesser extent) is why you bald. Jose Canseco, took steroids for many years, and still has all his hair because he didn't inherit baldness genes

We have always went bald. Ive seen an Vase from Crete from 1500 B.C. that depicted a NW7 fisherman.

The Ancient Egyptians were the first people that we know of to have baldness remedies (that didnt work......hippo fat and crocodile $#iT on the head)

The post WW2 Japanese probably bald more becuase of the high glycemic index of their westernized diets. Some eskimos eat almost nothing BUT MEAT, and never bald. High carbohydrate diets with high glycemic index foods like pastas, processed foods, french fries, white breads, high fructose corn-syrup sweetened man-made food-stuffs raise insulin levels, and the adrenal glands get more active as a result of this and make more testosterone (some DHT is also made in the adrenals as the five alpha reductase enyzme also resides there). High glycemic index diets also result in less SHBG (sex-hormone-BINDING-globulin) which "carries" testosterone around the body in a bound form, so it cannot react with five alpha reductase and be turned into DHT. Have less of it, and you have more free testosterone to be made into DHT.

The Japanese are also drinking much less green tea (catechins are somewhat anti-androgenic, and are alpha five type one inibitors), less soya (equol binds DHT in a form that makes it unusable to tissues, about a third or any given population makes equol during soy digestion, soy also inhibits PKC formation----an inflammatory cytokine associated with early catagen), and eating less veggies and fish (fish oil inhibits TNF_alpha, another inflammatory cytokine involved in baldness), veggies have beta sitosterol and other sterols that are also somewhat anti-androgenic by mimicking estrogens in the body.

Dont forget the Japanese are much taller now, as well as have much more beard and body hair growth than what they used to be. Not all changes have been bad in other words. They used to be very short.

You're missing the point though Michael. I'm not talking about people who aren't genetically susceptible, I'm talking about those who are.

and i'm not talking about measuring one mans DHT against another mans. what im saying is the DHT has been elevated for that individual not in comparison with other men.

If what ur saying is that DHT isn't an issue then why does Propecia work by cutting alpha reductase and DHT?


JayMan.. why do you have that picture in your profile?
Did you type wrong when you signed up or did you mean to write GayMan?


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michael barry said:
I know cold is a great anti-inflammatory. Perhpas driving blood away for ten minutes makes the are inpalatable for inflammatory cytokines, perhaps the constriction in lymph nodes and capillaries forces inflammatory prostaglandins and cytokines away from an area and it takes them hours to remount their attack on the area............perhaps it just soothes the hell out of the skin.


I wonder if a person placed their right arm in a tub of hot water for 30 minutes to an hour each a day, if their arm hair would shed and go "bald"?
while the left arm remained hairy. :hairy:

michael barry

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That would be a great, DOABLE experiment.

Id LOVE for someone to test a cold pack placed on the forearm twice a day for 20 minutes to see if it got hairier than the control arm.

Im testing some stuff on my body hair right now, and have ordered a lavendar oil, and a lavendar/tea tree oil mix to test somewhere else (Im already retesting revivo---will take pics this time, and nizoral on a wrist).

I reason I can get these things tested and take pics of the results so in about 4 months we can all see if they work anti-androgenically or not.

Perhaps after all of this is done and hair growth returns to normal on these areas.....................I'll try and give the old a shot somewhere (a finger, back of hand, etc........)


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michael barry said:
Im testing some stuff on my body hair right now, and have ordered a lavendar oil, and a lavendar/tea tree oil mix to test somewhere else (Im already retesting revivo---will take pics this time, and nizoral on a wrist).

Just letting you know, I have tested Tea Tree Oil on my forearm for 3 months. I tend to have hairy forearms, it resulted in a noticeable thinning where I placed it.

BTW, how are you making out with the Revivogen???