Beethoven, you'd probably be interested in reading the study "Growth suppression of hamster flank organs by topical application of catechins, alizarin, curcumin, and myristoleic acid", Liao et al, Arch Dermatol Res (2001) 293: 200-205.
They dissolved curcumin in ethanol and applied it to hamster flank organs. 1 mg curcumin in 5 ul (micro-liters) of alcohol. They measured an 87% decrease in the testosterone-stimulated growth of the organ (which was even a bit greater than what gamma-linolenic acid was able to do!). Interestingly, they also measured a 31% decrease in DHT-stimulated growth from the curcumin..
You might be interested to know that plain old EGCG (like from green tea) did better against DHT than curcumin did, with an astonishing inhibition of 97%!!