Have news for you mate, you currently all pay into a system which should if your mainstream media is believed cost tax payers less yet under your privatised model the cost to the public purse is a whopping 17.9% of GDP. By comparison universal models employed by the EU-15 costs just on average 9.7%. It's honestly both laughable and sad that yanks will try to defend such a broken system because muh immigrants, socialism, etc.
you do understand the issues we have here that those countries dont correct?
We still suffer the highest rates of obesity and poor health. So unless we tell fat people, smokers, drinkers, drug users, and all around lazy pieces of sh*t you dont get coverage our hit will be insanely huge if we ever just decided to change instantly.
Our population compared to almost all those countries.... yeah its quite a difference. the entire EU, yes all
Our economy still hasn't fully bounced back.
A lot of those countries are running out of money to supply their healthcare system and with them now taking in the migrants they are its getting worse. Why do you think most European countries pay 50% of their wages into taxes.
You do realize our health care system is one of the reasons we also still have the leading rate of treatments and discoveries through the world? If only our FDA would back off a bit. Look up the UK and their declining health care system with cancer treatments and survival rates compared to ours for the last decade.
We still have a massive problem with people illegally entering our country and abusing our health care. This costs our country billions because they do as the other guy said. They show up in a hospital because they cant be turned away and then disappear. This cost then gets spread to us. How would universal healthcare stop this? Oh unless we stopped illegal immigration, which I said was a great trade but the other half doesnt want. Theyd rather just take their ball and go home.
Illegal immigration is one of MANY points why we cant go socialized health care here. Again read my comments, not against it, but it needs to be met with compromise...... People love comparing us to places like the netherlands where they have.... dunno 17 million people, the US has 350million.... the entire EU 28 right now have about 500 million. So the US alone equals almost the entire EU. All the health care systems in those countries differ slightly so your using an average wont work because the one where people may pay less cross out the ones where people pay more.
Also per capita of spending the US is not THAT much more than a country like sweden. per capita would be a much better comparison than breaking the averages of 15-28 countries and putting it against the one big fat US. While on paper people might have you convinced it will work, Im here and telling you it wont. It would take a LOT of changes other people arent willing to make.
So if we could put in health standards every person needs to meet to be eligible, cut back on immigration, cut back on multi child single parent house holds where a lot of assistance is used, and make sure every person is paying in then it might have a chance. Other than that, I have decent health care and really am not looking to pay more of my check away so other people are taken care of. Would I like to see it happen here, sure, but the asshats in this country dont really deserve it. I am a single male with no kids who makes a good living through hard work.... I am ripe for the tax raping so Im looking out for me.
Oh and tort reform for malpractice would need a serious overhaul here for it to work. Our malpractice issues are one of the reasons our healthcare is so expensive. I believe I read a few years ago a study about the UK and their firm regulations on how much you can actually sue for malpractice there. We pretty much have no limits if enough hardship can be proven. If our laws got changed for that, then hospitals and doctors (yes here lots of state require doctors to have their own malpractice insurance) then prices might also drop.