Paul Rudd Vs Stephen Miller: It's The Hair


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Sorry not buying any of this, just your run of the mill standard looney right wing propaganda. The idea that the US is somehow unique is such a load of bollocks, of course they could implement a universal model like every other normal country in the world. The NHS has been functioning perfectly fine for the past 70 years providing quality care, yes it is being attacked by the Tories campaign of austerity but it nonetheless is significantly more efficient and cost effective to have universal healthcare than the absolute failure of the US model.

But it's not, look at per capita costs, the us is not much more expensive than countries who have FAR less, and far less diverse populations. Now what I find funny is multiple times I've stated I would be willing to do universal healthcare given other stipulations but you just brand my thoughts as "far right propganda" (laughable). Do some actual research on why universal healthcare won't work here, some non biased research then come back.

They "could implement" anything in the world, it doesn't mean it would be affordable, fair or right.
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is it? thats also a laughable point. Its like our big push on rehabilitation here in the US. Over 50% of ex con go recommit, most do it in under 6 months of release. Let say we waste a ton of money treating an over weight person for their diabetes. Does that mean theyre going to actually follow the orders of the doctor and stop eating garbage, lose the weight and exercise? Or would they more or less give an all amurican selfish response like "well free healthcare yo" and just continue their spiral into death while wasting our money since we over medicate everyone to avoid being sued? Its double edged but at least when the renal failure kicks in we support them for far less time and we didnt support them on their journey there.

Sorry either system is going to be "retarded" unless we can legitimately look at someone and go "you need to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise, cut back on junk food, etc etc or you get NO health care" it just wont work. But the other half of our "retarded" system says thats discriminatory. This country doesnt deserve it yet.

scary russia, china and north korea..... yet dont spend money on defense? also you understand how many people our military supplies health care for right? very good health care.

but I ask, if you had, as an American the choice to receive universal healthcare but we close our borders up would YOU take that trade?

So you think primary care is just telling someone to lose weight? That’s a profound lack of insight... Have fun with your baseless opinion mr. typical American voter. Lost cause


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So you think primary care is just telling someone to lose weight? That’s a profound lack of insight... Have fun with your baseless opinion mr. typical American voter. Lost cause

Good talk bud, mr doesnt live here but thinks they know how to run the place. I'm a lost cause but i probably make more than you and did it all on my own huh.
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Good talk bud, me didn't live here but things they know how to run the place. I'm a lost cause but i probably make more than you and did it all on my own huh.

Haha you fit the stereotypes almost too well... are you being intentionally satirical? Next will you tell me how I can’t take your guns?


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Haha you fit the stereotypes almost too well... are you being intentionally satirical? Next will you tell me how I can’t take your guns?

youll grow up one day, but no you cant take my guns either if it makes you feel better.Trust me kid, when youre off your parents allowance and start paying bills yourself, youll understand.

I would have ended this with the mature "agree to disagree" but I can see you have been left wing antifa programmed beyond redemption. I have hope for you once youre out of your 20s though.
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Cowboys fan

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That’s because of EMTALA. It’s primary and preventative care where they are denied care. So instead of treating diabetes at the beginning when it’s nice and cheap we wait until they have renal failure and an MI requiring millions that come right out of the tax payers pocket. Our system is retarded...
You made a very good point. I worked in a hospital as an electrician . nd saw the er visits. But didn't think about the prevention aspect. It seems to get lost in the discussion with others I know to . And yes that must be fixed. But how ?? Is the main question


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youll grow up one day, but no you cant take my guns either if it makes you feel better.Trust me kid, when youre off your parents allowance and start paying bills yourself, youll understand.

I would have ended this with the mature "agree to disagree" but I can see you have been left wing antifa programmed beyond redemption. I have hope for you once youre out of your 20s though.

I am not left wing, you are just an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

I am financially independent, not sure why you are assuming otherwise


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You made a very good point. I worked in a hospital as an electrician . nd saw the er visits. But didn't think about the prevention aspect. It seems to get lost in the discussion with others I know to . And yes that must be fixed. But how ?? Is the main question

Well I wish I had a definitive answer... universal healthcare seems to be the most obvious and straight forward way.

All I know is right now our system doesn’t work. I see too many poor people coming into the er with a problem that should be seen in a clinic (everything in the er costs atleast double what it would in a clinic), or the severe end of a chronic disease that should of been previously addressed (common example is an MI that could have been prevented with a simple statin medication 10 years ago). These things are we have ridiculously high per capita spending on medicine yet still have poor outcomes


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I am not left wing, you are just an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

I am financially independent, not sure why you are assuming otherwise

Sorry bud, but youre the idiot here. I am centrist but fiscally conservative. You are appearing to be FAR left. Thats how YOU make it sound, not me. You shouldnt be allowed to vote, otherwise like everywhere in those countries you so tout (where wait times for surgeries and dr visits far exceed ours, cancer treatment and cure rates are far below ours, and having your own Dr is really not a thing) we would all be paying 50% upward of our wages in taxes to support everyone else who doesnt bother taking care of themselves. The problem here is youre acting like an ignorant little hard head. I have given you tons of examples, and rationale, I could bother to send you plenty of numbers and articles on it as well but knowing "your type" you would simply scream right wing this or that, and keep just saying things like "youre hopeless, or shouldnt be allowed to vote" (ad hominen). Your arguments are not arguments, they are just the tantrums of a small minded, worried child. I guarantee youre salivating at any given opportunity to call me a racist for no apparent reason.

per capita, the US spends about 8K a year
sweden, austria AND Germany all spend about 6.
Thats not a massive difference.
Dont use averages or estimates, use per capita for these kinds of issues. Also never use GDP for any comparisons.

You keep screaming about "preventative healthcare" but you cant have that if the population of the country isn't concerned with their own health. The US is still one of the most unhealthy nations due to our excessive attitudes, arrogance and poor self control preventative maintenance would never work. It would not be worth it unless we put in strict regulations on being "eligible", but the only restrictions we place on anything is taxation. Youve literally given no examples on how to make it work other than "well europe does it"...... Read around, there are PLENTY of non biased sources who state its not possible right now.

I also repeatedly said I would be for it "if" but again you ignore that, because.... well Im a right wing nut or something. You are a hard headed far leftist, and trying to talk facts with you isnt going to go anywhere because in the end I'll just be whatever name you want to start crying about.....

You remind me of me when I was young and worried about having to support myself. youll grow up, move out on your own one day and see how the world works. I assume you are not financially independent because you sound like someone who isnt. If you are lucky maybe you do live in one of those nice countries where everyone gets a universal salary and free healthcare. I hope you do, if not and youre SO in love with it, why not just move to one?

I say again, we can agree to disagree.
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Sorry bud, but youre the idiot here. I am centrist but fiscally conservative. You are appearing to be FAR left. Thats how YOU make it sound, not me. You shouldnt be allowed to vote, otherwise like everywhere in those countries you so tout (where wait times for surgeries and dr visits far exceed ours, cancer treatment and cure rates are far below ours, and having your own Dr is really not a thing) we would all be paying 50% upward of our wages in taxes to support everyone else who doesnt bother taking care of themselves. The problem here is youre acting like an ignorant little hard head. I have given you tons of examples, and rationale, I could bother to send you plenty of numbers and articles on it as well but knowing "your type" you would simply scream right wing this or that, and keep just saying things like "youre hopeless, or shouldnt be allowed to vote" (ad hominen). Your arguments are not arguments, they are just the tantrums of a small minded, worried child. I guarantee youre salivating at any given opportunity to call me a racist for no apparent reason.

per capita, the US spends about 8K a year
sweden, austria AND Germany all spend about 6.
Thats not a massive difference.
Dont use averages or estimates, use per capita for these kinds of issues. Also never use GDP for any comparisons.

You keep screaming about "preventative healthcare" but you cant have that if the population of the country isn't concerned with their own health. The US is still one of the most unhealthy nations due to our excessive attitudes, arrogance and poor self control preventative maintenance would never work. It would not be worth it unless we put in strict regulations on being "eligible", but the only restrictions we place on anything is taxation. Youve literally given no examples on how to make it work other than "well europe does it"...... Read around, there are PLENTY of non biased sources who state its not possible right now.

I also repeatedly said I would be for it "if" but again you ignore that, because.... well Im a right wing nut or something. You are a hard headed far leftist, and trying to talk facts with you isnt going to go anywhere because in the end I'll just be whatever name you want to start crying about.....

You remind me of me when I was young and worried about having to support myself. youll grow up, move out on your own one day and see how the world works. I assume you are not financially independent because you sound like someone who isnt. If you are lucky maybe you do live in one of those nice countries where everyone gets a universal salary and free healthcare. I hope you do, if not and youre SO in love with it, why not just move to one?

I say again, we can agree to disagree.

You say I’m not financially independent because it fits the narrative you are trying to frame your argument around... that everyone who disagrees with just haven’t pulled themselves up by the boot straps and earned a wage like you. Sorry to break your bubble but you aren’t special. The sad thing is I doubt you make more than me when I don’t even care

“Tons of examples and rational”... uh where. You have nothing backing what you say. All I’ve seen in that realm is “Cancer treatment and cure rates far below us”... uh ya probably because in most countries they catch it in a pre-malignant state with primary care (also probably are a bit more receptive to a dnr), plus you can pick and choose a niche for any country. Japan has significantly higher neonatal survival rates while the US has rate that border closer to a third world country. If we don’t pick and choose based on a certain niche and observe overall mortality we are up by almost 50% when at the same time by your own chosen metric we spend 33% more per capita. That’s abysmal...

Preventative care is dollar for dollar where we should be spending our money. We have so many interventions with hard data supporting their effectiveness in preventing morbidity, mortality and hospitalizations. It should be common sense that we need to spend 5 dollars on prevnar rather than millions for the resuscitation of a child with pneumococcal meningitis... Patient non compliance is certainly a problem but it certainly doesn’t make the field of primary care useless (a ridiculous assertion for anyone with an ounce of medical insight)

“Agree to disagree” that our medical system isn’t broken? Sorry I won’t do that because I’m not gonna put my head in the sand. It’s obviously broken to anyone with eyes
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You say I’m not financially independent because it fits the narrative you are trying to frame your argument around... that everyone who disagrees with just haven’t pulled themselves up by the boot straps and earned a wage like you. Sorry to break your bubble but you aren’t special. The sad thing is I doubt you make more than me when I don’t even care

“Tons of examples and rational”... uh where. You have nothing backing what you say. All I’ve seen in that realm is “Cancer treatment and cure rates far below us”... uh ya probably because in most countries they catch it in a pre-malignant state with primary care (also probably are a bit more receptive to a dnr), plus you can pick and choose a niche for any country. Japan has significantly higher neonatal survival rates while the US has rate that border closer to a third world country. If we don’t pick and choose based on a certain niche and observe overall mortality we are up by almost 50% when at the same time by your own chosen metric we spend 33% more per capita. That’s abysmal...

Preventative care is dollar for dollar where we should be spending our money. We have so many interventions with hard data supporting their effectiveness in preventing morbidity, mortality and hospitalizations. It should be common sense that we need to spend 5 dollars on prevnar rather than millions for the resuscitation of a child with pneumococcal meningitis... Patient non compliance is certainly a problem but it certainly doesn’t make the field of primary care useless (a ridiculous assertion for anyone with an ounce of medical insight)

“Agree to disagree” that our medical system isn’t broken? Sorry I won’t do that because I’m not gonna put my head in the sand. It’s obviously broken to anyone with eyes

I call you not financially independent because you sound like every know it all yalie in my state who thinks they "get it" and still live off their parents and are terrified to actually be on their own.

where did I say you spend 33% more per capita? I admitted we pay slightly more but not as much as people like to cry about. And that usually equals out in the taxes as a whole anyway.

In the US the average tax rate for someone making about 100K is around 40%. The Rate in Germany is around 56%. You're (not YOU but germany as an example) still paying regardless and if the US went single payer "I" would see a SUBSTANTIAL increase in "my" (and most others) taxes for really no better health care than we're (me) already getting. There isnt an incentive for me to want to bother seeing it go that route, UNLESS we put forward some of the safe guards I mentioned.
You keep spouting "preventative care" but give me nothing that shows how a population here is going to participate nor put in the effort. I have very good insurance, Ive had pretty shitty insurance. I was always capable of getting a doctor and treatment.
The things that could be fixed are
1) tort reform, already mentioned
2) fixed pricing on medical procedures and medication (which Trump says he wants to do), but then we're going to stifle the industry. Sadly yes we will. That prevnar you mentioned, its made by a US pharmaceutical company. Most countries regulate the prices of medication, which Im for, but in turn we dont and usually end up paying more to almost subsidize other countries. This argument goes both ways and its a discussion being had now between the countries with our pharmaceutical companies (US parma companies are still the biggest). One onset of people say it wont hurt Pharma revenues, pharma says it does and they wouldnt put as much R&D in if they were making less (they have investors) which is why we dont regulate them the same as other EU countries. Unless you have a plan for this its a catch 22. The only viable solution I could see is every country agreeing on a one set price for all of them, which would decrease our costs (yay) but increase EUs (well I guess boo)..... Im still for pricing regulation.
3) Again, we need to fix our immigration. Im not going to see single payer happen happily unless I know its only for those who were born here, or live here legally. I am not in the interest of letting 20K people (yes thats the most recent "caravan" of people on their way here) plop here and put their kids on the system. That NEEDS to be fixed. You may not want to admit it but it does have a negative affect on our health care system and cost.
4) the population itself needs to learn to live healthier, thats not happening. No amount of education is going to make most americans just decide "hey Im going to get healthy to save everyone money", they just dont care.

Again, I dont know how many times or ways I can say "Im for it but...." and it doesnt get through to you. There are always going to be things that are broken, need work and could be better. It will be that way for national or capital systems. I keep saying there is no easy switch, agree to disagree because you keep avoiding my compromise. I am for a single payer system if we can crack down on our illegal immigration, its a simple compromise.
Where do you actually live? If you dont live in the states then how can you even judge here? If you DO live in the states then how would you feel about my compromise.

Either or people LOVE you say "single payer will save you so much on healthcare", okay but the increase in taxes to pay for it will more than offset that.

Im going to let you answer this but really not going to keep going because neither of us will sway the other, which isnt my actual goal here but seems to be yours, then Im out for the week...... disney y'alls!

on a side note I looked up mortality rates, because that example interested me and 2 points
1) ours arent that much higher, but again we have a massive population which could offset those numbhers, but honestly Id have to do more research which isnt happening this week!
2) mortality rate as a whole or by sickness? The US leading cause of death is heart disease, and that has more to do with our lifestyle than whether our healthcare is free or not. I bet the major cause of our heart disease is due to american diet and then smoking. How will single payer solve those 2 issues?

all debate aside, heres a really good article
and Id say its from a more left leaning source as well.
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Hitler had a full head of hair



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But it's not, look at per capita costs, the us is not much more expensive than countries who have FAR less,

As if anyone else wasn’t convinced that you might be a bit simple they surely do now. Without resorting to any silly capitalisations I emplore anyone to fact check this charlatan but for those who can’t be bothered US citizens pay ~£7,600/pc excluding any insurance premiums they might pay on top of taxes and the UK pays £2,900/pc for a totally inclusive health service. The numbers speak for themselves.


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Hair aside the guy on the right is clearly younger looking with much better skin, and Rudd's hair looks ridiculous with that dye job, like a mannequin. We're supposed to believe a 50 year old white guy doesn't have a single grey hair lol.


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Hair aside the guy on the right is clearly younger looking with much better skin, and Rudd's hair looks ridiculous with that dye job, like a mannequin. We're supposed to believe a 50 year old white guy doesn't have a single grey hair lol.
Are you blind?, the guy on the right looks like a convicted rapist! Rudd looks fantastic, pure distinguished gentleman.


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Hair aside the guy on the right is clearly younger looking with much better skin, and Rudd's hair looks ridiculous with that dye job, like a mannequin. We're supposed to believe a 50 year old white guy doesn't have a single grey hair lol.
The other guy's skin isn't better than Paul's lol.

Are you blind?, the guy on the right looks like a convicted rapist! Rudd looks fantastic, pure distinguished gentleman.
Yeah. Even if he had hair Paul would still look better, easily.