It’s an observation based on its sales. And, the only thing you will be doing is grabbing a razor and shaving cream.
I was waiting for you to mention my hair. Let me give you my backstory. I'm thirty two. When I was 20 I was smashing girls on a regular bases and not thinking about hair loss, so I feel for you. I do mean that. At 30 on December 22 I had a moment of madness and was convinced I was thinning. I wasn't, pictures as far back as 2010 show the same hair pattern. This website really made me more paranoid about my non existent loss. Anyway a year on finasteride and all I did was shed, I guess that's understandable for someone that wasn't balding. I still look like a NW1 but of course I wish I'd never touched finasteride. Oh well, life is about learning from mistakes, and I won't be touching the stuff again. I quit in January and still have some low libido, it's not major and i'm positive it will return to normal eventually, but I now see that this drug can devastate peoples lives even after discontinuation - and before some desperate Dan pipes up and says i had low libido before....I was borderline sex addict for about 5 years prior to finasteride. I actually have hobbies other than tinder now, so in a way there's a silver lining to my lower libido.
Now this is the part where the rap breaks down...just this week I was still stressing about my hair shedding - again, almost full coverage but unacceptable for my density standards, SO, I decided to buzz my hair to a number 1, I'd done it before multiple times in my life before so it wasn't a huge deal. The only difference is I felt like I was having to do it, which isn't nice. So I buzzed on Friday, but then a tinder match asked to meet Saturday(yes even with lower libido i'm still a predator) of course I panicked and nearly cancelled but I decided to go. Well i'm very good with people, as much as I don't like most of them, and the date was easy, she gave no shits about my buzzed head and we smashed. Cased closed. No hair does not mean no sex. And I remember you saying you can't work bald? Dude, I trained as an actor back in the day and there were a few bald successful actors in my circle. I know for a fact if I went back and acted now I would still succeed bald, because it's confidence that matters most. Yes I do currently look like I have a full head of shaved grains, and a full head when grown out, i'm just not happy with it now. So i've decided to take hair out of the equation before it's even noticeable. So bring on that razor. I'll be fully prepared for it then, and propecia free.
I know I have a lot more hair then most people on this site but it doesn't matter. My finasteride shed started in June 2018 and since then I've been under a huge amount of stress, and I started finasteride because of this site and it's members.
So good luck. I'm not writing this to show off about sex and hair, I was a mess for the last year. I writing this because I want you to see I'm not a bitter bald guy. I'm as happy as I was when I had a buzz in 2010(except i'm actually skinnier which is shameful lol) I'm messaging because I totally agree with @Pigeon and I see members like @Charlie Foxtrot making a massive mistake, but I understand completely, and you of course.
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