Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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Yeah i do get the flaky problem and nizoral 3 x week does help with that.

Also once a month i go through my hair with a comb and remove any thats on my scalp(a clear scalp means better minoxidil absorption )

I can imagine guys with much darker hair would have more of a problem.


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Yeah I find my self using the comb to remove the sh*t sometimes as well. I also tried a schampoo with salicycacid but cant use that every day because it makes the hair almost seem burned. And yeah my worry is that there will be a layer of that sh*t on the scalp which will hinder the minoxidil to reach its destination...Hopefully it won't!

Thanks mate, hope the hair is doing great!



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@ R_Savage

Yeah i've always bought my finasteride from in house pharmacy

I would say go for inhouse and stick with them!

Oh and my hair is still holding out really well:)Will try and post updated pics soon

Edit: my mate started taking dutasteride 6 months ago and his progress has been incredible!I will def consider dutasteride if my current regime stops working
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Hey Peapoddy, amazing results! I just started on Finpecia from Inhouse earlier this month, been on it 2 weeks.

I had a question for you as some who has had long term success with Inhouse - have you noticed any changes to the packaging? Like, when was the last time you received an order from them? Mine come with the tabs rubber banded together in a plain white box. I've noticed from other pictures of Finpecia users they had theirs in a box that actually said Finpecia, sometimes with papers describing Finasteride and posted warnings etc.

Thanks and continued success. :)


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I've been getting finasteride from inhouse for the past 18 months. Seems good to me.
The only that's changed is the website url, the packaging has always been the same.


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peapoddy said:
@ R_Savage

Yeah i've always bought my finasteride from in house pharmacy

I would say go for inhouse and stick with them!

Oh and my hair is still holding out really well:)Will try and post updated pics soon

Edit: my mate started taking dutasteride 6 months ago and his progress has been incredible!I will def consider dutasteride if my current regime stops working


What type of results is your friend taking the dutasteride getting? Is he using Avodart or Dutas? What type of loss pattern does he have?



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slightly receding and diffuse all over...

now its a nice thick norwood 2

dr reddy's dutasteride from inhouse in gel caps

JWM said:
peapoddy said:
@ R_Savage

Yeah i've always bought my finasteride from in house pharmacy

I would say go for inhouse and stick with them!

Oh and my hair is still holding out really well:)Will try and post updated pics soon

Edit: my mate started taking dutasteride 6 months ago and his progress has been incredible!I will def consider dutasteride if my current regime stops working


What type of results is your friend taking the dutasteride getting? Is he using Avodart or Dutas? What type of loss pattern does he have?



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mon,wed and friday 0.5 mg of dutasteride

nizoral on those days aswell

I've been told no side effects

I will switch to dutasteride if i ever see my hair starting to get worse....

I'm determined to keep a good head of hair well into my 30's

Just on my way to gym ready to deep squat 280kg for 6 reps..wish me luck lol

JWM said:
Is he taking it everyday, and/or is he using anything else?

Thanks again.


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Thanks again, Peapoddy. Good luck with your squats, however much it is (I'm American!) :)


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peapoddy said:
Just on my way to gym ready to deep squat 280kg for 6 reps..wish me luck lol

DUDE. Really? 280kg?

That is INSANE. And here I was whining about not wanting to keep increasing my squat til I get to 315lb (142kg)


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Hey here are a few pics first one i just got out of bed lol so a style is a little messed up!

Some of my mates still think i'm dying my hair lol




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bro your hair has improved tremendously!

much darker aswell
even the temple hair has improved

im thrilled with your success


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Looks good, peapoddy. It doesn't look like you have any problems with your hair at all now.


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Freakish physique, full head of hair now, young, to say this? YOU B@STARD!!! :)


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Just wondering, what type of haircut do you get? Number 3 guard all around except for the top?


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@ pileon

Yeah I cut my hair myself unless my sister visits ( she's a hairdresser)

During the winter every 2 weeks I shave the side and back using grade 3 and keep the top slightly longer.I't only takes me about 15 mins to get it look freshly cut..

Summer time I usually go slighty shorter.. so a grade 2 works well on sides and back. I prefer the shorter hair when I'm nice and tanned lol


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Thanks you guys for the comments!

Hair is looking great for now:) and I'm just as super consistent with treatments as I was at the beginning !


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You are the men dear. If you can handle this problem then you can do anything. I have seen that you have manged to keep it clean.
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