Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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Hate2LoseIt said:
Oh really, your wife you say. Suuuuuure, we really believe that one.

I know I'm just feeding a troll, and you'll say "PHOTOSHOP" or "FAKE" or "HAHA, THAT'S A GOOD COVER BRO!" or some such bullshit...but here we are on July 25th, 2009


And at her cousin's wedding last year (where you can see me wearing my wedding ring)

Ok, now please commence with the "HAHA U R A f*****!" comments and other *giggle funny* .gif files. After all, we wouldn't want this thread to continue being a great source for help and information. That would just be a SHAME, wouldn't it?


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Hate2LoseIt said:
sandyc said:
What's up with you people getting freaked out by the boner comment? Seems like anytime someone compliments someone in a jokey way, the possible closet homosexuals post. Most people don't get bothered by those comments.

C' cant be for real. If anyone's a closet homo it would be the guy talking about achieving a boner from another mans picture..

but im glad those type of comments dont bother you :gay:

But then again, your name is sandy sooooo..... :shock: :gay2: :gay2:

Come on man, you're just doing your best to be as offensive as you can.

Kinda silly to make those remarks about someone who is confident enough about their sexuality that they can make jokes about it.


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I see a picture of you and your sister. That's nice. Not sure where your wife is :dunno:

But it's ok big boy, im sure there's a peapoddy
out there for you somewhere......:hump:

:gay: :gay2:


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terrapin12 said:
Hate2LoseIt should stop being a bigot. Rawtashk made a funny, end of story. Resume thread.

I dont get how he made a funny.....

what he did make was me and countless other forum viewers uncomfortable with his racy, homosexual comments and descriptive sexual escapades..I WANT TO READ ABOUT PEAPODDY'S SUCCESS, NOT ABOUT RAWSTASH'S GAY BONER OR HIS IMAGINARY WIFE'S VAGINA.


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You're right. I, like most people, get dressed up in a tux while my sister dresses in a wedding dress and then we shove cake in each other's mouth.

But, thank you for proving my point. As least one of us can be mature here.


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Hate2LoseIt said:
Rawtashk said:
I'm not gay or nothing...but that last pic gave me a boner.


Wow, did it hurt when you came out of the closet as hard as you did?....u f****ing fairy. :gay:

Ok...while I admit that gif is funny we don't need the rest of your comment ok?

Anyone who has issues with gay men probably shouldn't be posting on a forum like this because to be honest I would close to half our posters and lurkers are gay OR WHATEVER society lumps into that group.

know your demographics


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Why, because all gays have limp hands and like dancing pink elephants?

What next? Stereotyping people who love big guns because they have tiny dicks?


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Finfighter, I wasn't actually just talking about your comment, I do think some gay people might find the emoticons offensive, I agree with you on that, I was actually referring to Hate2Loseit's posts. I just realised your avatar was a burly gun, I wasn't actually aiming that comment at you (or anyone in general). Crazy what the subconscious mind does and what is does with information we didn't realise we've processed.


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Dude, wtf is going on with this thread lol. mega-hijack ftw!


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lol yeah

have to admit i couldnt stop laughing over that gif

my other mate is just starting finasteride (he is norwood 3 so be interesting see how he does)


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hey peapoddy, just wanted to say how inspirational your story has been, as another young diffuse thinner this gives me a lot of hope


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Hey man -- 19 here. Won't be going on finasteride due to the potential risk of lifetime impotence but just wanted to agree with the consensus of your genetics.

I'm more focused on mass/strength than ripped at this point. I've always been light, but I've gotten stronger and stronger over time. Used to play football so I go hard in the weight room. Your physique is awesome, I prefer the mass look but regardless.

What are your numbers? Bench, Squat, DL?


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I believe he was using the standard 5% strength. Foam in the morning, liquid in the evening.

Anyhow, this thread is the one that's inspired me to take finasteride, after being scared for so long. I'm even gonna get the exact same one as him.


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Hey man,
Firstly congrats on your awesome gains!
Im new here and am posting on your thread because I have similar balding and a similar workout routine (5days a week).

I am not on anything at the moment except for vitamins. Im really too freaked out to try anything yet. I was thinking of trying Rogaine and Nizoral shampoo, but not finasteride. Would you recommend this? When I shampoo my hair I only get maybe 5-10 hairs that come out (My hair is very short though - 9mm at the moment).

I have thinning all over my crown and back of my head and towards the front, but no receding hairline. It is not too bad, but bad enough that i cant grow out my hair and style it.

Iv heard that working out a lot actually gets rid of DHT (Because you actually use up testosterone), this is why i dont want to go on finasteride, as well as the side effects.

Would you recommend going on rogaine and nizoral? Given that im not loosing much? (At least that im aware of)

Thanks so much dude!
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