I will recommend pausing treatment until you're recovered. Recovery should be possible while continuing treatment with finasteride, but it'll be easier if you quit. You should use at least 50 mg zinc a day, and take all at once.Enden said:It depends. A full grown penis shouldn't grow anymore. However, it did increase in both width and lenght in my case, and there are several others who have experienced this too. I definately did keep the added lenght - which was 1 cm, but I'm not sure about the width. It grew fast, and much more in width. It seems smaller now. It should be possible to maintain with continued use.Chris87 said:So if this stuff is used in treatment of micro penises..does that mean it'll make your junk bigger permanently?
Signs of trouble.I've been on finasteride for 20 days. I've been experiencing watery semen, weird ejaculations, and i believe a decrease in volume. I also believe my erections have not been as hard as usual, and i lose them easier...and im not sure if im achieving the size i usually do. Also i've only had like 2 morning erections since starting and they've been weaker than usual. I still get random erections during the day here and there...and sexually i've been able to perform althogh like i said i dont think im as hard as usual.
[quote:35hl5e18]I'm only on .5 mg a day..do you think i should stick with it for another month and see if these things get better? or maybe drop to .25? I'm also taking zinc everyday..i try to get 50mg a day (spready out over the day)..some days im better at remember to take it than others.
Yes, but you have to deal with your testosterone/estrogen ratio first.[/quote:35hl5e18]Do you think this gel would be useful as a preventative measure, also to restore erection strength?
Thanks enden! Ok i'll start taking the zinc all at one time. I figured it was best to spread it out, as i figured your body can only absorb and use so much at once...but i of course could be very wrong.
My concern with stopping finasteride is... after reading message boards and hearing peoples experiences...it seems like a lot of people who get really messed up on finasteride are people who stop and start...they start..they stop and recover pretty quickly..they start again..they stop and recover but more slowly..they start again..they stop and they're all fucked up. Also i've been on it for such a short time I figured it was worth sticking it out for 2 months to see if 1. these things are just in my head (aside from the watery semen which obviously isnt) and 2. to see if my body adjusts. I dont want to send my body on a rollercoaster where im on and off finasteride...it made more sense to me to stay on it for a couple months and see how things leveled out while i do the zinc thing
Also, do you have any experience with horny goat weed? I take it if i know i'm going to have sex sometimes and it seems to cut down my resting period between sessions. Also it is proven to improve semen quality/sperm count. I took it last night and woke up this morning with morning wood. Think im going to try taking it daily
btw id say my sex drive is pretty much normal still