People are assholes


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Taugenichts said:
Maybe you should choose your "friends" more carefully......

I totally agree. I'm not desperate enough to hang around just anyone who is willing to hang around me. I deliborately avoid friends of friends whom I don't like. Then I spend time around those I have a lot in common with. You can do that with friends. Now girlfriends is a different issue, since they have to be pretty, and often treat you according to how you look compared to whom they want to date.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
tchehov said:
Male and female hair loss are comparable. Female loss is less common but just as devastating to the sufferer. And why should male hair loss be more acceptable - because it's more common? I don't think so - we are all individuals and therefore respond according to our capacity for pain. The fact that male hair loss has been around for generations does not diminish the pain I feel.

Of couse it doesn't, but it still isn't a life-threatening condition and there's millions of bald/balding men around. It's not uncommon. And I remember you mentioning that you're 31! Especially at that age hair loss is definitely not weird. You probably have other problems aswell.


Female hair loss is not a life threatening condition either, so your point fails to refute his statement that male pattern baldness is just as bad as female baldness.


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I think that female hairloss is more devastating simply because women with hairloss are in a much greater minority. Also womens beauty relies more on emphasising their hair. Men generaly have short hair/ women longer hair. Pretty obvious really. If I see a balding guy I think poor ba57ard because I know how he is probably feeling, but its tragic to see it on a woman.


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common its obvious that a balding women has it far worst then a balding man
anyone who wrote othrwise is just wrong or is writing it for the sake of argument


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I don't think us balding guys should be so sensitive about our thinning hair. My friends all make fun of me for losing my hair and I make fun of their physical flaws as well. If you get all senstive when someone says something about your balding head that just makes you look an insecure person. The way I look at it is, ya my hair is falling out, its not my choice, I'll do what I can to reverse it, but I'm still going to be me and be confident that I can get attractive girls...this works for me. Everyone is insecure about some part of their appearence....ours just happens to be baldness. If my buddy wants to make fun of my hairline well he better be prepared for me to make fun of his flaws. Its all about how you carry yourself.


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brent20 said:
Hey guys i just need to rant and i thought u guys would find this interesting. Last night me and a bunch of my friends were hangin out and one of my buddies has male pattern baldness as well and his might be a little worse than mine, but anyway he has a gf of 4 years now and they are probably gonna get married. Well, my buddy with the male pattern baldness is kind of an *** sometimes but he's still a nice guy, but anyway he left a little early and right after he left one of my buddies was like "I feel bad for Jen (my friends gf)" and were all like why? and he said "Jen is a pretty girl (which she is) and he's gonna be bald in 2 years haha" Now i don't know if my friend didn't care that i was there or doesn't realize it but i highly doubt that because its very noticeable so obviously his comment hit me indirectly and really pissed me off. Why is she unlucky because he is going bald? he's the same person, i couldn't believe he said that, and of course my friend who said it has a perfect head of hair. People are assholes even ur friends, right after he said it no body said anything to add to it, but it still pissed me off.

I'm still shocked by how cruel people were to me when I had my bad hair transplants. I would constantly wear hats, so when it was off, I guess it would make people take the rare glimpse, and my friends, their parents, strangers would all make nasty comments. I once drove my friend's drunk friend home from a bar once, and he started making fun of them, and then he thought he could tear them out, so he starts grabbing my head when I wad driving, I told him to freaking stop it, and then he got pissed off and grabbed the steering wheel and tried to steer the car off the road. I slammed on the brakes and threw him out, and then the next morning I scheduled an appointment to have corrective procedure done at MHR. They used up the entire rest of my donor area and didn't improve my hair in the slightest...

So I finally had some real corrective procedures done, my hair looks okay, it just looks like I've got a receeding hairline, but I have horrible scarring in the back from the strip scar and open donor scarring. I can never have my hair short again, and my hair looks terrible long. But the comments have stopped thank God. I just got comments about how huge my forehead is.


Damn, you guys are really softhearted. Thank god, I haven´t heard any balding comments, yet. But when the day comes (it won´t take that long with my thinning hair) I am gonna scream at this person and insult him or her in the meanest way imaginable. NOBODY has the right to make fun of my hair.


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ITS ON ME!!!!!!!


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Thanks man ! Have you won the lotto then? :D


Lol, I wouldn't even get a transplant done even if someone paid for it. I'd much rather take the money.