But if you're balding and think there is no way out (there almost always is), if you choose to remain in your situation while you perfectly know that it's ruining your life, things will never get better. Never. Why would they?
I don't have a lot of sympathy for those who don't try anything to make their hair loss situation better, and I feel we have some of those forum members here who are overly enthusiastic about ridiculous notions that because some bald guy has a hot wife, therefore everyone will be OK. I feel these guys post enthusiastic slybald posts behind a puddle of tears, knowing they missed their chance.
What I'm talking about are those who don't have options left, who have no choice but to go on with continuing baldness, or simply maintaining an NW3 as financially or physically a hair transplant is impossible for the near future.
There's no way of feeling better? Not better about your hair loss, as I wrote above, that will never get better, there will always be depression attached to that thought, and that will always be niggling, even in your case Fred that won't ever go away whenever the topic of hair comes up in any situation.
But better generally? If you've already gone through the hamster wheel of treatments?
Please stop saying there's absolutely nothing you can do to feel better as a human being. If you truly believe that then it's being rather fundamentalist over the issue of hair loss, or any condition that people have to live with.
This is why your advice is- hair transplant or kill yourself. Maybe "kill yourself" is strong for the sake of effect, but you preach to give up on life unless you have a hair line. I don't see much of a difference between that and suicide.