Think again please
Does it sounds responsible to you that the western health system push some eastern low budget produced drugs without any safety tests on they're own population.. Guess not..
But the main reason is money money and more money..
For the FDA. .They get much of their money trough trials etc.. and only drugs done this test and qualified is allowed to be giving patients with a prescription from doctors.. So it is important to get trough FDA if a company is going for the big market and not just some old wife medicine in china town or something..
Its a lot of sh*t going on in the government that they don't tell us.
One thing is drugs but another thing is the oil business..
Do you really think that we have not find a more invironment-friendly way of driving cars.. We have cars now that can drive on pure water or ethenol.. But companies are payed off huge by the government to preserve the oil interests.. Oil is money for the country..
Same with drugs.. If the drug is too good then it is no money in it for the government.. Just think of the flu.. how many people buy some medicine for it every year and then you can multiply it with the price pr unit then you see how much money we are talking about. just for a single drug....
France has started something called a freecard on drugs for unemployed people.. So this means if they don t work thye can get as much drug they need for free.... This system has caused this country a huge economical unbalance.. making the whole economic system collapse after a while.. Just an example!!