biggest mistake afro man is making is dating exclusively through online, which limits his potential by many thresholds. He realistically should be approaching women in real life if he plans to ever be with someone of substance.
A lot of women don't go to clubs, and bars
A lot of women dont use tinder, POF, bumble and any other online sh*t
A large portion of women are only accessed through social circles, outings and day-to-day-activity.
THis is what cracks me up about most you guys, which leads me to leave most of you have ZERO life experience aside from swiping your chetto fingers right on every pixel. I didn't realise this until I moved back to my home city where the population is over eight million. If you seriously think most women use tinder, then you are out to lunch, and discredited moving forward. I was surprised at how little of my social circle, which is compromised of many people actually use it. Homos all use it, I have a few dyke, and gay buddies. Most my incel buddies use it, but the most surprising part is the biggest slayers out of my friends dont use it. however they have used it, and there results were mediocre at best. In person, they absolutely wipe the floor clean!
@Afro_Vacancy, listen to me and take what I say to heart. You are wasting your time trying to find a women online. Work your way up the totem, and approach women in real life. It's beyond easy, once you get the hang of it. Day game is real, don't believe the lies.