New here. I've read some of the thread, and perhaps I missed it (if so, sorry for repeating) but I didn't see this come up.
I'm Israeli, and I have a hair 'problem' too. Every morning I drive to work listening to one of the major talk radio stations. Every evening I drive home listening to it as well. That's some two hours daily of listening time. I hear the commercial for what they now call "Hairegen classic" all the time.
Now, we're talking about a major radio station, and it's regulated. That is, I assume they can't advertise just anything (that's my understanding of how things work here). I've heard this commercial for months now, and I haven't seen a news story debunking this product or something of that sort.
I'm not saying it works, since it's obvious to me there are people a lot more knowledgeable here on this subject than I am. And of course, there are people who've actually tried it. AND I know not everything works for everybody.
But, and maybe I'm just being naive here, if it was a complete hoax... advertised out in the open on really a major news station, shouldn't I have heard something like that by now? I've heard this commercial for months...