I think that a lot of women experience hairloss due to estrogen deficiency by way of ratio to other competing hormones. It’s sorely overlooked. A lot of doctors will look at your hormone profile and say “things are all within normal range”, but fail to look at the ratios of estrogen

rogesterone, estrogen:testosterone, estrogen:dht etc. This is how my own condition remained undiagnosed for so long. Whilst i was declining, all these doctors said “it’s low but still normal”, but never compared these levels against other hormones. My gyn was the only one to do this, and of course thereafter my estrogen compeleted bottomed out so it became obvious anyway, but prior to that, it was insidious and no one cared enough to investigate levels comparatively. Most women will just listen to what a gp tells them. I feel many with hair and skin issues, albeit with “normal” estrogen levels, will have a test/androgen dominance issue regardless, because the ratio area off, and as we know, even the slightest of hormone variances can cause large issues.