Pleasureless Orgasm On Finasteride?


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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.


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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.

Stay on it. It could be because ur still adapting or just a nocebo effect. If you value your hair don’t quit. Zix doesn’t even work.


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Zix doesn't work for everyone, just like fina doesn't work for everyone.

Fina fucks up your androgen system. Don't believe guys like this who didn't even take it for one year. Most side effects occur after long term usage.

yea okay, don’t believe me and the other millions of ppl. So many ppl claimed that zix is bs. Ur one of the few who ride w it.

Finasteride and minoxidil first.


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First try every alternative. Fina is hormone therapy and should be a last resort, especially if you're a young guy.

But finacels don't want to hear that. Also a poll on here with 50%+ who had side effects, make of that as you will.

Yeah but the poll just asked if people had sexuaL sides, not the severerity of them. For example i would have voted yes it gave me sexual sides but i can still get an erection when needed, my libido was only slightly lowered on dutasteride, it's not a big deal for me.


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First try every alternative. Fina is hormone therapy and should be a last resort, especially if you're a young guy.

But finacels don't want to hear that. Also a poll on here with 50%+ who had side effects, make of that as you will.

Pigeon to be honest I can’t really consider any poll on this website as reliable. I’m not for or against Finasteride 1MG but the poll on this website could have easily been manipulated to give wrong information one way or another. It’s not scientific in any way.



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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.

You can expect to experience side effects in the first few weeks as your body adjusts to the drug. If this side effect persists however then I would discontinue use.



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Continue taking it for an entire month, and evaluate whether the side effects are still persisting or not... Or could be a placebo; just don't think about the side effects or medication you are taking, and imagine that you are just taking a dietary supplement. That helped for myself when I was taking spironolactone, to properly evaluate side effects (e.g. nausea) and made the decision to stop the medication and switch to another anti-androgen.


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Pigeon do you have any links or threads to your story as to why you are against Finasteride?



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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.

Try RU/Topical finasteride if this is causing you major problem with your Libido. Because long term effect will f*** you into depression and suicide with limp dick hanging down between your legs. Guess which one is better? Hair or that? Topicla route is much safe, you can do RU/KB solution in the morning for quick dry. finasteride/Min solution at night for slow dry.

He’s against it cuz it didn’t work for him and a lot of others r cuz of the same reason.
I know you aren't talking to me, however It work for me but after 1.5 years of AWESOME f*****g results. My Libido never recovered to the normal level so I quit. Devastated with loosing my gains, but the rest of my life is more important.


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I suffer from this.

Sometimes it's better, other times I don't feel it very much at all.

I stopped taking finasteride two years ago and still suffer sides, and this along with gyno is the worst of it. I can handle the more watery semen, and reduced erections, but weak orgasm and gyno have really damaged my sex life.

Jeez, how long did you take finasteride for, and how long did it take for sides to appear? Have any of the sexual sides shown any signs of improving over the past two years you've been off?


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This was the only side effect I noticed on finasteride back when I started 21 years ago

It's real - it does reduce the quality of orgasms

If you want a truly side effect free effective anti androgen Clascoterone aka CB is the only one, even RU will give side effects


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This was the only side effect I noticed on finasteride back when I started 21 years ago

It's real - it does reduce the quality of orgasms

If you want a truly side effect free effective anti androgen Clascoterone aka CB is the only one, even RU will give side effects

Did you quit the drug? Did your orgasms return?


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I quit the drug and everything came back fine


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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.
finasteride affects the metabolism of the hormones from progesterone, possibly on progesterone itself. This is written if you take finasteride progesterone


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I've been taking finasteride for about a week and a half. The first few days I actually felt higher libido, but of course that could've just been a coincidence or placebo. However, now the past few days I've noticed my libido is lower and especially that there's little to no pleasure when I orgasm... Is this especially alarming? Is this likely to be temporary as I get used to the med, or is this a sign I need to get off now? I'm a bit concerned but also want to give the drug a full shot.

You are definitely not imagining it. Happens to me too, but its a pretty minor change. I am okay with it if it helps my hair. It does though have this effect so I would not dismiss it. You just need to decide if its worth it to you or not.


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So I have been off the drug for about 10 or so days to see if it would go away, and unfortunately I'm still experiencing totally pleasureless orgasms (ejaculating with no feeling). Admittedly, I have a problem with tight pelvic floor muscles that has caused this to occur once in a blue moon, but this has been consistently for almost two weeks now, which has never happened to me. I don't know if the drug has exacerbated my existing issues or what, but now I'm nervous about if/when it'll go away... If it's solely from the drug, will this go away? How long do the sexual side effects usually take to go away?

random phone charger

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So I have been off the drug for about 10 or so days to see if it would go away, and unfortunately I'm still experiencing totally pleasureless orgasms (ejaculating with no feeling). Admittedly, I have a problem with tight pelvic floor muscles that has caused this to occur once in a blue moon, but this has been consistently for almost two weeks now, which has never happened to me. I don't know if the drug has exacerbated my existing issues or what, but now I'm nervous about if/when it'll go away... If it's solely from the drug, will this go away? How long do the sexual side effects usually take to go away?
You'll be good, I actually got off 0.5mg because of orgasms absent of sensation, and swimming feeling in the nads. I too also experienced high libido initially- I'm back to normal now. I went into the entire process optimistic, and not worrying. My suggestion...? Take to watching some high-grade internet pornography for an indefinite period.
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Yeah but the poll just asked if people had sexuaL sides, not the severerity of them. For example i would have voted yes it gave me sexual sides but i can still get an erection when needed, my libido was only slightly lowered on dutasteride, it's not a big deal for me.

i trust you and believe you.. but i doubt you took duta for a lot of years now.. maybe in you twenty's its ok because you already have a lot of testosterone to start with.. but wait another decade or two of inhibiting 90 % of your blood DHT and let's see if those sides are still ''moderate''


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This was the only side effect I noticed on finasteride back when I started 21 years ago

It's real - it does reduce the quality of orgasms

If you want a truly side effect free effective anti androgen Clascoterone aka CB is the only one, even RU will give side effects

so would you say DHT has also a role to play in male ''orgasm'' quality ? i have not read such studies yet but would be curious to !