Point of suicide


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Everyday there is for me a constant battle to get up and look past my receded hairline. But it just comes back and the stress and pain is there. Its just like a burden you hold that prevents you from enjoying many aspects of life or that which completely ruins it. As a result my romantic and emotional parts of my life have been warped and has become stagnated in a childish manner. My intellectual life has become restricted and confined into introversion. My motivation to socialize has been removed.

There is only that remainder of me that constantly wants a normal hairline and to have symmetry. This addiction to symmetry is bothersome and this egotistical and superficial need for symmetry drives me into gloom. I can only say that I cant bare facing those moments where people look at me like wtf is wrong with your head. Its those memories that makes me paranoid and brings depression. I cant face that rejection based simply on my image.


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First calm down, grab a cold drink or some', its not the end of the world, everyone here been there and will help you get out of this, read some threads here, i bet your situation is not that bad, and if you are closing on the high Norwood scale (like me) there is not much you can do other then accepet it, its hard at first but you have to work on it and remeber; it only stops you if you let it..... (+shaving is THE thing right now :) manny celebs do...serves our "comunnity" well as it becomes more and more acceptable...)

+if you have problems with the ladies, IWP can always welcome you to the gay community. :woot: (oj -f or the your mama joke on the other thread ;))

Quantum Cat

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the gay community are probably more superficial and shallow about looks and hair than us norms.

To the OP - have you thought about doing what your name suggests and getting a hair transplant?


First - to all HairlossTalk Members - just a background on this fellow, he is not losing his hair. He was born with a high hairline that exposes an unnatural amount of forehead. In addition, his hairline is not a perfectly straight one, but it is no different than many of ours. It is still a stress point for him however.

I just wanted to give this background information before you respond thinking its a 40 year old who has lost 60% of his hair due to male pattern baldness, like I assumed. You can see his photos here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=51461&p=492352#p492352 However this doesn't negate his concerns and his pain, so lets give him the support and wise suggestions he needs.

needsaHT said:
Everyday there is for me a constant battle to get up and look past my receded hairline.
Welcome to the forums. Try to understand that on this site, there are roughly 2 million other guys going through the exact same feelings you're going through. But add to it some disfiguring thinning, and major recession. You don't have either of those. Just a high forehead. So rest assured you are in the company of tens of thousands of men who have a much worse situation to deal with. You're not alone here.

There is only that remainder of me that constantly wants a normal hairline and to have symmetry. This addiction to symmetry is bothersome and this egotistical and superficial need for symmetry drives me into gloom.
Its not an irrational need. Symmetry has been proven to be the hallmark of visual "beauty". But your hairline is more symmetrical than the one I was born with. So dont stress over that anymore. There isnt a single person on this planet who will notice that, other than you. My hair grows forward on the left side of my face and down (like a normal person) on the right side of my face. Be glad you're not me. I have to actually cut a shape into the left side of my hairline down to my ears because its natural shape is to grow towards my forehead!! Ive mastered it so it looks normal but symmetry is something I only wish I had!

The truth is I am not sure what solution would be best for you. There are hair replacement systems that can bring your hairline down somewhat naturally. A hair transplant is not going to be dense enough. You'll have an inch of transplanted, somewhat thin hair, and then your normal, thick hairline behind it.

Maybe some other guys can chime in after seeing your pics (link above) with suggestions.


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omfg, look needsaHT, ill try to put it as nicely as i can... like i suspected, you, my firend, you would be on the Norwood scale if it had some negative numbers on it.. you need to get a grip ASAP!, hair transplant?! what are you talking about?! your hair is perfect, for a sec there i thought you are nw4 at age 20, serisuly, you need to talk with a proffasional. (no pon intended)


His hairline is extremely high for a natural hairline. That is his issue. If he didnt cover his face in his pics, it would be more apparent.

Quantum Cat

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I wonder if other people have pointed it out to him or whether he's being overly paranoid.

I looks high, but not abnormal from what I can make out from the pic.


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Why don't you just grow your hair longer, and get some bangs / a fringe? It looks thick enough?


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I understand your perception of your situation is probably not as bad as you think but enough to be concerned simply because you have received negative comments about it. When I look in the mirror I see a high hairline or larger forehead that bothers me too. I have never had any negative comments about it but I still wish my head was rounder, smaller, and I had a lower hairline. It bothers me too. How did I resolve this issue. Easy. I styled my hair differently with longer bangs so my hairline looks lower and my forehead is less exposed. Go to a professional stylist. They can create an illusion that you have a lower hairline or show less forehead. I don't know if you every watched Dawson's Creek but James Van der Beek has a huge forehead and if you go to imdb.com and look at his photos, there are a few photos that he has styled his hair in such a way that his forehead looks normal. Alot of actors have high hairlines and their stylists know how to create the illusion of a normal looking forehead. If you notice, most women have very high foreheads as well and supposedly I have heard it is a sign of beauty. I have BDD and I know what it is like to look at yourself in the mirror and see so many flaws that no one else sees. I wish I looked like a perfect fitness model but I realize I am blessed with whatever I do have because I know so many people are far worse off than I am. And yet they can live a much more rewarding life than I tend to do. I am very much introverted myself socially but ironically I became a totally different person at work and appear socially normal. You sound like a very intelligent person the way you express yourself. Most people your age don't possess the articulation you have when you posted. You speak very poetically enough that I am sure you can charm some women who will not care about how big your forehead looks. Just realize you CAN do something about it. If you feel depressed, just post on here. I will do my best to cheer you up. I am still working on HP. Still no success yet with him. :)


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smooth.. i take your joke in good jest. After all , after whats going on with your mama i see myself as your stepdad..so.. in a sense..i love you. hahaha!!! :woot:


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Hey, as long as i get my hot brits supply summer-time, you can be my stepdad, step mom step-watherever you want :punk:
f*** I miss the summer here!..:/

(ops, i said "brits", f*** i hope i wont get senssored >< ;P *hides*)


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smooth if your to be my step dad, and as im from northern ireland you must learn to love Guiness first and foremost.Then you must to learn to love our women.. who statistically have some of the largest breasts in theUK.. dam guna be hard for ya lol !!


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From the time I completed primary school till thos moment have I had bangs and have grown it long. I will tell you that it drives me insane having this haircut. Constantly I am terrified if my hair is going to be cut a bit too short, whether the wind will blow my hair, someone will comment about my hair, and et cetera. Not only that since early as i can remember when I was a child; kids used to point at my forehead call me old man and used to treat me like crap. This happened daily until high school. People wanted to beat the crap out of me just because of my hairline. I was just the joke everywhere I went and was considered a big headed freak. I don't know why I had to be born with such a retarded hairline why this gene even survived.

Quantum Cat

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we all have some features we're not happy with - big nose etc... If you don't have male pattern baldness then count yourself lucky and enjoy the hair you have!

I don't know if it's worth getting a transplant just for the front - might look a bit odd.

It's hard to tell from that pic - have you got one of your whole face?


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Admin said:
His hairline is extremely high for a natural hairline. That is his issue. If he didnt cover his face in his pics, it would be more apparent.

Yeah? So is mine, and I'm also thinning on top. Tough sh*t, huh? High hairline is the least of my worries...


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I am kind of lost. Are you saying you do wear long bangs now or you don't. And if its windy out just wear a hat. It is fortunate you will always have hair to cover it up. I am sure alot of forum members on here will gladly trade their bald heads for your full head of hair even if it means they will have a large forehead. As you get older, people are not going to care much about how big your forehead looks with the exception of some people who are obsessed with flaws like myself. Yet, I am mature enough to never make fun of anyone's flaws as I know I would not want the same to happen to me. As I said before, I have seen alot of women with huge foreheads and they don't seem to care. I notice this is common in some Philipinos and Asian women. Hook yourself up with one of them.

Quantum Cat

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ghg said:
Admin said:
His hairline is extremely high for a natural hairline. That is his issue. If he didnt cover his face in his pics, it would be more apparent.

Yeah? So is mine, and I'm also thinning on top. Tough sh*t, huh? High hairline is the least of my worries...

you're not thinning, you're just paranoid.


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DoctorHouse said:
I am kind of lost. Are you saying you do wear long bangs now or you don't. And if its windy out just wear a hat. It is fortunate you will always have hair to cover it up. I am sure alot of forum members on here will gladly trade their bald heads for your full head of hair even if it means they will have a large forehead. As you get older, people are not going to care much about how big your forehead looks with the exception of some people who are obsessed with flaws like myself. Yet, I am mature enough to never make fun of anyone's flaws as I know I would not want the same to happen to me. As I said before, I have seen alot of women with huge foreheads and they don't seem to care. I notice this is common in some Philipinos and Asian women. Hook yourself up with one of them.

Its unfortunate but a hair transplant should alleviate some of the abnormality. With your statement regarding meeting women with a similar hairline I find that extremely unlikely because that is a huge turnoff for me and for them probable.

The main thing is that I am still a teenager just starting my college and early adult life and would not want to continue it as I had since childhood.


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Quantum Cat said:
ghg said:
Admin said:
His hairline is extremely high for a natural hairline. That is his issue. If he didnt cover his face in his pics, it would be more apparent.

Yeah? So is mine, and I'm also thinning on top. Tough sh*t, huh? High hairline is the least of my worries...

you're not thinning, you're just paranoid.

Dunno why I bother going to extremes just to prove myself to little-know-it-all freaks on this forum (who have never posted a pic of their hair but everyone still believes they have hairloss haha), but here goes nothing again... some pics I posted like 1.5 yrs ago:

With flash:


Without flash:




I guess posting waterproof evidence of ones hairloss is the worst way to prove hairloss here... words, I can believe that, but pics... aaww, man, dunno. Why would anyone lie about their hairloss on a hairloss forum? Why, oh why?

Sorry about OT to thread opener but the guy started it again, just like he did in the other thread that got locked. Maybe this case can be closed now.