Polarityte (capable Of Regenerating Skin With Hair)


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I really don’t know how I feel about taking my scalp off and putting a new one on...
From what I understand when they use it on burn victims they apply it as a paste over the damaged areas.
So I don't think you would have to be scalped in order for this to take hold but there would probably have to be damaging done. So maybe something like a vigourous micro-needling session or a few dermal layers peeled off with a chemical. Speculation only of course


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I’m a little drunk but can you guise believe this is our lives? It’s finny actually!!! Will it be PolarityTe or will it be Follica??? Let’s wair and see aw yeah. When we were little boys and little Georgies imagine if a fortune teller told us we’d spend hours and hours scouring the Imterwebs hoping someone will cure our androgenetic alopecia??? Like nobody told me about androgenetic alopecia when they took us to learn about the facts of life. You take the good you take the bad you take em both. And there you have! Mmmmkay nothing about your follicles miniaturizing???? Like hello maybe someone should have warned us about that???? Goodnight!!!


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I imagine they would use this skin to extract grafts and implant the follicles and not to chop your scalp and then sew the printed skin.

Of course the main use would be to test drugs.
I can only begin to imagine the cost of a full head of follicles from something like that


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From what I understand when they use it on burn victims they apply it as a paste over the damaged areas.
So I don't think you would have to be scalped in order for this to take hold but there would probably have to be damaging done. So maybe something like a vigourous micro-needling session or a few dermal layers peeled off with a chemical. Speculation only of course
If it is a matter of local injection or needling + topical application then I’m down. I guess the other alternative could be to create a skin graft with your own biopsy, grow a bunch of hairs on it and then transplant them. Sounds like it would cost more then my existence is worth though.


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Copied from the comments box (hl2020)
PolarityTE announced that they will be presenting at the National Clinical Conference of the American Professional Wound Care Association, between September 6-8. they will present an ‘abstract’, “Regeneration of Full Thickness Hair-Bearing Skin” don’t know how detailed this abstract will be though.​


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My body is ready.