You and your female friend are acting as if by be-friending him, you guys actually did this 'subhuman' a favor.
Thats a huge leap in logic, how did you come to that? She naturally got on well with him, there would be no reason to be charitable, she simply wouldn't hang out with him if she thought he was subhuman. I knew her and got on fine with him for the most part, I didn't know him that well but I'd talk to him/them if I saw them for sure, same way as I talk to anyone, I didn't consciously think "oh better clock up gay time, get this sh*t over with..."
I don't know how from a few sentences you painted such a presumptuous picture and it really makes me want to discard any other points you make, to be honest, but I'll at least respect this one post anyway.
A lot of gay men have depressed pasts. and for you to dismiss it as 'pseudo-psychology' is so insensitive. Just because you were straight and were never bullied in school, that does not mean every one's life is so privileged.
Look at me. I am balding just like you guys. And I am on this forum because it makes me feel less alone and for me to remain on this forum, I need to tolerate homophobia so that I can still have a place to go to for my hair loss worries.
In one of the threads before, I saw a lot of people pretty upset about bald shaming and another straight woman on this forum upset about vagina jokes. Funny how that works. You guys are pretty sensitive about your own stuff but do not give a flying crap about others.
Congratulations on lasting a whole 30 seconds before wheeling out the P word. I guess everything I say is outrightly undermined now because of my status, that's really what people mean when they talk about "privilege".
I'm not dismissing bullying or psychological issues as "pseudopsychological" because that doesn't make any sense. What's pseudopsychological is their dissection of other people's issues, because they were treated badly they want to see what other people's issues were.
I wasn't upset about the bald shaming, and only annoyed by the ageism jokes once it became insistent and crossed the line into bullying. I won't follow you around being homophobic, if you don't like the odd post of my generalisations then sorry, but it's not going away, I don't see why you may feel the need to jump on them and just upset yourself.
These have been my genuine experiences of a considerable amount of the gay men I have met, blame them, not me. I don't have any reason to want to dislike someone because of their sexuality.
If you want I can keep dressing it up as non-generalisations and consistently get all politically correct and constantly write "in my experience of.." "in my opinion, these particular gay people.." but why be so patronising, you know what I'm saying.
Am I saying every gay person is like this? Well no, but
in my experience damn has there been quite a lot of coincidences.