Possible genetic reason for baldness.


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Why does this sensivity appear only on the head? Why doesn't my butt experience hair loss?


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Very interesting question. I dont get hairloss. It seems to have no function for us, I mean hair is supposed to protect us against damaging sunlight. Why hairloss? I dont get it. Maybe it was a random mutation that took place ? :dunno:


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person said:
I believe that baldness does have a purpose - to make you stay with a girl so that when she has kids you will stick around to provide for them.

I agree.


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well we are lucky we can fight this disease now in this day and age, as long as you have about £20K to throw down and can overcome the emotional hell we can get what 98% (or whatever) of the popular is naturally blessed with!

THANK **** for money/technology!


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I remember reading something for one of the genetic causes of hairloss and I don't agree with it take it for what its worth tho, I have no idea where I read it from but here goes:

The article talked about hunter-gatherer groups, and it said that many groups were more reluctant to including new member to their group that had a full head of hair, the reason for this is that men with full heads of hair look more "intimidating" whereas bald men look older and less aggressive etc... Therefore the ones that were not let into the group may have died off whereas the bald men would have survived. This was not a rule of thumb never to let a NW1 into the group obviously, it was just that on average a bald man would be let into a group over a NW1

Not sure if I buy this, might make some sense since bald men definitely look older to men with Norwood 1's but I have also seen some bald guys at the pub that look pretty bad *** that you don't want to make eye contact with


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Interesting theory.

Maybe they didnt want the NW1s to remind their women what they used to look like lol