Possibly Permanent Propecia Side Effects



Propecia Side Effects


The Propecia Side Effects website was formed to spread the word about the undocumented potentially irreversible side effects caused by using Propecia (finasteride) 1mg each day. A number of males have suffered erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido and gynecomestica after using Propecia. The shattering truth for these males is that the side effects did not disappear after ceasing finasteride. The shattering truth is that years later these individuals are still suffering in silence with a seriously reduced quality of life due to erectile dysfunction and impotence. It is not know exactly what causes these changes and how to screen individuals before treatment.

The purpose of this site is to spread the word to others considering using Propecia and also to provide as an informational exchange and gathering place for those who are already suffering.

Thinking of using Propecia? Can you imagine a life with a seriously reduced ability to obtain and maintain an erection? Read on…. You may want to think again.

NEW FORUM available:

Propeciahelp.com -- Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) side effects forum.

A forum for men experiencing UNRESOLVED side effects from the hair loss & prostate drug Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar, and generics), which are still present several MONTHS or YEARS AFTER quitting.



Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

From here: http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/inde ... age688.htm

Propecia Side Effects : My Story

It all started back in October 2002 but just a brief history before that. I started losing my hair in my late teens, early twenties but it has been a slow decline rather than heavy shedding. I tried minoxidil but because my hair is long it always made it look messy. When I heard about Propecia I thought what a great idea. Take a tablet each day and that’s that. It really did look like the miracle cure us baldies had been waiting for.

I started taking Propecia in October 2002. I got it from the Internet because it wasn’t available in the UK as far as I knew. I contacted Merk in New Zealand which is were my batch came from and they confirmed it was legitimate and not a cheap counterfeit. I showed them to my doctor and although he hadn’t seen Propecia before he asked me a few questions about my general health and said I would be ok to take them if I wanted to. I read the note about the 2% of men suffering from a lowered libido but also the fact that this returned to normal on stopping Propecia and also went away in men who continued to use the drug. I wasn’t dating at the time so I really did have nothing to lose, I just figured if I met someone I would stop using the drug and hey if it meant I would masturbate less I really didn’t care. I took the tablet each day for about 5 and half months. The drug had a huge affect on my hair and it grew a lot quicker and a lot thicker. All my friends noticed including my stylist, I was very happy about the positive effects.

Then I met someone I was really excited about. I immediately stopped taking Propecia and we started dating once a week. After a couple of weeks that’s when I realized things were quite the way they should be in the trouser department. I tried to masturbate but I could not get an erection even after a long time trying. Previously I had never had a problem and had always been quite a horny guy. I put it down to finasteride and thought that maybe I needed to give my body a little longer but after more time still no change. I became concerned and started searching on the Internet with Google. My worst nightmare was staring at me in black and white on the computer screen. Not one, but many cases of finasteride induced impotence. Men who had not recovered even after 3 or 4 years of finasteride I was completely distraught. I could not sleep and I could not eat, and I could not think about anything else. I cried and cried many times and the angst was almost unbearable.

I went to see my GP and told him everything, he was very understanding and made me an appointment with a doctor who was a Psychosexual specialist. I broke down in front of my girlfriend one night and told her everything and she was incredibly understanding and said she would stick by me no matter what. This was a huge relief and I was able to sleep and get back to some sense of normality. The specialist convinced me it was all in my head and he gave me some exercises to do with my partner and also v**** to help me get over the problem. I believed him and practiced “sensate focus†with my partner and eventually used the v****. I did this over a 3 month period. Still suffering from impotence I decided after more research that the answer may lie within blood tests. I believed that Propecia had upset the hormone system and something was greatly out of balance. I went to see an endocrinologist and explained my symptoms as follows:

No morning erections and no daytime erections.

Great difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection for intercourse or masturbation.

Watery semen.

I felt very passive.

My penis felt smaller, wrinkly, less full.

My testicles hung lower and felt less full, my testicles previously would well up if I didn’t masturbate for a day or so.

My penis felt “disconnected†from my brain in some way.

Sometimes my erections stopped short and my penis would arch to the left.

An increase in tummy fat.

He did some basic blood tests and told me everything was normal but my Testosterone was slightly sub normal i.e. it was below the minimum range. He said that maybe I was a low Testosterone male. He said I could go on TRT either having Testosterone injected or a rub in gel. I didn’t like the sound of this as I would have to do this for the rest of my life. I also discovered that this would shutdown my testicles and I would not be able to have children whilst in this state. We agreed to leave it another 6 months and then see how things went. We did some more tests and this time my Testosterone was slightly above the minimum range. The endocrinologist was only open to basic TRT and was unwilling to try and restart my system or do any further tests to find out what was causing my the problems. As I didn’t agree he referred me to a Professor of endocrinology .

I went to the appointment with great hope, after all the person I was seeing was a professor. I came out of the appointment and cried. He didn’t believe me and said it was all in my head and that I should stop doing research on the Internet. He wouldn’t treat me as everything was between the “normal†ranges in my last test. So this leads me to my present day. 3 doctors who don’t believe I have a problem and all unwilling to treat me, believe me or even investigate. I quit Propecia in March 2003 and I am still suffering side effects. I wrote to Merk a few times but they fobbed me off saying there was nothing they could do and they weren't allowed to help me. Although things have improved slightly I am far from normal. Not only is my quality of life suffering I am now increasingly concerned for my future health. No one knows yet what Propecia does to cause this condition and no one knows what the future ramifications are.

Struggling with the symptoms is one thing, ignorant doctors just make the uphill struggle ten time harder. Still the fight goes on and I am currently in consultation with a doctor in the USA. I’ll keep you posted and if I could have my time again and I would never have taken Propecia. The truth is there are many men out there whose lives have been torn apart by a drug that was supposed to stop their hair falling out. I have heard of cases were finasteride has only been taken for as little as one month, the damage appears to be irreparable by the body alone and it is not known yet whether the damage can be repaired by treatment. If you are considering Propecia exercise extreme caution and if you want my advice, stay well away.


Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

From here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride

Side effects:

Finasteride is not indicated for use by women. Finasteride is in the FDA pregnancy category X. This means that it is known to cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Women who are or who may become pregnant must not handle crushed or broken finasteride tablets, because the medication could be absorbed through the skin. Finasteride is known to cause birth defects in a developing male baby. Exposure to whole tablets should be avoided whenever possible, however exposure to whole tablets is not expected to be harmful as long as the tablets are not swallowed. It is not known whether finasteride passes into breast milk, and thus should not be taken by breastfeeding women. Finasteride may pass into the semen of men, but Merck states that a pregnant woman's contact with the semen of a man taking finasteride is not an issue for concern.[2] (They hope)

Finasteride has been linked with depression [3] The drug also caused reductions in allopregnanolone, a potent, endogenous positive modulator of the GABA-A receptor, in very large doses in rodent studies.[4]

Finasteride can also be used to mask steroid abuse, and many professional sports have banned finasteride use for this reason. [5]

Finasteride is under investigation by the Swedish Medical Products Agency for possibly causing irreversible sexual side effects [6].

Possible health concerns:

The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter expressed concern in March 2003 about the unproven long-term safety of Propecia and recommended cutting a standard 1 milligram dose of Propecia into quarters to reduce the cost without reducing its effectiveness. This claim appears to be supported by clinical pharmacological data reviewed by the FDA during Propecia's approval process that suggested that the advantage of taking 1 mg per day over 0.2 mg per day is statisticially small.[9] Some people have unsuccessfully petitioned the FDA to re-examine the approved dosage in light of the statistical evidence and unknown long-term risks.[10] The FDA responded and said that just because the level of DHT found in the scalp was not significantly different does not mean there is a correlation with hair loss. A study would have to show that the benefits of using 0.2 mg and 1 mg were not statistically different. According to the FDA such a study has been performed and a 1 mg dose has a greater benefit whilst remaining equally safe. The same study also concluded that doses of 0.01 mg per day were found to be ineffective in treating hair loss.[10]

In the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT), 25 percent fewer men taking the drug finasteride developed prostate cancer than men not taking the drug. However, men who developed prostate cancer while taking finasteride were more likely to have high-grade cancers, which can spread quickly even if the tumors are small. [11]

From here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride


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Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

Erik D said:
From here: http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/inde ... age688.htm

I started taking Propecia in October 2002. I got it from the Internet because it wasn’t available in the UK as far as I knew.

Another reason why to never buy prescription pills off the internet.

I took the tablet each day for about 5 and half months. The drug had a huge affect on my hair and it grew a lot quicker and a lot thicker. All my friends noticed including my stylist, I was very happy about the positive effects.

Wow. It's a miracle!

I immediately stopped taking Propecia and we started dating once a week. After a couple of weeks that’s when I realized things were quite the way they should be in the trouser department. I tried to masturbate but I could not get an erection even after a long time trying.

Wow. Never wanked in those previous 5months? Amazing.

My penis felt “disconnectedâ€￾ from my brain in some way.

wtf does this mean?

If you are considering Propecia exercise extreme caution and if you want my advice, stay well away.

How can someone who didn't use Propecia actually give a suggestion for Propecia. Admittedly, Propecia is finasteride, but shopping online is buyer beware.


Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

Another volunteer for the ignore list...


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Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

man this guy believes EVERYTHING he reads that DOES NOT have a scientific basis

the guy eats bee pollen for christ sakes to regrow hair


Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

bubka said:
man this guy believes EVERYTHING he reads that DOES NOT have a scientific basis

the guy eats bee pollen for christ sakes to regrow hair

In case you missed it cave boy:

"Finasteride is under investigation by the Swedish Medical Products Agency for possibly causing irreversible sexual side effects [6]."



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Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

it's called science man, it's evident to EVERYONE here that you don't understand it, science is always questioning and investigation, that was a year ago and the only investigation going on by any time of regulatory government that I have haver seen... keep on trying bee pollen man


Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

bubka said:
it's called science man, it's evident to EVERYONE here that you don't understand it, science is always questioning and investigation, that was a year ago and the only investigation going on by any time of regulatory government that I have haver seen... keep on trying bee pollen man

I will. And when you're pecker, balls or prostate shrivel, or become cancerous, I will have a good laugh at your expense.


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Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

huh, science tells us that men who use finasteride at early ages have a less change of developing prostate cancer by 25%, so your suggestions holds as much water as me saying that you will grow yellow and black striped hair from bee pollen


http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditio ... ncer.drug/

http://www.swog.org/members/download/bu ... cle171.pdf

notice how i use scientific studies in my facts, you could learn a lot instead of being a wishful male pattern baldness sufferer


Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

bubka said:
huh, science tells us that men who use finasteride at early ages have a less change of developing cancer, so your suggestions holds as much water as me saying that you will grow yellow and black striped hair from bee pollen


This thread is about Propecia side effects, not bee pollen.

You're just spamming every thread with the same nonsense.

Like the mods said, stop dragging conflicts from other threads into new threads.

If you want to discuss bee pollen, start a thread specifically devoted to that, and we will discuss it.

Otherwise, stop trolling these threads and stick to the topic at hand.


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Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

right, and did you find a study that proves or concludes that propecia has "Permanent Side Effects" yet?



Re: Permanent Propecia Side Effects

bubka said:
right, and did you find a study that proves or concludes that propecia has "Permanent Side Effects" yet?


There are countless drug effects and other observable phonemona that don't yet have documented studies proving what hundreds of people, and the medical agency of at least one Scandanavian country, have reason to believe exists.

Studies cost time and money, and the drug companies, drug-company influenced medical schools, and drug-company influenced FDA have very little incentive to investigate health danger claims against a drug that is making one of their benefactors billions of dollars.

This stuff has happened many times before, from Thalidomide, to Vioxx, and countless other pharmaceuticals in between, so do a little research and learn some history before you go spouting off like a good little ill-informed consumerist sheep.

There are hundreds of people on the following forum all having the same effects I've reported in the first few posts of this thread:


Are they all lying?


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can you please post some studies, can you f*****g read? post some studies... THANK YOU

why is there not a class action lawsuit concerning finasteride now? and btw, most people in the medical field do not agree with the VIOXX recall, which has been mixed in outcomes terms of actual lawsuits


bubka said:
can you please post some studies, can you f****ing read? post some studies... THANK YOU

I'm posting anecdotal evidence you fool.

Tell me, who has the interest, the resources and pockets deep enough to conduct such studies that you keep demanding?

why is there not a class action lawsuit concerning finasteride now? and btw, most people in the medical field do not agree with the VIOXX recall, which has been mixed in outcomes terms of actual lawsuits

Bullshit. There was just a $4.5 BILLION dollar settlement against the makers of Vioxx reported in the paper last Saturday.

So, what planet are you living on?


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Erik D said:
I'm posting anecdotal evidence you fool.
THANK YOU, thats all i needed, so who is the REAL "fool"

a guy who believes an anecdotal evidence he reads??? or a guy who cites peer reviews scientific studies???

as for VIOXX, i said that the trials have been mixed, and they have:
http://money.cnn.com/2005/11/03/news/fo ... /index.htm

can you ever answer a question, or is there really beez wax in your ears, why no finasteride recall, the drug has been out for 15 YEARS you know...


bubka said:
can you ever answer a question, or is there really beez wax in your ears, why no finasteride recall, the drug has been out for 15 YEARS you know...

I have no idea. All I know is that your claims in past posts that Finasteride side effects were rare and reversible has not proven to be the case in the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of reports from users who have stopped using the drug, and still have severe reproductive organ side effects.

Yet you cast aspersions on those of us who choose not to ingest such a possibly dangerous drug (as if you have the authority to question the health choices other men make with their bodies), and you further cast aspersions and insults on those who choose to explore alternative options to treating hair loss besides hormone altering chemicals.

Like I said, you are scum. Calling you a piece of sh*t is an insult to the turds I flush down my toilet on a daily basis. They appear to have more integrity and a better aroma than you and your posts.


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Erik D said:
Like I said, you are scum. Calling you a piece of $#iT is an insult to the turds I flush down my toilet on a daily basis. They appear to have more integrity and a better aroma than you and your posts.
lol thats funny

so what is to say that bee pellen does not cause side effects? seriosly, how in the hell are you going to combat hair loss without altering hormones? i would LOVE to know that one....


bubka said:
Erik D said:
Like I said, you are scum. Calling you a piece of $#iT is an insult to the turds I flush down my toilet on a daily basis. They appear to have more integrity and a better aroma than you and your posts.
lol thats funny

so what is to say that bee pellen does not cause side effects?

Thousands of years of use by ancient healers perhaps?

Why you don't you take some, have a deadly reaction to it, and then we'll know for sure.

That could be your contribution to modern science.