Post-finasteride Syndrome: An Induced Delusional Disorder ...f


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Post-Finasteride Syndrome: An Induced Delusional Disorder with the Potential of a Mass Psychogenic Illness

Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) has been claimed to occur in men who have taken oral finasteride to treat either hair loss or benign prostatic hyperplasia, independent of age, dosage, or indication. By definition, the condition is characterized by sexual dysfunction, somatic symptoms, and psychological disorders that persist after cessation of finasteride treatment. As yet, the condition is not recognized by the medical community, although individuals who suffer from PFS present with relatively homogenous symptoms. The concept of PFS has emerged from reports of non-dermatologists, neuroendocrinological research and reflections, and uncontrolled studies of low quality and with a strong bias selection, while a significant nocebo effect among patients informed about possible side effects of finasteride is recognized. There are no predictive factors for the risk of development of PFS. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that a patient history of preexisting mental health disorder, particularly depression, may put patients at an increased risk. We report the first case of PFS in a long-standing (over 20 years) dermatotrichological practice with frequent finasteride prescription observed in a 25-year-old male following dutasteride treatment for male androgenetic alopecia. There was circumstantial evidence that PFS may represent a delusional disorder of the somatic type, possibly on a background of a histrionic personality disorder, which would explain the refractoriness of the condition and a high degree of suggestibility.



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how the f*** would you explain loss of body hair, testicle atrophy and very low sperm count seen in some unfortunate bastards?
holy sh*t


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The mind is very powerful buddy boyo.
Yeah, sure, The """Mind""""" I am pretty sure you can give as an example , many hormones that can be eliminated from the body without side effects. Also, you don't just eliminate an Hormone, you eliminate and enzyme that is part of many, many reaction than just DHT !!!!!!


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The very fact that a website like PropeciaHelp exists means that where there is smoke, there is fire. Do you see a website called ? Or for any other common medications? No, because those have virtually zero prospect for long-term side effects.

How do you explain thousands of people developing similar side effects, with enough frequency that an entire website centered around it?

The only people with delusional disorder are the 'scientists' and fools who, 20 years after Finasteride, still believe that it is a perfectly safe drug (perhaps they choose to believe that because they have financial interests vested in it).

I have posted (in another thread) several studies which confirm the existence of this syndrome along with measurements of reduced central nervous system neurosteroids and patient case reports.

I took the drug for a year, after I got off all hell broke loose. 3 years later I am not the same person (I can post picture of the gyno I developed to prove it but that's just the one thing I can post picture of, the mental and hormonal issues are a different thing entirely). And I was one of those people who purposely did not read anything bad about Finasteride because I chose NOT to believe that permanent side effects are even possible.

Keep patting yourself on the back, thinking you're one of the smart & smug ones by making fun of people who were unfortunate enough to get shafted by this drug. Just hope that one day when you finally stop sucking on that pill, you don't find yourself on the other side. Plenty of stories like that already.


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The very fact that a website like PropeciaHelp exists means that where there is smoke, there is fire. Do you see a website called ? Or for any other common medications? No, because those have virtually zero prospect for long-term side effects.

How do you explain thousands of people developing similar side effects, with enough frequency that an entire website centered around it?

The only people with delusional disorder are the 'scientists' and fools who, 20 years after Finasteride, still believe that it is a perfectly safe drug (perhaps they choose to believe that because they have financial interests vested in it).

I have posted (in another thread) several studies which confirm the existence of this syndrome along with measurements of reduced central nervous system neurosteroids and patient case reports.

I took the drug for a year, after I got off all hell broke loose. 3 years later I am not the same person (I can post picture of the gyno I developed to prove it but that's just the one thing I can post picture of, the mental and hormonal issues are a different thing entirely). And I was one of those people who purposely did not read anything bad about Finasteride because I chose NOT to believe that permanent side effects are even possible.

Keep patting yourself on the back, thinking you're one of the smart & smug ones by making fun of people who were unfortunate enough to get shafted by this drug. Just hope that one day when you finally stop sucking on that pill, you don't find yourself on the other side. Plenty of stories like that already.
Did you also experience sides while being on the drug?


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Yeah, sure, The """Mind""""" I am pretty sure you can give as an example , many hormones that can be eliminated from the body without side effects. Also, you don't just eliminate an Hormone, you eliminate and enzyme that is part of many, many reaction than just DHT !!!!!!
Says the dude who took dutasteride for 20 years lol.
It is far more likely that PFS is an induced disorder than it being legit side effects from the drug.


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Did you also experience sides while being on the drug?

I started getting gynecomastia within 2 weeks of being on the drug, despite that I kept taking it for 1 year out of desperation to save my hair. The gyno did not fully go away once I quit (will most likely need surgery to get rid of it completely, though raloxifene and topical DHT have reduced it somewhat). But the other side effects that I got after quitting were far worse.


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The very fact that a website like PropeciaHelp exists means that where there is smoke, there is fire. Do you see a website called ? Or for any other common medications? No, because those have virtually zero prospect for long-term side effects.

How do you explain thousands of people developing similar side effects, with enough frequency that an entire website centered around it?

The only people with delusional disorder are the 'scientists' and fools who, 20 years after Finasteride, still believe that it is a perfectly safe drug (perhaps they choose to believe that because they have financial interests vested in it).

I have posted (in another thread) several studies which confirm the existence of this syndrome along with measurements of reduced central nervous system neurosteroids and patient case reports.

I took the drug for a year, after I got off all hell broke loose. 3 years later I am not the same person (I can post picture of the gyno I developed to prove it but that's just the one thing I can post picture of, the mental and hormonal issues are a different thing entirely). And I was one of those people who purposely did not read anything bad about Finasteride because I chose NOT to believe that permanent side effects are even possible.

Keep patting yourself on the back, thinking you're one of the smart & smug ones by making fun of people who were unfortunate enough to get shafted by this drug. Just hope that one day when you finally stop sucking on that pill, you don't find yourself on the other side. Plenty of stories like that already.
Exactly, the evidence we have of PFS is low quality at best, case reports and very small,limited studies. Gyno is a reported side-effect of finasteride, but it is very uncommon. Mental issues are more than likely not the result of finasteride.


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Is PFS real or not?

Hmm, who to trust guys, the urinology department of the dermatology department.
Really hard! /s

For the record I'm on topical finasteride/minoxidil, but disregarding PFS is retarded.


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Exactly, the evidence we have of PFS is low quality at best, case reports and very small,limited studies. Gyno is a reported side-effect of finasteride, but it is very uncommon. Mental issues are more than likely not the result of finasteride.

It depends. My mental issues are the result of Finasteride. Your mental issues? Probably not. So I guess we can kinda agree.


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I think it's a matter of who gets it, the ones that get it believe in it, the ones that don't, don't and so on... Who gets the most benefits will refuse to believe anything anyways, because most want it to work... It's very delicate subject and nothing is subjective, it's not like you could control or study all the people who took or take it, their lives, history, etc ... And that placebo numbers that were in their studies, besides the fact that the placebo was near the real effects but still distance between them, it think it was real thought about it before, because mental and sexual dysfunctions are strongly connected, how could somebody possibly prove without some proper whole body tests before and after ?

It's a very well made drug mate and you would have to take a whole body and mental test before and after so you could possibly prove something.. But who does that, when it's sold like a cosmetic drug even if it alters hormones, when dermatologists at least in the US prescribe it over the internet through apps and so on like it's a sugar pill... Come to Europe, in most countries they already want it banned and there are max 1 or 2 derms in every city or spot who prescribe it, rest are against it.. I am from Romania, 20 derms asked me if i really know what it does and it's mechanism, asked me if i know that it's the first line in tranny transitions and so on... And if you come here and tell this guys that your derm advised against it they will say he is an idiot, this incels that castrate themselves at home and take tranny drugs tell that people who study medicine are idiots lmao...

Americans take all the shits, from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep, eating pills and shits is normal for them, like the rest of the shits they have in that country, Pizza as a vegetable in schools and so on... Do your own research, trust your instincts and proper studies and info, taking advice from balding heads on hair loss forums is the worst advice you could take in this life... Look at this guys who castrate themselves at home for example and now giving advice on cancer treatments for hair loss to other kids like them... Look at this forum give it a search and you will be mesmerized like i am on what is happening here, and their only excuse is that they want hair, that it's their bodies and so on... And you know what, they are right, everybody is free to do whatever the f*** they want with their body, but that does not mean it's right or that it's good for you also... Maybe and i'm sure that a lot of them would rather have PFS than to go bald and that should say enough about their mentality, even if they are young, with a bad head shape bla bla etc ...

Imagine getting b**ch titts and saying that it's ok, at least i can keep my hair for 1 year or more... And after it starts falling again they will start taking more and more powerful drugs and getting to accept total transformation and say that it's ok...

While I don't say PFS isn't real, at the same time I'd also say that I do think there are a lot of nocebo cases. Legit people popping one pill of finasteride and then trying to get their dick hard on purpose. Boy oh boy, if one time they can't get it hard it's 110% finasteride (or in come cases people claim minoxidil). 2 hours later they're experiencing brain fog and are completely depressed. I'm willing to bet people on hair loss boards are significantly more prone to mental illnesses.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. Is taking finasteride completely healthy? No, hence I took the topical route. Should you trust company-funded research? No, enough f*****g info on this. Do all people on finasteride get untolerable, or disastrous side effects like some people claim here? No. The truth is somewhere in the middle, it's a risk to take and I can very well understand many won't

At the end of the day, people do what they want. If it makes them feel better to go full MtF drugs, there's not much you can do to stop them.


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I think people should get hormone levels checked before going on it, i was on it for 3 years and experienced watery semen that i can be sure off, Im off it 2 years now and just got my hormone levels checked and everything is fine im in the higher percentile for testosterone levels and actually its higher than 50% of 20 year olds and im 31, i recently;y started it back as im getting a transplant next month, im taking 1.25mg 3 times weekly where i i use to take 1.25mg daily, i will keep an eye on everything and plan on getting off it when breezula comes out. No doubt people have sides but the vast majority tolerate the drug fine, people who take it and are happy are not going to be on message boards for hairloss, you will only get mostly negative reviews on theses type of foums.


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You are right and it's more fair for you and for other to think this way... But if only the majority of people would think like that would make things much easier... I think everybody should share their story, experience and that's that, not every f*****g time somebody reports sides to call the Propecia sect squad to offend them and so on just because it did not happen to them.. If i see one more "it's in your head" quote or something like this i'm gonna make an allergy...

And i bet that if something would happen to one of this fanatics he would never admit it, he will try to convince himself that it's in his head and if he does not find a way around it, he will probably and most sure make a new account and start crying that he can't get it up anymore... But congrats to you for having a strong and truthful mentality, it will help you more in staying sane, instead of this incels who have derailed long ago from a sane mentality....

And your right about the ones popping on pill and after crying but from what i know 1 is enough in making changes, maybe they are allergic or maybe they have a different reaction that nobody knows about and maybe their body gets stuck somehow... Even if it's less possible, i saw a lot and i mean a lot of people reporting this after just 1 pill... Is it really placebo or it really is something wrong ? Nobody could possibly know better than them and that's a fact... And i don't think that all of them are insane, all of them had mental issues before etc ...

And this is bull sh*t anyways, in life you get through different stages, you have good day and bad days, how would it be on a bad day on if i get into a depressed state the drug to f*** me for life, because i was depressed or something else... It should be safe because you have to take it every f*****g single day, regardless of the state you are in... People drink, do drugs, are sad etc, it's bullshit to say that he had something before and that's why he got fucked...

There supposedly are PFS cases from legit 1 finasteride pill in literature, but these are extremely rare, this is nocebo at work for the vast majority. I was more talking about the kind of guy that opens threads every few day asking for finasteride experiences, always gets the yes/no responses, doubts it for 1 year, takes a pill one day, proceeds to reading 5 horror stories and claims all imaginable side effects.

It will always stay a much debated drugs (which there are many of). In the end we all agree that it sucks to not have any better drug in 2019, that's why people take the risk with fina. For many it works, for some it doesn't. That sucks, but is the way it is and has been for way too f*****g long.


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Post-Finasteride Syndrome: An Induced Delusional Disorder with the Potential of a Mass Psychogenic Illness

As yet, the condition is not recognized by the medical community

Rubbish. PFS has been studied and published in peer-reviewed medical journals, and evidence has been found to support it, so there's no need for sweeping statements like this. And PFS has been "recognized" by the company that makes the goddamn drug - Merck, who profits off the drug, now documents PFS as an adverse reaction in their prescribing info sheet.