Post-finasteride Syndrome: An Induced Delusional Disorder ...f


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Funny you mention that when your username is 'SCAREDofbalding'.
I got emotional, weak, needy and sometimes really felt like a insecure little girl.




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This is so, so insulting. Having someone tell you that physical symptoms such as dramatic bone loss are a product of your imagination is simply infuriating. I wouldn’t wish this condition on anyone.


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bone loss has never been shown to be associated with pfs
Take a look at the website of PFS i would suggest. They include ALL symptoms, including bone loss, joint pain, eye sight worsening, sleeping problems, sore throats, dry eyes, etc...
And take a look at the studies on their website, about 35, the majority in animal studies, biased PFS studies, very small sample studies and surveys.
All low grade to say the least. So u ' PFS ' sufferers go ahead and dislike all u want, doesn't change anything.


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Take a look at the website of PFS i would suggest. They include ALL symptoms, including bone loss, joint pain, eye sight worsening, sleeping problems, sore throats, dry eyes, etc...
And take a look at the studies on their website, about 35, the majority in animal studies, biased PFS studies, very small sample studies and surveys.
All low grade to say the least. So u ' PFS ' sufferers go ahead and dislike all u want, doesn't change anything.

Neither does all the useless sh*t you write here. Get a job / life.


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I once visited a transplant surgeon in a certain Asian country at a very low point. That surgeon told me "I can reverse the effects of your hair loss so far for approximately $5000. However, you will suffer from shock loss so even though when I'm losing a client right now, I advise you to start finasteride. I will not charge you for diagnosis, I will not sell you anything and you can go ahead and buy a generic type of finasteride."

Then when I asked him about the side effects he replied: "Side effects are proven to be in around 2% of patients so it's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it. In fact, I'm on finasteride and so is my oldest son with no side effects. During my entire career I have only seen western men come back to me with sides, never has an Asian man came back to me with sides. Do you know why? Because they don't care, they don't do extensive research they don't read horror stories about side effects. So just eat healthy, exercise and don't think about it and your chances of going unaffected by sides will skyrocket."

My personal experience is soft erection for roughly 2 days then nothing other than slightly increased libido. Now I'm on dutasteride and also nothing so far other than minor cramps those I think will go away eventually.


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the main problem with duta/fina is the neurosteroids inhibition and allopregnanolone deprivation (also androstenedione alteration). in my personal experience if you suffer from neurosteroids inhibition you must restor Gaba/ glutamate balance, because duta/ fina affects it. Gaba's receptor are pivotal for sexual desire.
in order to pass the brain barrier, i prefer picamilon over simple overdosing niacin


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the main problem with duta/fina is the neurosteroids inhibition and allopregnanolone deprivation (also androstenedione alteration). in my personal experience if you suffer from neurosteroids inhibition you must restor Gaba/ glutamate balance, because duta/ fina affects it. Gaba's receptor are pivotal for sexual desire.
in order to pass the brain barrier, i prefer picamilon over simple overdosing niacin
I’m sorry but could you try to explain what you just said? I’m seriously interested but I don’t have a clue what this means.


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I’m sorry but could you try to explain what you just said? I’m seriously interested but I don’t have a clue what this means.
i'm sorry, english is not my first language, I'll try to put it in another light.
Recent (and less recent) studies pointed out that the side effects that some people experienced with 5 alpha redcut inhibitor like fina/duta are due to neurosteroids deprivation (allopregnanolone, 5α-androstane-3α, 17α-diol etc). they modulates GABAA and NMAD receptors in the brain (and the adrenals and the gonads) and influence male sexual behavior through GABAAreceptors (anxiety, libido, stress, mood, sensivity to sexual odor, social isolation etc)
human body is in a delicate balance between gaba and glutamate and this balance is essential for sexual function.
if you're interested:

IF you experience this kind of deprivation symtomps, you must restore that balance
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bone loss has never been shown to be associated with pfs

Bone loss has been associated with 5-AR inhibitors.

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2015 Apr;82(4):503-8. doi: 10.1111/cen.12599. Epub 2014 Nov 4.

A population-based nested case-control study: the use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and the increased risk of osteoporosis diagnosis in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia.

5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs) are the potent androgen responsible for the development and enlargement of the prostate gland by decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This results in inhibition of the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and markedly suppresses serum dihydrotestosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy improves bone density in men with hypogonadal osteoporosis. This study explores the possible association between the use of two typical 5ARIs (finasteride and dutasteride) and the subsequent risk of osteoporosis diagnosis.

We identified 1352 osteoporosis diagnosis cases and 5387 control cases without osteoporosis diagnosis from the claims data for patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which are collected in the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Four controls were frequency matched to each case according to age (every 5 years) and diagnosis date. We measured the effect of 5ARIs and determined the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

We observed a 1·52-fold increase in osteoporosis diagnosis among patients with BPH using finasteride (95% CI, 1·01-2·30). Furthermore, a dosage analysis showed that higher doses of finasteride were associated with higher osteoporosis diagnosis risk (OR = 1·68; 95% CI, 1·01-2·81), relative to the patients not using 5ARIs.

This population-based nested case-control study suggests that the use of finasteride can increase the risk of osteoporosis diagnosis among patients with BPH. The effects were more prominent in patients using higher doses of finasteride.


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Bone loss has been associated with 5-AR inhibitors.

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2015 Apr;82(4):503-8. doi: 10.1111/cen.12599. Epub 2014 Nov 4.

A population-based nested case-control study: the use of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and the increased risk of osteoporosis diagnosis in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia.

5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs) are the potent androgen responsible for the development and enlargement of the prostate gland by decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This results in inhibition of the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and markedly suppresses serum dihydrotestosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy improves bone density in men with hypogonadal osteoporosis. This study explores the possible association between the use of two typical 5ARIs (finasteride and dutasteride) and the subsequent risk of osteoporosis diagnosis.

We identified 1352 osteoporosis diagnosis cases and 5387 control cases without osteoporosis diagnosis from the claims data for patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which are collected in the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Four controls were frequency matched to each case according to age (every 5 years) and diagnosis date. We measured the effect of 5ARIs and determined the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

We observed a 1·52-fold increase in osteoporosis diagnosis among patients with BPH using finasteride (95% CI, 1·01-2·30). Furthermore, a dosage analysis showed that higher doses of finasteride were associated with higher osteoporosis diagnosis risk (OR = 1·68; 95% CI, 1·01-2·81), relative to the patients not using 5ARIs.

This population-based nested case-control study suggests that the use of finasteride can increase the risk of osteoporosis diagnosis among patients with BPH. The effects were more prominent in patients using higher doses of finasteride.
Atleast someone who can give me some scientific material. The editorial comment alone however makes this study far less interesting:

Editorial Comment
In an aging population the incidence of osteoporosis and susceptibility to bone fracture is increasing. Although the development of osteoporosis is multifactorial in origin, testosterone and by extension dihydrotestosterone are important in skeletal maintenance. One of the benefits of testosterone supplementation therapy is improved bone density. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that agents that could decrease production of dihydrotestosterone, ie 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, could lead to an increase in the incidence of osteoporosis.

The authors examined the number of men diagnosed and classified with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) between 1998 and 2010 in the Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database (46,997 patients) and identified 1,352 men concomitantly diagnosed with osteoporosis. In men taking finasteride (33 patients) there was a 1.52-fold increase in the incidence of osteoporosis compared to controls that was dose dependent. It is noteworthy that other studies have demonstrated no increased evidence of osteoporosis in men taking either finasteride or dutasteride, and 1 study showed a decrease in the rates of hip fracture.1 The finding in this study may be partly explained by other risk factors, such as diet, smoking and alcohol consumption, which were not analyzed, as well as the small number of men (33 of 1,352) with BPH and osteoporosis. And in many nested studies confounding factors and bias (including the correct diagnosis) can be present when not controlled. What is also concerning is that inadequate doses of finasteride (1 mg) are also included in this analysis. The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis. Given that these agents have been prescribed for more than 25 years, had there been a signal it would have been evident.


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I don't know why you guys try to prove something or argue with this finasteride Fanatics, they have their own delusional mentality based on what they want to believe, they live in denial of what their brain does not want to accept... You can come with all the studies and proof in the world but if they don't believe it, it means that it does not exist, period... And by responding to their comments does nothing except feeding more of their delusional and frustrated minds... Poor dudes don't understand that we all have the same common interest and most of them are incels who spend 24/7 in their mothers basements, smoke weed 24/7 and masturbate 20 times a day browsing hair loss forums and arguing with people like they are some kind of doctors...

Check the thread where they diagnose themselves and prescribe each other cancer treatments for hair loss and talk like they are some kind of scientists, check tressless on reddit to see what a freak show is there, they take finasteride for 1 month they don't see results and after they encourage each other to switch quickly to dutasteride... Or they take minoxidil and at the first shed they dump it because it made their hair worse lmao... After they make treads analyzing celebrities hair or suicidal ideation ones ... :D

The more you answer them and feed their sick minds the more power they get and the more important they think they are... I blocked 10 right after i made this account just to be sure after lurking some time and seeing what specimens give advice around this type of forums... And they think we are all mental ill incels if hair loss bothers us all and seek some kind of treatment, they start offending and cursing people that don't follow their treatments and advice, they are really fucked up and nothing will change them or their minds because most of them need professional help, they have serious mental illnesses that hair loss only accentuated...

The problem is finastride is the only approved hairloss treatment that actually works in the long run, so unless scientists find a “cure” or a treatment as efficient as finastride with a better safety profile, people who actually care about their hair will continue using finastride, defend its use and ignore these studies. And whether we like it or not, finastride is the only line of defense a balding dude has to protect his hair.


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Lmao, as i said hahahhahaahha, the study is good, but less interesting lmao...
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.
The take home message is that at this point, while theoretical, there does not appear to be substantial evidence that long-term use of 5alpha-reductase inhibitors adversely affects the incidence of osteoporosis.


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bone loss has never been shown to be associated with pfs
Nothing has ever been ‘shown’ to be associated with PFS because (until the Baylor study is released at least) the condition has never even been scientifically confirmed itself. However we know it exists due to the sheer number of anecdotal reports. Bone loss can 100% be a product of PFS. A quick google will show you multiple accounts of it. Admittedly it seems a rarer side effect but it absolutely happens.


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no its not, don't act like this is something you know much about. sure it sounds bad but they even did a study to measure depression indicators and nothing came out of it. its not a given that the inhibition of .. is causing problems necessarily. you don't even know what a gala receptor is and what it does. its not that obvious otherwise people on dutasteride would ALL have problems not just 8%

people love doingg that, throwing out with fancy terms they don't have more than an internet like understanding about
Hey there, I was just trying to inform a guy who asked. I'm not into convincing you of anything.
If you're familiar with neurosteroids receptors, you know that Gaba deprivation affect different people differently.
Alot of people live a long and happy life with low dopamine and allopregnanolone.


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yeah lol a google search will also tell you that minoxidil can give someone Ed. its all f*****g bullshit. i once asked an urologist if finasteride can induce hypogonadism because i read it on the web. and penis shortening. he said the internet is such a sh*t place to get medical opinions. and it is.

think about hyperandrogenicity. if you google that there is no literature. its just posts from hairlosstlak and their delusional members making up an entirely new disease. its ridiculous, never trust the internet
It’s not a case of ‘trusting the internet’ because I suffer from PFS myself. I know full well these symptoms exist. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


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no its not, don't act like this is something you know much about. sure it sounds bad but they even did a study to measure depression indicators and nothing came out of it. its not a given that the inhibition of .. is causing problems necessarily. you don't even know what a gala receptor is and what it does. its not that obvious otherwise people on dutasteride would ALL have problems not just 8%

people love doingg that, throwing out with fancy terms they don't have more than an internet like understanding about

Peterson I mean no offence at all but I’m surprised you’re still giving medical advice on this forum with such confidence in what you’re saying. Do you remember this blunder?


My point isn’t to criticise you but to remind you perhaps you don’t know everything either so maybe don’t try and put down other people when you yourself didn’t realise that “morning wood” and “nocturnal erections” were the same thing?
