Well, now you have described other symptoms. Usually breast tissue itself remains, while the puffiness subsides. Being slim doesn't mean you can't have puffy nipples, but I can't say for sure what's caused it or when/if it will resolve. The same goes for ball ache.
yes i forgot to put this in there. but as much as these puffy nipples are bothering me, there are the least of my problems. ive always been very slim with a normal flat chest, no gyno or puffy nipples whatsoever. i never had gyno before or on finasteride. i honeslty dont even remember having puffy nipples on finasteride, its something ive only noticed fairly recently. maybe i simpy didnt notice it.
look man when i talk about ball ache, i mean f*****g INTENSE HORRIBLE TENDER BALL ACHE. it is not normal
Same here, and I've never taken finasteride. You're not supposed to get erections every morning, nor are you supposed to have a constantly high libido. It's variable and it's completely normal. Of course your penis is going to be soft and hard sometimes, are you expecting it to be hard all the time??
when i feel normal overall, my dick feels normal overall, a typical normal erection. when i feel awful, and my erections are soft, they feel WEIRD AS f***. like i said above about the ball ache. it is not normal
of course i dont expect to be walking around with a hard on 24/7. i am talking about when i do get hard ons, they are weird as sh*t sometimes. not a pleasant feeling
They're only whack jobs if they insist that their side effects are due to something like low testerone, get their testosterone checked, and then dismiss the validity of blood tests. I'm not saying this is your case though, but the only thing insane about these people is that they claim to know exactly what is causing their side effects. In your situation: why do you discount blood tests as a valid hormone evaluation when you say you haven't even checked other hormones like estrogen or dht. It's not the blood test's fault that you didn't get your other hormone's checked. Of course it's going to be useless when you're not even looking at the full hormonal profile. There will be a place that you can have your other hormones checked, so do so.
i discount hormones tests because of what ive read over the past year or so with pfs guys. its the same thing over and over. all these guys are getting all these tests done, some with perfect ranges, some with adnormal ranges for different things. the guys with normal ranges are still fucked up. the guys with adnormal ranges try different things to fix them but still dont get anywhere. doctors are telliing them they are fine but they are not.
This is what happened to me. before i researched any of this, i had a couple blood tests myself. the last one was a year ago. but at the time i didnt know what i was doing, i just said i felt bad after taking finasteride for a while and they ordered whatver tests they did. basic tests. each time they said my testosterone was great. like i said i had no idea what was going on back then.
they told me my horomes were fine so i accepted that. BUT i wasnt fine. only after researching pfs on the net and reading peoples stories the same thing happened to them. i went back to the doctor a few months ago to get a full hormone test, but they refused lol. and in the uk, its costs a f*****g fortune to test privately, particularly for dht. i was prepared to do this, but after reading more, especially over on swolesource, i dont see the point. they all say the same thing. the tests are useless. and those guys really understand what is going on.
i know you what to learn more about this, so do i. go over there and speak to those guys. they are very smart. i will contact cdnuts again and ask him about the blood tests but i suspect i already know what he will say.
Have you ever experienced depression before taking finasteride? I feel extreme personality changes, like a different person, when I am depressed. If you didn't feel this way before you might not know what to attribute it to. A catalyst for depression (something like death, or finasteride) will only last a short while, but the depression following it sometimes lasts much longer. Brain fog and personality changes sounds like depression, hence why people compare the two all the time.
My bias before was that PFS was real and I disliked the notion of people dismissing other people's side effects. And it is true that puffy nipples, ball ache, and depression are all symptoms you can experience on finasteride. It's when you describe a totally normal sexual function and libido and call it fucked up or different that you lose me.
If you want to narrow down what is causing this, you need to know what your hormones are like. Not just testosterone. Good luck
yes i have bouts of depression before and am generally prone to it. BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT. i wasnt just 'depressed', i was ill. it felt like i was being poisoned. i really wish i could put it better into words for you to understand but i cant. you can only understand if you experience it yourself. these personality changes were DIFFERENT. and very typical of what other pfs were getting.
i dont have a normal sexual function, i already said that. but it is getting better. most of my sides on finasteride werent sexual anyway. the ball ache only happened once i stopped taking it.
look man i wish i could argue with you better and not say things like 'fucked up', but i dont have the scientific knowledge and honestly the intelligence to do so. all i can tell you is how i feel. and how UNQUESTIONABLY SIMILAR it is to those other pfs guys. there is no doubt.