Post Finasteride Syndrome Sufferer. Contemplating Suicide.


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You are a complete f*****g idiot.

Do you know what Post Finasteride Syndrome is? Do you know how it inhibits several neurosteroids in the brain such as Allopregnanolone and THDOC and Dihydroprogesterone?

Do you know there are thousands of men suffering from severe persistent side effects that have not resolved from stopping the drug?

Are you aware of the published literature that proves Finasteride alters brain chemistry? Are you aware of the PFS studies that were done at two US universities that showed just how dangerous this drug is?

Do you know this drug can cause a complete HPTA axis shutdown down?

No you don't, because you are an uneducated moron who blindly takes Finasteride because it can help keep some hair on the top of your f*****g head not realizing you are poisoning your body in the process.

Mate, no need to be so rude and call everyone who takes finasteride uneducated morons. The fact is most people that take the drug have no permanent side effects and are just fine. Most studies I've seen show the drug it's relatively safe, with a rare occurrence of sides that go away in almost every case.

Of course messing with your endocrine system may create sides but calling it poison is ridiculous. Anabolic steroids can cause HPTA shutdown too that is easily recoverable. Is it so hard to accept that most people who take the drug are fine? Even the admin of this site who got sides from finasteride says it's his own fault for continuing to take it after he got side effects.


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What's odd about PFS is that finasteride had been in use for BPH - and at 5x the dose - for 20 years before it was prescribed for hair loss, and yet PFS only showed up after Propecia was released. Also, you don't hear about PFS from the crowd that takes if for BPH (and there's been no similar "DFS" from those on Dutasteride). Make of that what you will.

Hair loss can result in devastating mental consequences, as evident by a lot of posters on this board. I don't think it's too far fetched that people who lose their hair end up being profoundly depressed about it, which can result in a cascade effect of mental illness. Regardless, if someone is thinking about killing themselves, they probably should skip the endocrinologist and go straight to the psychiatrist.

The population of men who get BPH is not the same as the population of men who get male pattern baldness, so it's incorrect to assume that they'd get exactly the same side effects.

Your hair loss causing depression hypothesis is invalidated by the reality that nobody gets these symptoms from minoxidil, nizoral, biotin, etc. These symptoms only appear in finasteride users. So it's not a placebo effect applied to a vulnerable population. When the exact same men take minoxidil, they don't get these sides.
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Occulus is implying that fasting is crazy.

If you're not malnourished, short and intermediate term fasting (with lots of water) is perfectly fine.


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I know what it is, and I believe it exists. What I suggested was, since you seem to be having a mental health crisis, and since your previous efforts to treat it have failed, maybe you should see a shrink? Or don't - I'm sure posting on this site or fasting or taking advice from anonymous people will eventually get you out of the bind. Me? If I were suicidal, I'd probably want to see a psychiatrist.

Now you quickly change your tune after being ignorant and arrogant.


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The men who used this drug for BPH were old men in their 70's and 80's with already low Testosterone.

This drug has caused me to have suicidal thoughts for no reason.


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Dude, do you know what a logical fallacy is? Because the only arguments you've made so far - correlation and straw man - are fallacies.

Where did I say they were "crazy?" I said your advice to a suicidal person to fast is crazy, and you've provided ZERO data that suggests it would be effective in this application.

I have provided data you lying moron. On either this thread or another I linked to the intermittent fasting, where ~100 studies are discussed. I said I'm available to discuss it in greater detail if he wants.

Fasting is a plausible means to help him with his symptoms.


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Why do you keep calling me names? Have I called you names?

There are "100" studies that support the supposition that fasting cures FPS?

I'm trying to figure out why you're being so obtuse. Either you're so angry that you aren't reading what I'm posting, or you're intentionally misreading it because you can't refute it.

You have a fundamental inability to process basic information.

You're also an a**h** who told a suicidal person that his symptoms were in his head, but you didn't mean it in the brain chemistry way.

You're not worth interacting with further.


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Why do you keep calling me names? Have I called you names?

There are "100" studies that support the supposition that fasting cures FPS?

I'm trying to figure out why you're being so obtuse. Either you're so angry that you aren't reading what I'm posting, or you're intentionally misreading it because you can't refute it.

There is no cure for PFS.

It has been suggested that fasting has improved the symptoms of men suffering with this sh*t.

You are literally taking a gun to your head every time you swallow a finasteride pill.



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The men who used this drug for BPH were old men in their 70's and 80's with already low Testosterone.

This drug has caused me to have suicidal thoughts for no reason.

To get this thread back on track -- I'm sorry I gave occulus more time than he was worth - what do you plan to do next?


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i think so 13 Years and 6-7 Years Quitting, i am Unsure
My head is so forgetful, after this Drug, all Days heavy Brain Fog


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What's odd about PFS is that finasteride had been in use for BPH - and at 5x the dose - for 20 years before it was prescribed for hair loss, and yet PFS only showed up after Propecia was released. Also, you don't hear about PFS from the crowd that takes if for BPH (and there's been no similar "DFS" from those on Dutasteride). Make of that what you will.

Because no one on BPH meds are bald? That's how we learned finasteride grew hair - because bald men taking it for BPH started growing hair.

Common misconception, but not the truth. Imperato studied the human subjects and actually made two crucial observations. The lack of hair loss, acne and the small prostates.

The objective thereafter was to synthesize a drug that would have biological activity towards 5ar. So that both BPG and Androgenetic Alopecia could be treated.

Finasteride was then born. They only went for FDA approval first for the BPH indication because it is a medical indication instead of a cosmetic one like Androgenetic Alopecia.

Finasteride (5mg) for BPH was approved in 1992 and in 1997 finasteride (1mg) followed for Androgenetic Alopecia.

They didn't stumble upon finasteride for hair loss by accident, but the observations by Imperato were the crux.

Minoxidil and PGF2a analogues are compounds that have been found by accident to have hair growth promoting activity.


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Anyone taking this drug is setting themselves up for disaster, if not now, later in life. I'm currently speaking to 3 other men who were in the drug. One guy crashed after 6 years of usage, the other guy 11 years, and the other guy 15 years.

They are reporting extreme fatigue, complete erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety etc.


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None of that invalidates what I said, which is that FPS only seems to affect those who have been taking finasteride for hair loss, not those who take it - at 5x the dosage - for BPH. The population who take if for BPH is greater than that of those who take if for hair loss, so there should be a lot of them. And where is the analog FPS for Dutasteride which, again, is predominantly used for BPH.

You are pulling these statistics out of mid air and making stuff up. And it's PFS not FPS.

Go on YouTube and watch all of the countless videos of guys who have been wrecked from this stuff. And videos of actual doctors and endos saying how dangerous this drug is.

Most derms don't even prescribe it anymore.


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You are pulling these statistics out of mid air and making stuff up. And it's PFS not FPS.

Go on YouTube and watch all of the countless videos of guys who have been wrecked from this stuff. And videos of actual doctors and endos saying how dangerous this drug is.

Most derms don't even prescribe it anymore.

Yes I brought up with two doctors this year. The first said their clinic prefers minoxidil reather than finasteride. The second put me on for a month, then said stop.

In general knowledge in medicine evolves rapidly. Ten years ago the standard nutritional advice was to eat a diet high in grains. If you had type II diabetes you should take drugs to lower sugar. If you had high cholesterol you should take statins. All of these pieces of advice are now being refuted ... And in each case you could have figured it out on your own.

My PgD adviser is one of the most brilliant men I know. A while back he was told to take statins. He went over the clinical research for it himself and decided not to take them. It didn't meet his standards of science, though by now other people have caught (finally) up.

Naysayers will tell you that the people on YouTube don't matter and that you should rely on real science. The issue with that is.. there's just not a lot of real science on this issue. It's not a priority for big pharma.

ahmed wolf

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Yes I brought up with two doctors this year. The first said their clinic prefers minoxidil reather than finasteride. The second put me on for a month, then said stop.

In general knowledge in medicine evolves rapidly. Ten years ago the standard nutritional advice was to eat a diet high in grains. If you had type II diabetes you should take drugs to lower sugar. If you had high cholesterol you should take statins. All of these pieces of advice are now being refuted ... And in each case you could have figured it out on your own.

My PgD adviser is one of the most brilliant men I know. A while back he was told to take statins. He went over the clinical research for it himself and decided not to take them. It didn't meet his standards of science, though by now other people have caught (finally) up.

Naysayers will tell you that the people on YouTube don't matter and that you should rely on real science. The issue with that is.. there's just not a lot of real science on this issue. It's not a priority for big pharma.
i took finasteride for 3 days at 1.25 and got sides from day 2 i thought it was in my mind but i know its not took a blood test at 2 weeks and 4 weeks all my levels are perfect for my age even my endo Doctor envied me saying there is nothing wrong and its in my head
could it be that its in my head ?
i only got sexual sides at first then anxiety and depression because i was afraid i lost my sexuality for ever and i wont be with a woman
i am still virgen cuz of religion reasons and i am Afraid even if i get married some day it wont work
my finasteride was bad stored in a heat area could this make the drug more harmful?
hope for ur opinion cuz i read ur comments and they sound convincing

g.i joey

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My god I hate how everyone is so biased on this fkn drug, everyone always sticks to their side. Is it really that hard for someone to assess from a neuTral perspective?

This is coming from someone who's been off and on finasteride for the past almost year and a half. (Off for 1 month each time) everything always returns to normal IN MY CASE.

My conclusion, read the fkn side effect booklet, if it says depression, yes you may experience depression, if it says lower libido then yes you have a chance of experiencing this.

Now just cause it's listed doesn't mean you'll experience it, but just cause you don't does not mean anyone else won't either.. are you guys seriously that hard headed?

How are you even arguing this?

Side effects are real, pfs is real and living a happy life on the drug with no side effects is as real as the former statements.


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i took finasteride for 3 days at 1.25 and got sides from day 2 i thought it was in my mind but i know its not took a blood test at 2 weeks and 4 weeks all my levels are perfect for my age even my endo Doctor envied me saying there is nothing wrong and its in my head
could it be that its in my head ?
i only got sexual sides at first then anxiety and depression because i was afraid i lost my sexuality for ever and i wont be with a woman
i am still virgen cuz of religion reasons and i am Afraid even if i get married some day it wont work
my finasteride was bad stored in a heat area could this make the drug more harmful?
hope for ur opinion cuz i read ur comments and they sound convincing
I have no idea of storing finasteride in a hot area will do anything, I assume not. I think if you only took it for three days, you should not have sides and if you do it should be relatively straightforward to recover.

It could be in your head, I don't know you well enough to say.

Normal blood tests mean very little. I spoke to a doctor about this yesterday. The range of what "normal" is, is quite large, plus you have large variations from day to day. Also even if your testosterone is 450, it could be that you really need 600, and that your body was at 600 prior to the finasteride.

michel sapin

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ahmed bro stop your madness !!!! you took propecia for 3 days !!!!!! and you are complaining .
man you are crazy .
you haven't even reach the steady state of the drug , basically the drug did nothing to your organism .
You have lower your dht for 1 day maybe .All those sides are basically in your head .

And i know the sides of propecia i got ED and gyno after 2 years of use

ahmed wolf

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I have no idea of storing finasteride in a hot area will do anything, I assume not. I think if you only took it for three days, you should not have sides and if you do it should be relatively straightforward to recover.

It could be in your head, I don't know you well enough to say.

Normal blood tests mean very little. I spoke to a doctor about this yesterday. The range of what "normal" is, is quite large, plus you have large variations from day to day. Also even if your testosterone is 450, it could be that you really need 600, and that your body was at 600 prior to the finasteride.
i used to be a bodybuilder competitor i used anabolic steroids with no problem in pct until my last cycle that ended January 2014 that had alot of dht components like primo mast and proviron all from high grade Pharma that lead to my gair loos I should be a thousands times bold my dht sensitivity is not high
is it possible that i had high dht pre finasteride cuz the use of these drugs ?