Prime women about young bald guys


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I know there will be a lot of guys in denial or slybaldguys with advanced coping mechanism.

But it is just a bitter truth about what young girls think about us, young baldies. It is opposite from what you can read on reddit where old slick bald men console each other and obese 40+ single mother talk about "just shave it bro, I'm into it" and "confidence is a key for me".

The topic is: "Girls - does baldness put you off even if the guy is making you laugh and being quite charming?" (CONFIDENCE:laugh:)

Get a wig?
It definitely puts me off.
the only bald people i know are all old so i can't say... right now i'd say yes but that's only because i haven't met anyone around my age who was completely bald.
Sorry, but it does.
Yeah sorry to say I really love a full mane and big hair. Not really a fan of the shaved head or balding heads.
Personally I prefer guys with longer hair - just above the shoulder maybe.
Baldness would put me off. :/
white people look terrible with thinning hair, (I think because the scalp is either VERY white or Pink, due to uneven exposure to sunlight) and unfortunatly it affects the white male the most!
lol quite funny
My best friend is 22 and he's losing ALOT of hair at the front of his head, I can tell he hates it, poor guy. I think his mum said
she was thinking about getting him a hair transplant for his next birthday, lol quite funny, but if it makes him happy.....
baldness puts me off a bit as my dad is bald, and we make a big deal of it (just affectionate jokes and stuff) so I associate baldness with my father.
Thus I think I would find it weird if I was attracted to someone who is bald as it reminds me of my dad.
The key is confidence and humor after all.
Laughter doesn't make me want to have sex with someone.

It is just a first page of 5. :jump: Go ahead.


Although... thinking about it, you've got to be careful not to look like a virile homosexual (unless you are gay) like the ones that go to the gay bar down the road from mine... half of them are bald and have a small beard.
Nah... though shaved heads can sometimes be well nice. I like normalish length black hair.. like shortish at the sides and a bit more on top! Lol.


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Yeah 'confidence' as a bald guy is going to make a woman's pantys drop. Most of us here know from experience.


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and lets wait for the "well those are women you wouldnt want anyway"

to me thats like saying "my pockets are empty but thats because I havent found money I want yet"

I read a thread this morning. Im in torture myself mode.
One women started by saying how she grew into loving her bald male friend. She was lauding him with compliments and it seemed nice until I read "and hes great with my kids"...... thats just fuqing awesome. I swear just abort them if you arent staying with the guy, why put some poor bald guy through having to settle on you and deal with your last guys loads.


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and lets wait for the "well those are women you wouldnt want anyway"

to me thats like saying "my pockets are empty but thats because I havent found money I want yet"

I read a thread this morning. Im in torture myself mode.
One women started by saying how she grew into loving her bald male friend. She was lauding him with compliments and it seemed nice until I read "and hes great with my kids"...... thats just fuqing awesome. I swear just abort them if you arent staying with the guy, why put some poor bald guy through having to settle on you and deal with your last guys loads.

I don't think her kids is a factor. Its not like shes incapable of going for a guy with hair just because she has kids.


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I don't think her kids is a factor. Its not like shes incapable of going for a guy with hair just because she has kids.

yes most girls are. Unless they are super hot most good looking guys will not stay with a woman with multiple kids. They "can" go for a top level guy but that doesnt mean shes getting him, or for very long. Same as a bald guy going for a top tier girl. We can go for whomever we want to waste our time trying "go for".
I know even with my hair I never would though. Maybe for a romp but Id be damned if I would make a habit out of it and start spending money taking her AND her runts out.
My best friend just started dating a girl with 2 kids. I want to smother him with a bur-bur rug. He actually has great hair but it a bit over weight so his confidence is a bit meh.


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and lets wait for the "well those are women you wouldnt want anyway"

Please do not forget "But they are very young! When they understand the meaning of life, they will return."


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- the REAL woman is older than 35
- the REAL woman tasted good looking guys in her prime and found out how shallow they are

You may not believe this, but I have known a lady who walked a completely opposite path after 35.
She was into good, clever guys in her prime. She even married one. Receding hairline, but very smart.
Then she understood intelligence is over-rated (her words) because even smart guys can treat you like ****.
She divorced at 35 and later had two kids with a younger man (of course, NW0). I think it is the "cougar" phenomenon.


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You may not believe this, but I have known a lady who walked a completely opposite path after 35.
She was into good, clever guys in her prime. She even married one. Receding hairline, but very smart.
Then she understood intelligence is over-rated (her words) because even smart guys can treat you like ****.
She divorced at 35 and later had two kids with a younger man (of course, NW0). I think it is the "cougar" phenomenon.

I believe. Expecting that your value on dating market as bald will be somehow increased after 30 is just a coping. In these days even a 35y woman can have a young NW0 guy, but a young NW3+ with other flaws like being short or average face can count only on obese chick (at least on platonic handshake or hug if lucky).

And besides there are a lot of ex good looking guys who went bald after 30 but can handle it because of height/face/frame.


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I believe. Expecting that your value on dating market as bald will be somehow increased after 30 is just a coping. In these days even a 35y woman can have a young NW0 guy, but a young NW3+ with other flaws like shortness or average face can count only on obese chick (at least on platonic handshake or hug if lucky).

And besides there are a lot of ex good looking guys who went bald after 30 but can handle it because of height/face/frame.



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About confidence, though: I wonder how this myth was created.

I have a theory: we men have invented some BS narrative because we don't want to face the harsh harsh truth that we can't control our reproductive fate.


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About confidence, though: I wonder how this myth was created.

I have a theory: we men have invented some BS narrative because we don't want to face the harsh harsh truth that we can't control our reproductive fate.

It's just a bull**** response to make others feel better about themselves. Nobody is willing to say the TRUTH because it hurts.


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I believe. Expecting that your value on dating market as bald will be somehow increased after 30 is just a coping. In these days even a 35y woman can have a young NW0 guy, but a young NW3+ with other flaws like being short or average face can count only on obese chick (at least on platonic handshake or hug if lucky).

And besides there are a lot of ex good looking guys who went bald after 30 but can handle it because of height/face/frame.

Have you also noticed that in the "poll" you linked there are actually some responders who state that bald men, if self-confident and ****, can pull it with girls?
Practically all of those responders are... MEN! Men telling girls they should like them :laugh:


Baldness is not an attractive trait IMO and therefore I wouldn't be sexually attracted to said person

I feel mean

Signed: Sarah

A balding guy with confidence and personality will have no problems getting women.
Signed: Neil


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Have you also noticed that in the "poll" you linked there are actually some responders who state that bald men, if self-confident and ****, can pull it with girls?
Practically all of those responders are... MEN! Men telling girls they should like them :laugh:

More than that I looked into some more thread about balding on this site and in EVERY thread there was a SAME bald guy who demonstrated how balding hasn't influenced about his life and "dating" and how he easily pulls chicks while being bald :jump: This is hilarious denial.


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Most women don't find young bald men attractive? Groundbreaking stuff.


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Most women don't find young bald men attractive? Groundbreaking stuff.

It's not that, Dench. It's that this article is pretty funny. There are lots of girls who "confess" they don't like bald boys, and some boys who try to convince them they actually do.

A "Sam" even has an anthropological approach:
It's a well-known fact that there is a high percentage of women who are naturally attracted to bald guys. It's an uncontrollable, animal instinct probably due to the association of high testosterone and baldness.


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Have you also noticed that in the "poll" you linked there are actually some responders who state that bald men, if self-confident and ****, can pull it with girls?
Practically all of those responders are... MEN! Men telling girls they should like them :laugh:


Baldness is not an attractive trait IMO and therefore I wouldn't be sexually attracted to said person

I feel mean

Signed: Sarah

A balding guy with confidence and personality will have no problems getting women.
Signed: Neil

Typically the guys that say that baldness isnt an issue are guys that HAVE HAIR! LOL.

But how the hell do you drill it into their thick skulls that what theyre saying is complete fucking bullshit?