procyanidin from Apple poly


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I bought it from their own site. If I remember right they allow you to use it for 90 days and still get a refund. I had bought a 6 month supply of the capsules and topical spray. I really saw no difference after the first 3 months so I elected to return my remaining capsules and topicals and receive a refund rather than try it for the remaining 3 months.


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WAIT GUYS!!!!!! ALL OF YOU....BEFORE YOU ORDER THE STUFF (ApplePoly) which is NOT cheap...PLEASE read MY post about it...not saying it's bad or doesn't work...but i have just a FEW doubts...i've been on it for just a little bit, but am on the fence now...HERE is the thread i created (called "Applepoly...?") that no one replied to...ENJOY...and i hope this not only helps ME...but also helps YOU, too:

"Hello, hello, hello!

this is my first post and i JUST joined minutes, i started taking Apple Poly. it offers pills AND a topical. Both are 100% organic and natural and have no side's like eating a lot of apple peels...but in pill form. BUT...i am on the fence about this one. i'm both optimistic, and skeptical in regards to Apple Poly. here are reasons i have doubts: in a YouTube video that JacobHealth posted (how i learned about it), he insists that he's not getting paid by them to promote this, yet he's SO well spoken...almost as if he's a bit too rehearsed; secondly, he censors people's comments on the video (i asked why the topical is so damn messy--it really IS!!!!); to add to Jacob's deception, his Before and After pictures are not so different from each other...the change is MINIMAL if anything...but it just looks like he combed his hair differently or addition, the package you order comes with a lot of printed out bit of news (which i have not experienced thus far, and i've been taking it for three or four months now) gives you a "boost" and trims down your fat content...i have NOT seen this positive "side-effect" ;and the last discouraging thing is...i saw on some post (maybe of this site or another) that the SAME Before and After picture on the ApplePoly site is on ANOTHER site for ANOTHER supplement. but i have not seen this other site.

But why am i hopeful? because it IS natural, and on top of that...many scientific discoveries in hair loss show that Poly-phenols actually DO help (they at least prevent further hair loss); because i have seen SOME difference in the quality of my hair...i THINK...and maybe less is falling out; and because they say one must have patience. SO...i am-despite my reservations to fully support this product (YES, it IS pricey)...i STILL am hopeful. BUT once again...i'm on the fence.

SO... What do you think of--if anything--of Apple Poly?

here are some relevant links:

PLEASE let me know if you think i got ripped off...or if it might be in my head. Thanks so much, ladies and gents.




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Well, use it for another month compare to previous pictures, then if you are not satisfied try to get your money back like jocko.

Do you know someone that had success with it?


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@ Shomi:

do i know someone PERSONALLY who had success with it? there like a public AA meeting kinda thing for us? hahahahahaha! no, i don't...but the science backs it up, leaving the success up to chance for the individual, right? hm...i AM noticing results...MAYBE...i'm at the phase where it's so damn hard to tell...i could be having a good or bad hair day...any given day, you know what i mean? SO...i DO have faith in it...a little bit. i think i might just be getting imaptient. when i feel my scalp...i feel little, tiny hairs, i THINK...IF this stuff's so gradual. we shall see...thanks for your might be too late for a refund...but i need to just cool it i guess.



p.s. i just feel that this company is more shady than people believe. be warned...but optimistic.


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Did I say personally.. ? I don't think so..
You could knew someone on this board or others forums..anyway i wish you luck, and please update with your progress.