Bald Dave

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On Saturday night I went out with my cousin to this bar. When inside I noticed this couple and the girl was hot with blonde hair and a great body! The guy was short and balding! My cousin then noticed them and he knew them and I got introduced to them. They were very nice people and we pretty much spent the evening together just chatting about stuff. After many drinks later I couldn't help but wonder what the girl saw in her husband so I asked her and she said that she didn't mind that her husband was balding! Infact she rather liked it! When they first met he was balding then! I then said that I am balding too and she said 'don't worry about it, you are cute and you have a nice face'! That really made me feel good about myself and since then I have had alot more confidence! So you see bald is beautiful after all! As long as you have a good face and you keep yourself in shape then you have a chance with any women! We just need to believe in ourselves!


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good stuff, I agree.

just ignore the posts from the Misery Mob; s.a.f., IBM and Taug that are sure to follow.

Bald Dave

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Cheers mate!

I am adopting a whole new attitude when it comes to hair and the opposite sex. I am no longer gonna feel inferior to guys with hair!


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What I can't believe is that you actually asked this woman what she saw in her significant other. Did you bring up the fact that he was balding - or did she?


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i think she was being condesending,i mean if a complete ugly bastard came up to me and started moaning about how ugly he is.I would try to comfort him telling him that in fact he lookes brilliant.Never rely on what other people think,if i am happy with my hair that is all that matters not what some b**ch thinks

Bald Dave

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IBM said:
Another useless thread :?

Only to people like you who are so depressed that you're practically impotent.

Yeah good point flimflam. I bet if IBM got his hair back he would join another forum and moan about something else instead! Seriously, there are so many pessimists on this forum!

Bald Dave

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I can't blame IBM and Taug for being pessimistic! I use to be like them so I know where they are coming from! Like them I was very depressed but I started to make changes and turn my life around and things are getting better!


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Yeah, I know how they feel, because we're all in the same situation and a lot of us have been through it before.

However, constantly pissing on the parade and being relentlessly spirit-crushingly negative all the fricking time is going to get you NOWHERE and I'm personally completely sick of reading it as I feel it's somehow affecting me. Especially when you publicly share an experience (like we both have recently) and you get responses that effectively call you a liar or delusional.


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Bald Dave said:
I can't blame IBM and Taug for being pessimistic! I use to be like them so I know where they are coming from! Like them I was very depressed but I started to make changes and turn my life around and things are getting better!

You only made up your mind that you're happy. Sooner or later you'll be depressed again. I've been on the same phase as you :wink:

Bald Dave

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Bald Dave why you use toppik if BALD IS BEATIFUL for you?

Obviously I look better with hair than I do balding! Since I am a Norwood 2 I can conceal the thinning areas quite easily without anyone noticing my bald spots! But soon I will be a Norwood 3 and 4 and when that happens I will just shave it all off as the toppik will become ineffective! I am not worried when this happens because I have a cute face and women look at the face NOT the hair!


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You only made up your mind that you're happy. Sooner or later you'll be depressed again. I've been on the same phase as you

Or maybe they have got over it unlike you. Is this a case of "Im not happy" so I damn sure that everyone else isnt happy


Bald Dave said:
As long as you have a good face and you keep yourself in shape then you have a chance with any women!

Well....... :cry:

Maybe the guy was rich? I don´t know. Most people don´t tell the truth to a person they don´t know very good, particularly if they are female.

But Dave, I really like your attitude and somehow admire you. You seem to have so much confidence. You said you are being rejected all the time but nevertheless you keep on trying. This really takes balls. I would hide in a hole for weeks if I was rejected by a woman. Good Luck, one day your efforts will pay off. I am sure!!!


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Ok guys, time to shut the forum down. Bald Dave delivered proof that sexy women love bald guys. Time for me to go out and ask the first beautiful girl for a date. I will make sure to comb my hair in a fashion that shows off my balding to really attract her first.