Thanks for the good reply. I am tall and have always been skinny, with little fat. During this time I have lost 8 pounds, and have no fat anywhere else. I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption 2 years ago, and since then have been having a little trouble putting weight on. Other than that, I have been completely healthy my entire life.
I do not do any marijuana or any drugs, and generally do not drink at all. On average, over the last few years, I have averaged probably 1 drink every two weeks...very minor drinker. However, during the last 5 months I have been drinking more. I now average around 7 drinks per week or so; mostly including some type of pop (I've heard caffeine can be bad). Other than these past 5 months, I can count on one hand how many times I have had caffeine in the past few years...I cut it out completely due to the fructose malabsorption. I brought this up to the doctor as well.
The timetable goes like this, though. 5 months ago, start propecia for 5 days. Notice breast enlargement...more like fatty buildup. Quit propecia, make post. Two weeks later, the social drinking started increasing....I've only been drunk twice in the last 5 months, but the number of times i have gone out for 2-3 drinks has increased a lot. For a month after this, things improved. Had testosterone tested while things were better...testosterone and free testosterone actually increased. Estradiol was relatively high, but not out of the reference range. Free Testosterone was still at the lower end of the range. Testosterone was great.
Then, during the last 3 months, things are worse. I have been off propecia for nearly 5 months now. It feels like things are still growing in my breast area. The mass is about 2-3 fingers wide, and from my armpit down to about 2 inches from my nipple..and a little outward towards the center of my nipple. My right breast seems worse than my left. The area affected is the same, though. I feel no bump or hard spot underneath the nipples on either side. It seems worse at night, than during the morning. I also have headaches, often times at night. Some mornings, I wake up, and things seem much better.
EDIT: also, I noticed that my nipples were slightly enlarged on seemed like. This went away within a week of stopping finasteride and has not returned. The nipples are the same, they are just pushed forward from the increase in fat, tissue, or whatever has happened.
- - - Updated - - -
Here is a picture taken a month ago. Things are slightly worse now. I wish I had a baseline photo, but I had always had an extremely flat chest. No weightlifting, weight gain, or anything else happened during this period. The change happened in 5 days, appears to get better, and then has progressively gotten worse. I do not feel tenderness/pain all day, but rather mostly at night. Photos appear much worse when I lay down on my side, or bend over a bit. Upon feeling the area in person, the doctor requested immediate tests done and believed it was potentially gynecomastia or some fibrocystic cysts/lumps.
The highlighted area shows where I feel what may be better described as a rubbery mass underneath my skin...I do not feel this underneath or around my nipples in the parts not highlighted. Possibly a small amount over the top of my breast, but not of the same type of mass as the area highlighted. I run a lot, and noticed a large change in how much my breasts bounce while running....from almost non existant to quite a bit...I had to change running shirts actually. In the large photo, you can see the outward appearance starting to form...this has been getting worse. My chest was extremely flat, and I had two people comment on a slight difference in appearance already, but it's not super noticeable yet.
I am hopeful that this is in the beginning stages and may be able to stopped and hopefully reversed a little without surgery. Could things like drinking and normal work stress be affecting this? I'm not talking about long term effects, but rather daily issues...I feel like my breasts are worse at night, and after drinking anything, and also while I undergo any mild stress. They seem better in the morning. Edit: Note that these photos were first thing in the morning. I was going to do a comparison that day of morning/night.