Propecia does not work on the temples !


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Last Christmas at the family get together everyone that has not seen me for a year made comments about the bald spot on the top of my head. So a month later I went on Propecia.

Now the bald spot on the top of my hear is pretty much gone and looks like normal hair now. However the front temple has been receeding really slowly. I figured the Propecia would kick in but no luck. The last month I have had a huge shed and 50% of the hair at the front of my head has gone.

I bit the bullet and went to a place in Perth called Image 21. They spent an hour with me explaining hair loss etc. They said Propecia only very rarely works for people with frontal hair loss. They recommend minoxidil. The consultation was free and now going to start applying minoxidil to the front and see how I go.

The point is lots of reading I have done mentions Propecia commonly works on the front. Now I am a little skeptical as this Image21 lady certainly knew what she was talking about and deals with hair loss every day.

So has anyone else had much luck with Propecia on the front temple area? What are your thoughts ! ?


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If you do your research or read the box you'll find that minoxidil "doesnt work" on the temples either..


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Justlooking said:
If you do your research or read the box you'll find that minoxidil "doesnt work" on the temples either..

I've had far more success with Minoxidil on my temples, than Finasteride. In fact, it's working a little too good. I'm now almost afraid to allow my hairline to enlarge too much. :) I believe everyone is different though.


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for me when i used minoxidil on my temples the hair completeley grew back but couldnt be bothered using minoxidil twice a day or even once a day it sucks ***


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you would think in the year 2005 they would have something better for hairloss then minoxidil ..i think there is a cure for baldness but they only give us minoxidil and propecia to keep getting our money ..because as you know once you stop using minoxidil or propecia your hair starts falling out again you gotta keep paying for the rest of your life


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
you would think in the year 2005 they would have something better for hairloss then minoxidil ..i think there is a cure for baldness but they only give us minoxidil and propecia to keep getting our money ..because as you know once you stop using minoxidil or propecia your hair starts falling out again you gotta keep paying for the rest of your life

Any improvement in hair presupposes a change in routine. A PERMANENT change in routine- especially when talking about male pattern baldness. You want a "single application" solution to the problem? Be realistic.


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
for me when i used minoxidil on my temples the hair completeley grew back but couldnt be bothered using minoxidil twice a day or even once a day it sucks ***

You regrew all your hair back but then you got bored of applying minoxidil, even once a day and you stopped. Right? :roll:


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no i regrew hair in the temple area


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it only regrew hair in the temple area and no where else it wasnt worth it for me to use twice a day man its so f***** annoying after a while now i just use finasteride and nizoral everyday on my shaved head and sit here waiting for genetic enginering to come up with some kind of cure ,which im guessing should be availadble within 5 years ..untill then i just want to stop or slow my hairloss and keep my head shaved (not with a razor) ive said this before i think im lucky because some guys actually look ok with a shaved head ,and i think im one of them,but saying that i would rather have a full head of hair ,i think any man would but f**** if im gonna use minoxidil anymore man it seems prehistoric to me now..


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and you know what else minoxidil seems to only grow fluff and also it seems to darken your hair only ..i remember using minoxidil in the morning and then my hair did look thick but then at night after having a shower and drying my hair it looked thin again almost like minoxidil was just hiding the baldness.. weird


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
you would think in the year 2005 they would have something better for hairloss then minoxidil ..i think there is a cure for baldness but they only give us minoxidil and propecia to keep getting our money ..because as you know once you stop using minoxidil or propecia your hair starts falling out again you gotta keep paying for the rest of your life

I agree applying minoxidil twice daily sucks @ss. Fitting it into a busy schedule can be a huge pain. Not to mention is can be itchy, oily, and makes your hair look funny. :) Of course, some of the problems associated with minoxidil application are a lot easier to solve than others.


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joseph49853 said:
I agree applying minoxidil twice daily sucks @ss. Fitting it into a busy schedule can be a huge pain. Not to mention is can be itchy, oily, and makes your hair look funny. :) Of course, some of the problems associated with minoxidil application are a lot easier to solve than others.

I would have agreed with this for the first year of my regime when I used Rogaine.

Swapping to Dr Lees standard minoxidil was the best thing I ever did (hair loss wise!)

Dr Lees stuff is non-greasy, non oily, has less PPG to help those who get scalp irritation, it is touch dry in 10-15 minutes and does not leave your hair weighed down like Rogaine, you can use this stuff get dressed, brush your hair and leave your prison cell 15 minutes later and non of the guards would ever know, unlike Rogaine.

I would encourage everyone who is thinking of giving up Rogaine because of irritation or because it is a pain in the *** to use, to try Dr Lees stuff for just once month.


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I am using brand name Regaine and I might eventually get tired of the time it needs to dry.

At the moment(1 month in), I am quite busy looking at the new growth on my temples. And it feels great.


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radio that sounds half decent might have to give it a you recomend xandrox 15 if rogaine hasnt done sh*t for you in the past?? because id use that once a day sounds pretty good ..what do you think?? and does it have major side effects ??


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Radio said:
joseph49853 said:
I agree applying minoxidil twice daily sucks @ss. Fitting it into a busy schedule can be a huge pain. Not to mention is can be itchy, oily, and makes your hair look funny. :) Of course, some of the problems associated with minoxidil application are a lot easier to solve than others.

I would have agreed with this for the first year of my regime when I used Rogaine.

Swapping to Dr Lees standard minoxidil was the best thing I ever did (hair loss wise!)

Dr Lees stuff is non-greasy, non oily, has less PPG to help those who get scalp irritation, it is touch dry in 10-15 minutes and does not leave your hair weighed down like Rogaine, you can use this stuff get dressed, brush your hair and leave your prison cell 15 minutes later and non of the guards would ever know, unlike Rogaine.

I would encourage everyone who is thinking of giving up Rogaine because of irritation or because it is a pain in the *** to use, to try Dr Lees stuff for just once month.

I'm using generic minoxidil from Safeway -- drugstore here in the US -- that's dries super quick, is fairly non-greasy and inexpensive; it also has been super effective.

I've always had a fairly dry scalp, so it took a little time getting used to the sensation of any minoxidil residue. Although, the problem of irritation was completely solved by washing my hair only every other day, and by my beginning to use conditioner. I'll also leave the conditioner in my hair for a while before rinsing. Even if the conditioner does possibly impede absorption, I'd rather that than the incessant itching. :)

Although, finding the time to apply minoxidil twice daily is still such a problem, I've resigned myself to limiting the application to once daily.


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and do you have to alternate with another 5% minoxidil aswell thats so crap man ..cant you just use the 15 once a day and thats it??


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
do you recomend xandrox 15 if rogaine hasnt done $#iT for you in the past?

I use Xandrox 15 at the moment, I am getting a number of dark terminal hairs since starting Xandrox 15 (around 6 months ago) but this may be the result of 2 years on finasteride and normal minoxidil, who knows, maybe it is worth a try for you ?

I use Xandrox 15 at night time only (as recommended) and Xandrox 5 in the morning, if I need to go out somewhere (I work from home) I will use plain old Dr Lees Standard (quick drying) minoxidil.

Xandrox 15 is like rogaine and never realy dries

Xandrox 5 is not as bad as rogaine, but is still slow drying

Dr Lees Standard minxodil is fast drying.

..what do you think?? and does it have major side effects ??

Xandroxs side effects are probably similar to any minoxidils side effects. I have never had side effects from any minoxidil except a little irritation form Rogaine which went away with continued use.

If you are going to use minoxidil once a day maybe Xandrox 15 at night is a good idea.

Have a look here for fantastic results from a once a day only regimen.

clicky click ---> ... 17&start=0


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so you reckon xandrox 15% once a day at night with my current regime would be ok ?? beause i really dont want to use 5 % in the am and then 15 % in the pm once a day would be easier..


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KiLLuMiNaTi said:
so you reckon xandrox 15% once a day at night with my current regime would be ok ?? beause i really dont want to use 5 % in the am and then 15 % in the pm once a day would be easier..

Have a look here for fantastic results from a once a day only regimen.

clicky click ---> ... 17&start=0

I think you should order a bottle of Dr Lees standard minoxidil just to try out as something to use in the morning, it really is that much better than Rogaine or Kirkland, it will show you how much of a pain Rogaine really is to apply, you will be suprised !!

Go on, just one bottle, I think it will cost something like $15.

If you are stuck on a once a day application then Xandrox 15 at night would be a good move.