redbone said:
Doctors will think your a fool if you mention all that about sexual sides to them.
Doctors WILL think you are a fool, since most of them don't even know how bad the side effects can be. I asked one doctor (Aaron Stone) online about long-term impotence from Propecia, and he told me that Propecia doesn't cause impotence, even while you are on the drug. I then referred him to the Merck literature that says that impotence was a documented side effect in the clinical trials. He then admitted that he had been wrong. This guy is a famous hair transplant doctor who prescribes Propecia to most of his patients most likely, and he doesn't even know all of the DOCUMENTED side effects. Hell, he doesn't even know the MOST COMMON side effects, since impotence, along with loss of libido and decreased volume of ejaculate, is one of the three most common reported side effects from Propecia.
redbone said:
It is not the evil demon that folks here make it out to be or it would not be legal.
Right. Because potentially dangerous drugs are always illegal, otherwise the FDA would take them off the market. Ok. I agree with your black-and-white assessment of this complex situation.
Propecia probably is safe for most people, but not everyone. The doctor I go to now (Eugene Shippen) has treated over 20 men with long-term sexual side effects from Propecia. He thinks this is a bigger problem than anyone is willing to admit, and estimates that it happens to one person in a thousand or ten thousand. That's a really small percentage, but some people will try telling you that long-term damage from finasteride is impossible and that anyone with long-term problems is just "imagining" them.
Of course, the few people who do have long-term side effects, aside from being called hypochondriacs and liars by plenty of other folks who have no idea what these "side effects" are like, will never be taken seriously by most doctors, Merck, or the FDA. I can't even get a doctor to file an adverse side effect report with Merck and the FDA for me. Even Shippen told me he doesn't want to do it, and he's one of the few doctors who takes my complaints seriously. No wonder Merck denies the possibility of long-term side effects from Propecia - the men with these problems can't even convince their doctors (most of whom know little about Propecia and don't believe the men with long-term problems anyway) to file a friggin report. Plausible deniability. Even Dr. Lee says he thinks Merck knows more than they are willing to reveal.
redbone said:
People under 25 need to make considerations though
People of all ages need to make consideration. Older guys can have a bad reaction to the drug too. I've read posts from guys with the same situation as myself who were in their thirties or forties when they took the drug.
redbone said:
Try it. You might like it.
Or you might be a eunuch for the rest of your life. When did it become such a huge f*****g crime to be concerned about the potential health complications of putting a foreign substance in your body? I'm sick of this "just give it a try" bullshit. If you want to take Propecia, go ahead. I really don't care. But don't put people down just because they are nervous about potentially f*****g up their bodies - maybe even for years after getting off of the damn drug.
Anyhow, that's my tirade. And it's the last time I'm going to do it. I'm finished arguing with people about Propecia and trying to convince them that it is potentially DANGEROUS for SOME PEOPLE. So you guys can go back to sticking your heads in the ground, pretending that those of us with long-term problems from the drug are idiots and liars, and popping powerful hormone-altering pills like they are f*****g candy. These conversations go absolutely nowhere.
I'm no longer interested in sharing my experience with people, and I'm sure there are plenty of you who are glad that I won't be doing so. If you guys don't wind up like me (and you probably won't), good for you. If you are, however, among the unfortunate few who DO wind up like me, then oh well. Sucks to be you. I wash my hands of it. Blame all the people on here who tell you that Propecia is 100% absolutely safe, not me.