Propecia don't believe the hype-


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Do Don Dont Dont Dont ZZZZZZZPppppppp ejjjjjjjjjj ZZzzzzz[[[[ eeeefffffthhepppp. Believe the hype the sh*t is cool and dont be a fool it makes your hair grow like me giant afro, your dick wont care if got great hair oh Wakkkkka ZZZZZZzzzzzipppppppppppp.

That is my new rap song to Propecia- Dont believe the friggin hype Doctors will think your a fool if you mention all that about sexual sides to them. It is not the evil demon that folks here make it out to be or it would not be legal. It gets more negative publicity here than Crack, steroids or XTC. Try it you might like it.

Quoted from the Pharamcology encylclopedia " The number 1 medication perscribed for male pattern baldness." 5 million patients can't be wrong.

People under 25 need to make considerations though, and consult there doctor.


Im sick of guys complaining about big bad propecia and theyve never even tried the damm thing.

hair mchair

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redbone said:
Doctors will think your a fool if you mention all that about sexual sides to them.

Doctors WILL think you are a fool, since most of them don't even know how bad the side effects can be. I asked one doctor (Aaron Stone) online about long-term impotence from Propecia, and he told me that Propecia doesn't cause impotence, even while you are on the drug. I then referred him to the Merck literature that says that impotence was a documented side effect in the clinical trials. He then admitted that he had been wrong. This guy is a famous hair transplant doctor who prescribes Propecia to most of his patients most likely, and he doesn't even know all of the DOCUMENTED side effects. Hell, he doesn't even know the MOST COMMON side effects, since impotence, along with loss of libido and decreased volume of ejaculate, is one of the three most common reported side effects from Propecia.

redbone said:
It is not the evil demon that folks here make it out to be or it would not be legal.

Right. Because potentially dangerous drugs are always illegal, otherwise the FDA would take them off the market. Ok. I agree with your black-and-white assessment of this complex situation.

Propecia probably is safe for most people, but not everyone. The doctor I go to now (Eugene Shippen) has treated over 20 men with long-term sexual side effects from Propecia. He thinks this is a bigger problem than anyone is willing to admit, and estimates that it happens to one person in a thousand or ten thousand. That's a really small percentage, but some people will try telling you that long-term damage from finasteride is impossible and that anyone with long-term problems is just "imagining" them.

Of course, the few people who do have long-term side effects, aside from being called hypochondriacs and liars by plenty of other folks who have no idea what these "side effects" are like, will never be taken seriously by most doctors, Merck, or the FDA. I can't even get a doctor to file an adverse side effect report with Merck and the FDA for me. Even Shippen told me he doesn't want to do it, and he's one of the few doctors who takes my complaints seriously. No wonder Merck denies the possibility of long-term side effects from Propecia - the men with these problems can't even convince their doctors (most of whom know little about Propecia and don't believe the men with long-term problems anyway) to file a friggin report. Plausible deniability. Even Dr. Lee says he thinks Merck knows more than they are willing to reveal.

redbone said:
People under 25 need to make considerations though
People of all ages need to make consideration. Older guys can have a bad reaction to the drug too. I've read posts from guys with the same situation as myself who were in their thirties or forties when they took the drug.

redbone said:
Try it. You might like it.
Or you might be a eunuch for the rest of your life. When did it become such a huge f*****g crime to be concerned about the potential health complications of putting a foreign substance in your body? I'm sick of this "just give it a try" bullshit. If you want to take Propecia, go ahead. I really don't care. But don't put people down just because they are nervous about potentially f*****g up their bodies - maybe even for years after getting off of the damn drug.

Anyhow, that's my tirade. And it's the last time I'm going to do it. I'm finished arguing with people about Propecia and trying to convince them that it is potentially DANGEROUS for SOME PEOPLE. So you guys can go back to sticking your heads in the ground, pretending that those of us with long-term problems from the drug are idiots and liars, and popping powerful hormone-altering pills like they are f*****g candy. These conversations go absolutely nowhere.

I'm no longer interested in sharing my experience with people, and I'm sure there are plenty of you who are glad that I won't be doing so. If you guys don't wind up like me (and you probably won't), good for you. If you are, however, among the unfortunate few who DO wind up like me, then oh well. Sucks to be you. I wash my hands of it. Blame all the people on here who tell you that Propecia is 100% absolutely safe, not me.


even after a binge (50-60 propecia tablets in one session) I can still 'crack one off' no problems there, although I have got very hairy elbows/knees now, is this in anyway connected? :freaked:

my regime

jazz mags (2x daily)
5 bum onions (suppository bulb vegatable)


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Hey hair, its all good. Dont let people bring you down with their smart *** comments, they're just messing with you.

I for one believe you, when you say that Propecia caused you your problems. I am frtunate enough that (so far?) I have not had any problems that I couldnt take (pain in the testicles).

I think that your input here is valid and that some guys really take what you have to say into account when making a decision to try finasteride. Anyone who doesnt believe that a hormone changing drug can cause severe problems has their head up their *** and probably deserves to have their penis fall off.

best of luck and never let em see ya sweat.


I think that your input here is valid and that some guys really take what you have to say into account when making a decision to try finasteride. Anyone who doesnt believe that a hormone changing drug can cause severe problems has their head up their *** and probably deserves to have their penis fall off.

I agree, i just find it interesting how so many guys are now convinced that propecia (which they have never taken 1 day in their life) will ONLY make them impotent for life.

I dont doubt for ONE second that Peopecia can for a very, very, very small minority (Hair Mchair) have lasting implications. And im NOT talking about just general low libido stuff, the supposed 2% figure that Merck `pulled out of hat`.

When it comes down to it, people are free to make their minds up but for the majority of people on Propecia who DONT GET SIDES it is a major, major weapon in their arsenel.


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You better keep in contact with me hair. I'm going through the same thing your going through, I know its real.

The Gardener

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I'm reluctant to try it. And not necessarily because of the possible sides, but really because I just plain have an innate hesitancy to taking ANYTHING. I don't take aspirin unless I have a TERRIBLE headache, and just like to not mess around with chemicals in my body unless I have to. Especially when it comes to hormones. DHT is a crucial component of masculine hormones, and although preventing DHT synthesis is great for saving hair and your prostate I refuse to believe that these are the only two processes in the human male body that are affected by DHT's absence, and in a positive way no less. I mean, come on here, the sh*t can cause birth defects in children if a preggo woman handles it? We aren't talking tic tacs here, it is a powerful chemical. I prefer to have a generation or so take this first and see the long term sides before I would be comfortable with it myself. I know the topicals that I take have chemicals in them as well, but I am just more comfortable with the topicals, so stop giving us propecia pussies such a hard time!


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So when are propecia's side effects supposed to kick in if you're susceptible? I've been on for 10 days now without any problems. Am I free and clear?

The Gardener

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Yep... you are free and clear. Of sperm that is.


Just kidding around. You sound like you aren't having any side effects, but knock on wood! I'd hate to have my dick break right at the big moment!


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I feel bad for the guys who got sides from propecia, but you are probably one in 10,000 or so. People die from taking and anspirin or from Ephedrine when millions of others are doing the same. The few that it happens to make the loudest noise- don't deprive some balding fellow medication that could very well help them.

Hair and Trilodon I feel your pain every time I read your posts but you are a very small percentage as I said aspirin kills a small percentage of people as do bee stings.

No doctor or even the FDA has labeled Finasteride as the evil demon it is portrayed as here. I would say 90% of patients take it and walk away happy.

It is not right to scare someone into thinking it is not a viable treatment option for them. For god sake if you took a survey on this board I bet 30% of the people would agree to try Propecia and the other 70% are to afraid from the propaganda against it.

First time I asked my Doctor about it he told me it was for male pattern baldness and asked if I wanted a perscription. He is a medical professional and is obligated to tell me if the medicine is as volitile as everybody says. In the same respect he would not perscribe vicadin or any other perscription pain reliver on principal. He was confidendt in fina as a safe medication.

Further updates pending.

The Gardener

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I know... Propecia is a fine medication and I might very well take it up. I'm going to stick with my current regimen, see what shakes, and reevaluate later. This way I always know I have Propecia and/or Xandrox in my hip pocket if things don't pan out now. I just don't think a Norwood 1 is worth having a Nowood 10. :freaked:


I am with redbone on this one.

1 year (2000) propecia no side effects.

2 months (10/03-11/03) proscar no side effects.

If you seriousy are concerned about your hormonal balance you will want to look at environmental chemicals in your food, water and air - heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, plastics and many other poisons that mimic estrogen once they enter your body, so if propecia is off the menu you will also want to avoid foods stored in plastics, especially liquids and wet foods in contact with the plastic, foods stored in tin, which will also supply you with estrogen-like hormones - a result of a chemical reaction over a period of time between the tin and the plastic inner lining, fruit and vegatables intensivly farmed (translation 'most fruit') with their waxes/pesticides and accumilated polutants, foods making heavy use of colours, flavours, emulsifiers, binders etc etc, these unwanted cumulative chemical additions are believed to have dire consequences within our bodies, adding a synthetic steroidal hormone which directly interferes with the normal function of our Endocrine System, propecia is not even in the same league as the sh*t we pour down our necks each and every day like the coke that causes the pancreas to respond with hormones like insulin and glucogen to a level that not only our body cannot handle but doesn't even recognise!!!

propecia is not good for you per say, compared to a general western diet it is a vitamin.



my regime



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redbone said:
I feel bad for the guys who got sides from propecia, but you are probably one in 10,000 or so. People die from taking and anspirin or from Ephedrine when millions of others are doing the same. The few that it happens to make the loudest noise- don't deprive some balding fellow medication that could very well help them.

Hair and Trilodon I feel your pain every time I read your posts but you are a very small percentage as I said aspirin kills a small percentage of people as do bee stings.

No doctor or even the FDA has labeled Finasteride as the evil demon it is portrayed as here. I would say 90% of patients take it and walk away happy.

It is not right to scare someone into thinking it is not a viable treatment option for them. For god sake if you took a survey on this board I bet 30% of the people would agree to try Propecia and the other 70% are to afraid from the propaganda against it.

First time I asked my Doctor about it he told me it was for male pattern baldness and asked if I wanted a perscription. He is a medical professional and is obligated to tell me if the medicine is as volitile as everybody says. In the same respect he would not perscribe vicadin or any other perscription pain reliver on principal. He was confidendt in fina as a safe medication.

Further updates pending.

In gerneral, doctors know very little when it comes to certain drugs. Example: I asked my doctor for Propecia and he told me he found it to be pretty lame at saving hair but still prescribed it.

A few weeks later, I wanted him to fill out a some forms so I could have a blod tst done. He had no idea why I would want a blood test done for the effects of Propecia on my body. He didnt even know what hormones the drug effectd. He ended the visit by telling me I actually new more than he did regarding the drug.

The moral of that story is: dont believe your doctor will care more or know more about your health than you should.


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I cant believe this, your doctor is an incompatent fool and must have a shitload of mal practice insurance. I know one thing in this day and age they very well better know what the hell there perscribing or they will be sued for millions. A doctors job is to cure sick people not to make hundreds of thousands of dollars- if they don't take that serious they will eventually go down.

I will agree thoguh that they are protected enough by insurance to make some bonehead decisions. Although in contemporary american society that practice wont go to far without recession.


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redbone said:
I cant believe this, your doctor is an incompatent fool and must have a shitload of mal practice insurance. I know one thing in this day and age they very well better know what the hell there perscribing or they will be sued for millions. A doctors job is to cure sick people not to make hundreds of thousands of dollars- if they don't take that serious they will eventually go down.

I will agree thoguh that they are protected enough by insurance to make some bonehead decisions. Although in contemporary american society that practice wont go to far without recession.

Yeah but propecia wont kill you in this regard. The point was that not all doctors know all the answer, nor do they supply us with enough information on some things that they prescribe. Its pretty much up to us to find the answers or ask the right questions.


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99% of doctors know little more than the crash course in medicine they were given in med school 15 years ago, and haven't cracked open a medical book since. They keep hours that would make a banker ashamed, and they give attitudes that would make Simon from American Idol look like an angel.

Walk into your doctor with paperwork and a chip on your shoulder, politely decree what you are there for, and ask them if they will comply. If not, simpy leave and go somewhere else.

At this point in the game, I simply write up notes and fax them to the doctor with all of the information regarding my current issue, and what I would like from them, whether it be a blood test, or a prescription for a drug. I have found that this is 1,000 times more effective than calling their nurse, waiting 48 hours for a call back in the first place, then having to schedule an appointment for a week from then just because they're "booked" during their bankers hours. Then you get to wait a week to get 5 mins from them, where they pretty much ignore everything you say anyways and you walk out of there with 20% of what you wanted when you came in.

Faxing them actually catches their attention more, allows you to script out your desires in a more intelligent and "to the point" fashion, and you actually get more time with them via that piece of paper than you would in person sometimes.

They will then call you in because by law they must see you in order to prescribe, but its a piece of cake at that point.

You can learn more about any condition than any doctor knows about it by simply spending a half hour on the internet, on a reputable medical site, reading up on it.

You can learn MOUNTAINS more by finding forums for those health conditions and reading people's personal experiences.


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tynanW said:
I am with redbone on this one.

propecia is not good for you per say, compared to a general western diet it is a vitamin.



my regime


I agree that the SOME of the food we eat is processed sh*t, but I cant believe you think that food is worse than Propecia.

It all starts with choices. What do you eat? I dont buy canned food. I dont eat junk food. I stay away from processed food. I eat meat but pay more for better quality stuff. You can buy food from places that you know arent dosed with pesticides. I dont think that there is much that I injest that is loaded with the poisons you mentioned.

Maybe food wrapped in plastic might make me impotent in a thousend years of exposure but Propecia is a pill that has a direct, immediate action. I believe we still dont know what all the consequences of those actions are and I believe that there are slightly more men having various problems with finasteride than what is currently accepted as fact.

Im not a Propecia basher, as I take the drug myself but I would never say I feel safer taking it than eating a cheese burger. I dont think one is worse or better than the other.