propecia versus proscar


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silkeysmooth said:
Also, i think people are worried about the variation in the dosage when cutting the pills up. I know ive been worried about that, thats one of the reasons i havent switched.

read my horrendous post before (the 6th one on the second page)!


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silkeysmooth said:
I understand though, that the pills are odd-shaped, so that cutting them evenly is difficult. How do you do that Cassin, and how essential do you guys think it is to get the exact 1mg dose?
Well, Cassin seems to be doing alright hormonal-wise, or i think we'd be calling him Cassie instead.


Well I used to cut them into 1/5ths. I was so careful I cut with surgical skill and always used a sharp razor blade. Now........

I hack away with a fillet knife or whatever else is handy into " close to 1/4ths." Sometimes I may get .80 MG.....maybe 1.50MG...Who knows. Doing something right though.....I halted hairloss so I guess it doesn't matter.

And it's Mr Cassin.


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I also feel there is somewhat of a 'placebo effect'.. a brand name tends to make people smile a lot more

I can fully understand the peace of mind of having a brand name, it's the reason I initially ordered rogaine instead of generic minoxidil. But once you realize that proscar and propecia are chemically identical I just don't see where the mental barrier lies.


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how do you cut these into 4/5 peices? the tablets are tiny!

I cut my proscar tabs into 1/8ths!! That gives approximately 0.6mg per dose. I cut it all using a pill cutter, it definately is NOT very precise and as i've said in a previous post, I reckon my doses vary between 0.4mg and 0.8mg. I hope it doesn't affect things too much, but I have no idea how else to do it.

The reason I take these doses is to try and cut down on side-effects which I had when cutting the pill into 5ths for 1mg doses.

I hope it doesn't affect things too much - I am interested to hear from Bryan as to whether this would be detrimental to my treatment

At some point I will get a razor blade (when I've found where I can get one) to try and cut it more accurately. Once I've finished this pack of proscar I am actually quite tempted to buy propecia and cut the tablets in half for 0.5mg doses jsut for ease and accuracy.

I have read plenty of times that a 0.5mg does eliminates virtually as much DHT as a larger dose