They don't mention anything about Propecia's effect on neurohormones, nor do they mention that it decreases the free testosterone level in every single person that's using the drug. Some people have evidence which proves that Propecia induced a complex case of secondary hypogonadism. Moreover, possible side effects like depression and permanent erectile dysfunction were added recently, a long time after the drug first was approved. Another interesting change, is that you're now supposed to contact your doctor immediately, if you notice any signs of gynecomastia - and that's because estrogen dominance will induce hypogonadism. Those who took the drug after the information was added will have a very hard case, but for people like me - it's different. The side effects were supposed to subside when I stopped the treatment, but they didn't.
I believe that I'm very close to solving the problem, and I know exactly how to bring Merck down.
I believe that I'm very close to solving the problem, and I know exactly how to bring Merck down.